How to root Android?

How to root Android?
How to root Android?

So many Android smartphone users have encountered the need to obtain root rights. Not everyone knows how to do this. There are different instructions on the Internet and on forums, but they are far from suitable for all phone models. Today I would like to talk about a few fairly simple and, most importantly, safe ways to get Root rights on an Android smartphone.

Why do I need Root?

Before getting to the point, it's worth talking a little about why, in general, Root-rights are needed and what is the use of them.

Firstly, with the help of root rights, you can remove all unnecessary system programs from your smartphone that take up extra space and are not useful. For smartphones that do not have too much memory, this will be an absolute plus.

Secondly, root rights allow you to use many useful and necessary programs. Take, for example, the well-known Titanium backup application, which allows you to create backups in order to later in caseneed could be restored. So, Titanium backup works only with root rights.

applications that run via root
applications that run via root

Third and, perhaps, the last - root-rights allow you to edit and replace system files in every possible way, install third-party or custom firmware, block ads on your smartphone, adjust power consumption and much more. Root gives the user full control over the device.

But, in addition to all the advantages, there are several disadvantages. The first is that in most cases, users who root their smartphones will void their warranty. For some this may be very important. The second disadvantage is that users, due to their inattention and carelessness, often turn their smartphones into "bricks". In other words, the devices stop turning on and it is very difficult to revive them from this state.

However, at the moment, the procedure for obtaining root rights has become much easier and safer, so you should not worry too much.

Root-rights through applications

The easiest, safest and most effective way to get root rights today is through special applications. There are quite a few of them, but here are really good, working and well-written no more than a dozen. Below we have selected some of the most effective programs that will help you root your Android in one click.

Root Master

So the first app on the list is Root Master. This program has been released for quite some time.for a long time, but, unfortunately, in 2015 its final version was released and since then there have been no more updates. However, Root Master allows you to root in one click on almost all smartphones released before 2016 and whose firmware version does not exceed 4.4.

root master application
root master application

Judging by user reviews, on some devices running "Android 5.0", Root Master also works, but it all depends on the manufacturer and model of the phone. For devices with OS version 5.1, 6.0 and 7.0, it is better to install another program from the list below.

A big plus of Root Master is that at the end of the procedure, it installs the SuperSU application, with which you can issue permission to use root rights for third-party programs.


The next rooting program on the list is Framaroot. Despite the fact that the last update of the application was released in 2014, Framaroot is still popular. It allows literally in 1 click to get root rights on many smartphones with the version of the Android operating system 2.0-4.2. In some cases, performance is also possible on OS version 4.4. A huge plus of the application is that it supports a lot of devices with different processors, ranging from Snapdragon to Mediatek.

frameroot app
frameroot app

It is also worth noting the presence of the Russian language, the ability to install an additional application for working with access to root rights (SuperSU or Superuser), the abilitycompletely remove root and much more. On the official forums of the program there are many instructions for working with the application, as well as if it did not work. There is also a complete list of supported devices.


Kingoroot is already a more modern program that is actively supported by developers. With this application, you can get Root-rights for "Android" versions 2.0-5.1. Also, for some users, the program works fine on newer OS versions - 6.0 and 7.0.

As for the list of supported devices, it's just huge. Kingoroot works great on smartphones from all major brands as well as lesser-known brands such as XOLO, Konka, Cloudphone, Wiko, etc.

kingroot app
kingroot app

To get Root rights through Kingoroot, you just need to click on one button and accept the user agreement, the program will do the rest by itself. Very important: it requires an internet connection to download some necessary files. Upon completion of the work, Kingoroot installs a special KingoUser program on the smartphone - this is an analogue of SuperSU, only of its own design.

Baidu Root

Another program to root Android smartphones is Baidu Root. It, like the first two applications, was last updated a long time ago - in 2015, so full-fledged work is guaranteed only on versions of the operating system up to 4.4, everything above will not work.

The list of supported devices is also not very large. The app is greatworks on many models of well-known brands, but problems often arise with little-known ones. Owners of HTC smartphones need to unlock the bootloader to work correctly, otherwise the probability of success is low.

baidu root app
baidu root app

Baidu Root's main language is Chinese, but one well-known site has a version partially translated into Russian. Getting root-rights is carried out in one click. After completing the procedure, you need to install the SuperSU application yourself, since Baidu Root does not install it. Before use, it is highly advisable to read the instructions for the application.

360 Root

The 360 Root app is another good option to root your phone. The last update of the program was last summer, but despite this, 360 Root supports over 500 brands of smartphone manufacturers and about 9000 models.

As the developer assures, the application allows you to get 100% results on operating systems from version 1.6 to 5.1. Operation on 6.0 and 7.0 is not guaranteed.

360 root app
360 root app

Rooting the device is done in the same way in one click. The user just needs to click on the button and accept the agreement. 360 Root has one drawback - it does not allow installation and does not work fully with the SuperSU application. Thus, not all third-party programs that need root access can be used.


Great solution for how to getRoot-rights on Android is the iRoot program. Its database of supported devices includes about 8000 models from all well-known and not so famous brands. Versions of the operating system on which the application runs are "Android" 2.3-5.1.

iroot app for pc
iroot app for pc

You can get root rights through iRoot in just 1 click. In addition to the mobile version, there is also a program for the computer. To root a smartphone through a PC, you just need to connect it via a USB cable, and then click on the corresponding button in the program.


The last Root app on today's list is Kingroot. First of all, don't confuse this app with Kingoroot. The names are similar, but the functionality is completely different. Kingroot is arguably the best and most efficient rooting app available today. Its database includes over 10 thousand phone models, and also supports more than 40 thousand versions of different firmware.

Kingroot allows you to get Root rights on 7.0 and 6.0 versions of Android, which is not so easy. Of course, not all devices can boast of success, but every time the program is improved, and the database is replenished.

kingroot app
kingroot app

Among the interesting features of Kingroot, it is worth noting the presence of two versions - mobile and for PC. The developer advises using the mobile version, as its functionality is much better and the chance of success is higher. The application also allows you to get root rights even on those smartphoneswhose bootloader is locked or there is no recovery.

The only disadvantage of Kingroot is that after the procedure, the KingUser program is installed in the system - this is an analogue of SuperSU, only much worse. Users recommend downloading, installing and running the Super-Sume app immediately after rooting. It automatically replaces KingUser with SuperSU, thus eliminating the flaw.

How to root Xiaomi and Meizu

Unfortunately, apps don't always help rooting. For example, Xiaomi and Meizu smartphones have their own system, which is also worth talking about.

In order to get root rights on Meizu smartphones, you need to go to "Settings", then to the "Fingerprints and security" section. At the very bottom there will be an item "Root access", in which you just need to check the box, click the "OK" button and enter the password for your Meizu account. After that, the phone will reboot and root rights will be active in it. For more convenience, it is recommended to install the SuperSU app.

getting root rights on meizu
getting root rights on meizu

As for Xiaomi smartphones, everything is somewhat more complicated. To get root rights, you must first unlock the bootloader. Models released before 2015 do not need this procedure.

Then you should install TWRP-recovery. This is necessary in order to be able to flash a special archive that will install root rights on the smartphone. In order not to bore you with boring text, it is suggested to watch this video, in which everything is explained in great detail.


You can find the necessary files, as well as instructions, on the forums dedicated to a specific smartphone model or on the Russian-speaking Xiaomi communities. There you can also ask other users for help in case of problems - they will be happy to help.
