A few words about how to remove the noise in the microphone

A few words about how to remove the noise in the microphone
A few words about how to remove the noise in the microphone

PC users and people of show business have repeatedly encountered a problem that made them rack their brains for a long time and look for ways to solve it. What are we talking about? About the noise and feedback that occurs when using a microphone. And it doesn't matter whether the device is built into your laptop or it's expensive recording equipment. Due to its physical properties, the membrane that picks up sound somehow perceives interference. This becomes an unpleasant moment when talking using IP-telephony, sound recording or just when performing on stage. Today we will try to figure out how to remove noise from the microphone.

How to remove noise in fikrovon
How to remove noise in fikrovon

Required tools

First, let's look at methods that allow you to avoid noise when using a computer. So, for this the user needs to have:

basic sound manager skills;

the skill of using a sound recording program;

the ability to set up a voice transfer program (Skype, Google Hangouts, ooVoo, etc.)

The following isinstructions on how to suppress microphone noise.

Why is there noise?

There are several reasons why interference occurs. The first thing to understand is that various programs on a PC cannot physically generate noise. That is, in the vast majority of cases, they arise through the fault of the user himself. One of the most common causes of noise when using various IP telephony services is the poor quality of the Internet connection. Although voice programs usually do not require a powerful communication channel, you must have at least an average connection speed. Too "weak" Internet is the cause of not only poor sound quality, but also frequent disconnections. How to remove noise in the microphone in this case? The answer is very simple - increase the connection speed. To do this, during a communication session, you must disable the download of media files and torrents. If the connection speed is initially low, then it makes sense to switch to a faster tariff plan or change provider.

Noise due to faulty microphone

How to suppress microphone noise
How to suppress microphone noise

The next most common cause is problems with the hardware itself. The first thing to check is that the microphone is working properly. If you are dealing with a PC microphone, then for this you need to run any recording program (a simple utility is included with Windows). To do this, in the Windows XP environment, go to the "Start" menu - "Programs" - "Accessories" and in the "Entertainment" section find the program"Sound recording". If you have Windows 7 or 8 installed, then this is even easier. Click the "Start" button and enter the word "sound recording" in the search field. Run the program. It records a short section of your reshi, after which the sound quality is checked.

If noise is heard on your recording, then you need to deal with the microphone itself. The correct solution in this case may be to use another device. But if this is not at hand, you can get by with improvised means. Around the microphone, you need to make a foam rubber or fur ball (like TV news reporters). Also, make sure that the microphone is not too far away when talking. If it is placed outside its sensitivity zone, then the probability of interference increases significantly.

Error in drivers and settings

How to remove microphone background noise
How to remove microphone background noise

The final cause of noise is software bugs. How to remove noise in the microphone if the two previous methods did not work? Sound card drivers need to be reinstalled. Usually the disk comes with the motherboard (if the card is built-in) or in the box with the sound card itself. For Re altek audio cards, you can enable noise and echo cancellation. To do this, go to the "Microphone" tab in the sound control panel, in which check the boxes next to the corresponding parameters.

Another effective solution could be to reduce the sensitivity of the microphone, because it is possible that it simply captures a lot more than it should. ForTo do this, in the used Internet telephony program, you need to find the "Sound Settings" menu. In the window that opens, you should adjust the volume slider (perhaps you have it in the maximum position).

Performing on stage or recording

Microphone noise suppression software
Microphone noise suppression software

How to remove the noise in the microphone during a performance or work in a recording studio? Before performing live, the microphone should be pre-set. To do this, on the mixing console, you should choose the optimal ratio of sensitivity and volume controls. Often noise occurs because the input signal strength slider is set too high. That is, it makes sense to reduce the sensitivity of the signal.

If it was not possible to get rid of extraneous sounds and they are heard on the recording, then the program for suppressing microphone noise will help here. Its algorithm will reliably remove the entire audio spectrum that is less than the specified volume. Thus, noise will be removed from the soundtrack, while the voice and musical instruments will remain intact. Now you know how to remove microphone background noise.