How to wash the microwave inside from fat: useful tips

How to wash the microwave inside from fat: useful tips
How to wash the microwave inside from fat: useful tips

Progress does not stand still. Every day more and more new inventions spread to the masses and make our life much easier and more comfortable. So, back in 1955, the world's first household microwave oven appeared. This household appliance serves us to this day. Many aspects of cooking and reheating food are simplified with a microwave oven. But, like other kitchen appliances, the microwave also gets dirty, and it needs to be washed, and most often this is problematic and not easy. This article focuses on microwave cleaning.

Grease stains on the walls of the microwave
Grease stains on the walls of the microwave

Basic rules

How to wash the microwave from fat inside? The most important thing is not to use any scouring powders and loose substances. Because of them, both the internal walls and panels of the microwave oven and the heating elements can be damaged. For the sameFor this reason, we do not recommend using hard iron brushes. Soft cloths and sponges are the answer to the question of how to clean a microwave.

Wipe with a soft sponge or cloth
Wipe with a soft sponge or cloth

In addition, fanaticism in this matter is also not welcome, because the microwave is an electrical appliance, so excessive water will damage circuits, boards and other electrical components. It is not recommended to turn on the device immediately after the washing procedure. It takes some time for the moisture that nevertheless got inside the device to dry and not damage the contacts. And the last, self-evident rule - before washing the microwave, it must be disconnected from the power source.

The easiest way

It is worth immediately paying attention to the fact that "dirty microwave" is a loose concept. It happens that after a couple of weeks of use, the microwave oven becomes untidy and there is a desire to wash it - this is the first case. And it happens that there is not always enough time or energy to care for the kitchen appliance and the microwave cleaning procedure comes after a year, or even more - this is a completely different case. So, if the fat stains are not old and have not yet had time to eat into the surface of the walls of the microwave, then this method is the easiest and fastest. It is based on water condensate, which softens fats that have not yet had time to seize. It is necessary to place a container of water in the microwave and turn on the heating for 5-10 minutes at maximum power. After the end of the microwave, you need to wait another 5 minutes so that the condensateused more effectively to soften stains. After that, it is necessary to wipe the inner walls of the device with a damp soft sponge or cloth. That, in fact, is all. Wanted to know how to clean a microwave in 5 minutes? To do this, you just need to monitor her care more often and not allow accumulations of fat to dry out and eat into the surface.

How to wash the microwave

Of course, there are many different cleaning gels and sprays specifically for microwaves. But if we talk about how to wash a microwave, it is worth taking into account the fact that not many will have extra money and time to buy special detergents. And because of the little competition between manufacturers of these detergents, prices can be fabulous. Therefore, we will take into account simple detergents for the microwave. They are always at hand and time-tested.

How to clean your microwave with regular dishwashing liquid

How to clean your microwave with dishwashing liquid
How to clean your microwave with dishwashing liquid

This method should also be used in cases where the microwave is not very dirty and when the stains have not yet had time to eat into the surface of the inner walls. First you need to moisten the sponge with water and squeeze dishwashing detergent onto it. After that, you need to foam the sponge and place it in the microwave. At the minimum power of the microwave oven, turn it on for 30-40 seconds. At this stage, the main thing is to ensure that the sponge does not start to melt and burn. Vapors of detergent should be absorbed during this timestains, making them easier to clean. With the same sponge, it is necessary to wipe the inner walls, then rinse it and wipe the surfaces with just a damp sponge without detergent. Remember to keep an eye on the humidity and avoid excess water. And of course, before washing the microwave from fat inside, you must turn it off from the power source.


This method is the most common: use citrus fruits to clean the microwave. First, acids, the acidic compounds in citrus fruits, are good at eating away and softening fats. Secondly, the problem with unpleasant odors from food residues on the walls of the microwave is immediately solved. You can use lemon, lime, orange and other similar citrus fruits. The essence of the method is simple: you need to cut the fruit and throw it into a deep plate of water, put the plate in the microwave. Run the microwave on full power for 5-10 minutes.

Washing stains with citrus fruits
Washing stains with citrus fruits

Acid Concentrate Vapors should soften fat buildup. After that, the microwave must be turned off from the network and with a soft sponge moistened with the same concentrate, gently wipe the surface of the inner walls.


Now let's talk about how to clean the microwave with vinegar. As in the previous method, we need to dilute the vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 to 1 in order to get the necessary concentrate. Place this solution in a deep plate, and put it in the microwave. Turn on full power for 10-15 minutes. EffectivenessThis method is also based on the ability of vinegar vapor to interact with fats and make the process of caring for a microwave oven more comfortable and easier. Use a soft sponge or cloth moistened with this solution to gently wipe the inside of the microwave oven. Please note that vinegar fumes have a rather pungent and persistent smell, so you should think about ways to ventilate the room in advance before washing the microwave.

Other cleaning products

Practically all methods of washing a microwave oven are based on first eating away fat accumulations with concentrate, and then cleaning the internal surfaces with the same concentrate. Therefore, to clean the microwave, it is not necessary to use only citrus fruits or vinegar. You can also use citric acid, soda and even activated charcoal. Some sources advise washing the microwave with soapy water. There are really a lot of various methods and detergents, but, as already mentioned, the principle of operation is the same for everyone.

Clean not where they clean

It is worth remembering that it is not clean where they constantly clean, but where they do not litter. As you can see, washing the microwave is not such a difficult process, but time-consuming. Therefore, it is much easier to warn yourself against this and use a special plastic cap.

hood for microwave
hood for microwave

In addition to the cap, you can use glass lids. And also cling film.

cling film
cling film

And if you spend 5 minutes at the end of the day and a simple wet spongewipe the inner walls of the microwave, then there will be no problems with washing this kitchen appliance at all.