The invention of the telephone is a landmark event for civilization

The invention of the telephone is a landmark event for civilization
The invention of the telephone is a landmark event for civilization

The history of the invention of the telephone has more than one hundred and thirty years. In the daily bustle, using the many benefits of civilization, a person almost never thinks about how life would be without certain items that are familiar to us. And she could be completely different.

the invention of the telephone
the invention of the telephone

The invention of the telephone began with the work of Alexander Bell (1847-1922), a teacher at a school for deaf children in Boston, USA, who in 1875 created a device capable of transmitting human speech over a distance. In February 1876, Bell patented his device. And in 1878, the first communication session took place, Bell talked on the phone with his assistant. The creation of such a device became possible after the discovery of alternating current and electromagnetic radiation. Alexander Bell used these two natural phenomena in the work of the new device.

The invention of the telephone provided a leap in the development of communication and put the transfer of information to a new level. In addition to Alexander Bell, thirty other inventors, including Thomas Edison, claimed to be the discoverer, but none of them documented their invention.

history of the invention of the telephone
history of the invention of the telephone

AIt all started with the fact that in 1866, after several unsuccessful attempts, a telegraph transatlantic cable was laid, connecting America and Europe. But it did not bring the expected profit, and the owners of the cable offered to pay a large bonus to anyone who would find a way to transmit messages in a more efficient way than the telegraph. The result of these searches was the invention of the telephone. The principle of its operation was as follows: the impulses created by human speech fell on a metal membrane and were transmitted through electrical wires, fell into a receiving device, caused the membrane to vibrate, where they were again converted into speech. This connection is called impulse.

invention of the mobile phone
invention of the mobile phone

The telephone very quickly took its place in the life of all mankind. And almost until the 70s of the last century, the principle of operation of such devices remained unchanged. In 1973, Motorola engineer Martin Cooper made a call using a mobile device. It was a prototype phone introduced by the company on March 6, 1983.

The very idea of creating mobile communications appeared in 1946, but this device was very bulky and inconvenient. And it took almost 40 years and more than $100 million to turn the idea into reality. The first mobile phone weighed 794 grams, the charger was only enough for 8 hours of work. And it cost almost $4,000.

The invention of the mobile phone and the advent of cellular communication served as the basis for the creation of modern digital technologies that we use. If you take it in handmobile phone, it becomes clear what a huge leap the communication industry has made, what a rapid pace technical progress is developing. Today, such a phone is not just a means of communication, it is a portable computer that performs many functions.

The invention of the telephone is that momentous event that changed the course of human history, put it on a new track of development.