How to remove air from under the protective glass on the phone?

How to remove air from under the protective glass on the phone?
How to remove air from under the protective glass on the phone?

Most mobile device users stick a protective film on the screen. In turn, manufacturers of modern phone models claim that new generation devices are produced with a high-strength display. However, these beliefs do not work on the owners of newfangled gadgets, who try to keep them by any means. If the procedure is not performed in a service center, then the question often arises: "How to remove air from under the protective glass?".

Do I need to glue protection?

Protective film is a thin silicone-coated polymer sheet that acts as an adhesive base. Without certain skills, applying a protective film is quite problematic, since it is necessary to cover the display with it at the same time and make sure that foreign particles do not get stuck between the two surfaces. Frequent problemwith insufficient experience, it becomes that air has appeared under the protective glass. How to remove a foreign element, consider below.

The main function of the film is to protect the screen from mechanical impact and scratches. If the device is dropped face down, the film will most likely not protect the screen from cracks and chips.

Tempered material is the usual ultra-thin silicone coated glass. Silicone, in addition to the adhesive function, protects the screen in case of impact or fall. The main difference between glass and film is its better resistance and, accordingly, protection of the device from mechanical stress.

how to get rid of air under protective glass
how to get rid of air under protective glass

How to remove air around the edges of the protective glass?

Surely the owners of phones at least once in the process of using the device encountered a loose fit of the protective glass around the edges. It is worth clarifying that the problem is relevant only when using glass with an adhesive base over its entire surface, and not around the perimeter. This is the advantage of protective glass with glue only along the contour: in this case, air never remains at the edges.

Since the screen has a rounded surface, and the glass, in turn, is flat, the adhesive layer does not adhere evenly to the display. In places where the contact is not strong, air bubbles can form under the protective coating. Sometimes this happens just a few minutes after the glass is installed. In this case, you have to solve the problem of how to get rid of the air under the protective glass. Quality foundations are held ondisplay surface, but they require more time and effort to install.

air appeared under the protective glass how to remove
air appeared under the protective glass how to remove

If the problem could not be avoided, you can try to eliminate it. Starting from the edge and moving in one direction, the glass is pressed against the screen, with a little effort to release the air. You do not need to immediately release the glass, you need to hold it a little for better adhesion to the display. If after that there is some air left, the manipulation is repeated.

In the case when the described measures do not work, liquid silicone can help. It is applied in a thin layer in places where air enters and fills the voids. As a result, the glass will not only be well glued, but will not fall behind during long-term operation.


If air has accumulated in the middle of the screen

What if there is air under the protective glass? Unlike with film, it will take a lot of effort to remove bubbles from under a thicker material. There are several ways to do this:

  1. You can try to squeeze them out. To do this, take a plastic card and repeatedly swipe it across the display in one direction, expelling air.
  2. With the help of a needle, a piece of glass is lifted, under which a bubble has accumulated. Then the air is pushed out with pressure, and the glass is pressed against the display. At the same time, it is important to ensure that air masses do not penetrate under it.
  3. Another option is to thread a thin fishing line under the glass and draw it over the entire surface of the screen until all the bubbles disappear. Then fishing lineremoved by replacing the glass.
  4. Another option to get rid of air bubbles is to heat the protective coating with a stream of warm masses from a hair dryer. The device is blown from a distance of 30 cm until the glass is hot, after which a book press is placed on it. It is better to do this at night, after 10-15 hours the bubbles should completely disappear.
  5. how to remove the air under the protective glass of the phone
    how to remove the air under the protective glass of the phone

Helpful tips

Despite the apparent simplicity of the process of gluing a protective coating, the procedure requires careful preparation.

To successfully remove air from under the protective glass, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. First of all, it is worth noting that the work must be done in a clean room. If sticking is carried out at home, it is better to do it in the bathroom, because the higher the humidity in the room, the less dust it contains.
  2. During work, you do not need to rush and make unnecessary physical efforts.
  3. Before proceeding, it is desirable to degrease the hands and the surface of the screen. Never touch the sticky side of the protective coating.
  4. In order not to have to re-glue the glass every month, and the sensor functioned well, it is important to purchase a quality product.
  5. how to remove air from under protective glass
    how to remove air from under protective glass

Problems of replacing the film on the phone

We looked at how to remove the air under the protective glass of the phone. If nothing comes out or you accidentally ruined the surface, you will have tocompletely change the element.

Before you start replacing the film, you must remove the old one, but this is not always easy. Since both surfaces are very close to each other, it is impossible to simply pry off the top one with a fingernail. If you use the first item that comes across, you can scratch the display or phone case.

If you use a suction cup, it may damage your phone. The sensor is attached to the body with a double-sided tape, and if you move carelessly while removing the protective coating, you can damage the cable or rip off the module. Therefore, each action must be verified.

what to do if there is air under the protective glass
what to do if there is air under the protective glass

Removing the protective glass

Properly remove the protective element will help following the procedure:

  1. In order not to leave prints and streaks on the display, before proceeding with dismantling, you must wash and degrease your hands or wear gloves.
  2. On a broken or damaged surface, choose a corner with no or minimal damage. Then a suction cup is attached there by pressing.
  3. The same corner is pryed with a thin object (pick, spatula) to lift the edge. Do this by gently pulling the suction cup towards you.
  4. After the corner of the glass is raised, the auxiliary object is advanced further to the center of the screen.
  5. Then they take the glass with their fingers and carefully remove it.
  6. air under protective glass
    air under protective glass

Glue of new glass

A lint-free cloth is moistened with alcohol andwipe the screen. This is done for better adhesion to the surface. After that, proceed to the gluing procedure itself.


You need to do the following:

  1. Grab new glass by the edges with clean hands, avoiding contact with the surface.
  2. Holding it as close as possible to the smartphone, pulling the tab, remove the protective film.
  3. According to the existing holes for the camera, speaker, etc., the protection is pasted.
  4. With the help of a dry napkin, the surface is leveled with stroking and pressing movements and air bubbles, if any, are expelled. Then the top film is removed from the glass.

We looked at how to remove air from under the protective glass. If you can’t do everything neatly, it’s better to entrust the matter to specialists.