Today we have to find out how to choose a smartphone for a child. This question begins to concern many parents almost from the very birth of the baby. The wrong choice will either make you spend extra money on correcting the mistake, or will not bring joy and pleasure to the child. Sometimes it can even affect the self-esteem of the baby. So let's try to learn some rules that can help us in choosing a gadget.

Firstly, it is worth starting with the fact that smartphones are now different. And in terms of their functionality, they are suitable for children of various ages. Therefore, if you are thinking about which smartphone is better to take for a child, you will have to take into account his age. Maybe the phone is not needed yet.
As a rule, now these gadgets are given to children almost from birth. And this fact is not very happy - the kids become dependent on technology. And with age, choosing a decent smartphone for a child of 7, 10 and so on will be more and more difficult. In principle, the ideal age for buying such equipment is 7 years old, that is, just in time for the period when the baby goes toschool. Rather, it is now a necessity, not a desire. Before the child is better not to buy a phone.
In addition to age, you will also have to take into account the personal characteristics of your baby. Some may think that this is completely unnecessary. But in reality it doesn't work that way. After all, the inclinations of the child can cause addiction to the gadget. And then it will be very difficult to study. Do you need problems with this?

If you want to understand what is the best smartphone to buy for a child of 7 years old, then try to give the kid an installation: the purchased equipment is needed in order to call and contact parents and relatives if necessary. This is an important gadget, and it is unsuitable for games in the same way as for entertainment. If you notice that by the age of 7 a child begins to become addicted to any gadgets, then you will have to be strict and pay attention to the most primitive models. It would be better for the first time to buy not a smartphone at all, but an ordinary push-button phone of absolutely any model. For a while, you will be spared the question of which smartphone is best for a child. But still not for long.
Quite an important point to buy is the size of the model. To be honest, modern smartphones, which are five times larger than the size of a hand, are not particularly suitable for a child. Such equipment will not "live" for a long time, which means that it is better to refrain from such a purchase.
It is worth choosing a model based on the size of your child's hands. In principle, you can buy any smartphone with a diagonal of 3-4 inches. This will be quite enough to be able to watch movies and make an urgent call. True, often parents prefer to pamper their children with large, "adult" smartphones. And this is not entirely correct. Pay attention to "Nokia Lumiya 620". This is a very good model that will save you from thinking about which smartphone for a child of 10 years old, for example, is the most suitable.
Operating system
The operating system of the phone also plays an important role now. From about the age of six, a modern child is extremely well versed in gadgets. And that is why he is able to understand whether the operating system is suitable for certain games and other entertainment or not.

The most common scenario is, of course, a smartphone for a child based on "Android". This will help to avoid many problems with the installation and operation of some games and applications. If you have a very small child, then you really have to give preference to Android. On this operating system, you can run an incredible number of games that are so interesting to kids. But older people can be offered a smartphone based on Windows Background. Such models are distinguished by their versatility and usefulness. True, there are not so many games for this system at the moment. But maybe it's for the best.
Smartphone fora child 10 years and older is needed not only for entertainment. The thing is that schoolchildren now use this gadget also for study. And this factor should definitely be taken into account. After all, in the case of insufficient functionality of the smartphone, it simply loses its relevance. You will either have to give your child your phone, or buy him a new, more advanced and multifunctional one.
The best smartphones for schoolchildren must have a calculator, an alarm clock, Internet access (preferably with a Wi-Fi connection), as well as the ability to transfer data via Bluetooth. This is what will help the student in the classroom. In addition, a good smartphone now must have a camera without fail. And the better it is, the more universal the model is considered. Which specific smartphone to choose here? It is very difficult to resolve this issue. After all, almost every modern gadget is superior in some way to its counterparts. So there are a few more important points to consider that can help us decide.
The price tag is another important point. It is he who often does not allow you to quickly choose a smartphone for a child, especially if parents have difficulties with the budget. Price should always be considered. Sometimes you just overpay for a big name or brand. And with all this, the quality of the device will not necessarily please you.
A cheap smartphone for a child, if it also looks terrible, is a huge shame. Most likely, at school there will be jokes and sharp phrases addressed to your baby in this regard. And such behavior can give rise to aggression withside of the child. If you want to buy an inexpensive smartphone, then keep in mind: a normal phone costs from 4,000 rubles. And with all this, sometimes the quality of such devices is more than good.

Don't spend too much and buy expensive gadgets for your child, especially at a younger age. So limit yourself to some Samsung or Nokia. You can forget about iPhones. Now even adults often refuse such models of gadgets.
If you decide to buy an inexpensive smartphone for a child, then try to make sure that it looks stylish. As already noted, design can put your baby in an awkward position in front of peers. And explaining that the family has no money or the opportunity to purchase an expensive gadget is useless.
In general, it is best to give preference to smartphones that come with interchangeable panels. As a rule, they are colorful, bright and beautiful. This is exactly what is so interesting for children. With age, of course, your child will begin to buy original panels for his phone. And that's okay. For a teenager, any smartphone by design (of course, taking into account his color preferences) with an original panel donated, for example, with a photograph or a print, will do.
The most common design options are classic black or white. If you want to buy a smartphone for a child in brighter colors, then you should pay attention to the Nokia Lumiya, especially the 620 model. Hereyou can find many colors: from the usual black to acid yellow or acid violet. An original approach that many students will appreciate.
You should also pay attention to the memory of the phone. The thing is that modern children love to play games very much. And they tend to take up a lot of space. What is the best smartphone for a child in this regard?

It would be ideal to purchase a phone with approximately 16 GB of built-in memory, as well as the ability to insert an additional memory card. At the same time, consider the inclinations of your child and his character. If the baby has the beginnings of dependence on technology, then you can purchase the Nokia 5800 Express Music. Although this is already an outdated model, it has 8 GB of memory, the Symbian operating system, and there is also a good player. Such a phone looks stylish, is almost not damaged when dropped, and also does not allow you to install a lot of games that constantly distract the baby from studying.
But if your child does not have any addiction, then you can pay attention to "Sony Ekspiriya Ayon" or "Samsung Galaxy S". These smartphones are now very popular among children and adults. Just what the modern user needs. There is a lot of memory here, and a lot of opportunities.
Internet access and special programs
The Internet is the place where a child (and an adult too) can disappear for a long time. It can be said that this is a very dangerous space, especially for a preschooler or an elementary school student. In truth, Internet access and specialized programs that require the World Wide Web are another thing to consider.

If you have a very small child, it would be better to buy, as already mentioned, a push-button telephone. And at the same time, make sure that there is no Internet access. This also applies to specialized applications. But a middle school student can already buy a smartphone with free access to the Internet. But at the same time, try to get rid of special programs, for example, for quick access to YouTube or social networks. After all, this can affect the student's performance.
It is also worth paying attention to such a factor as the overall quality of the smartphone. After all, it is it that can play a cruel joke with you. An adult child is able to handle technology carefully, but a baby is unlikely. And therefore it is important that a smartphone for a child be of high quality.
What exactly are we talking about? In a simple way, this is called the word "unkillable". That is, something like "does not sink in water, does not burn in fire." Try to choose such a smartphone so that it does not break when dropped, and if it gets wet, it can work for some time. And here Nokia or HTC is well suited. This applies to any models. Just what modern gadget users need.
Here we arede alt with you with the problem of choosing a modern phone for kids. The best smartphones for children should not be a hindrance to their development. So try to consider all of these factors to make the right choice.

For a student, you should pay attention to the following models:
- Fly IQ4401 ERA Energy 2;
- "Beeline smart 2";
- "Nokia Lumiya 620";
- Sony Experia Ion;
- Nokia Express Music;
- Samsung Galaxy Star Advance SM-G350E.