Who created Wikipedia and who is its founder

Who created Wikipedia and who is its founder
Who created Wikipedia and who is its founder

Now you rarely meet a person who has no idea what Wikipedia is. And these exceptions are either due to advanced age or a location that suggests no internet.

who created wikipedia
who created wikipedia

And 29 years ago, the mastermind hardly imagined that his project would gain universal love and trust. Since the creation of Wikipedia, its principles have not changed. Anyone can choose a topic, create and edit an article. And yet, not many people know the name of the person who created Wikipedia.

The history of Wikipedia

In the 90s, the Internet was understood as a huge information field and a limitless repository of information and data. The first stone of the future digital library was laid when, in 1995, the possibility of collective access to changing information appeared, as a result of which the name wiki technology appeared (means quickly in the translation from Hawaiian).

Development of Wikipedia

The origins of the history of Wikipedia takes in the bowels of another more serious encyclopedia. In 2000, the Nupedia project was launched, the founders of which can be considered Larry Sannger and Jimmy Wales. idea to createThe encyclopedia originated with Wales, but the fundamental difference from the modern version of Wikipedia was that the articles were written by volunteer scientists who carefully edited the content before posting the material.

wikipedia history
wikipedia history

Wikipedia was founded in 2001, when it emerged as a less bureaucratic offshoot of Nupedii.

Nupedia proved to be an unprofitable project, resulting in the suspension of Larry Sannger. It is believed that this is the only person who works on Wikipedia and received a fee for it. But unfortunately, Sannger is often very overreacting about the library in the question of who created Wikipedia.

Further development and distribution

A breakthrough idea for popularization and distribution of the resource was the ability to edit articles in their native language, that is, the introduction of international sections. At first, the project barely kept afloat, but pretty soon there was support from sponsors, patrons and just volunteers. To build on his success, Wales created other offshoots: wiki news, wiki quotes, and so on. Then you could say that nothing threatens the development of the directory. There were several turns in the history of Wikipedia that influenced the way we know it today.

Jimmy Wales and his offspring

Jimmy Wales and Wikipedia are inextricably linked, like Steve Jobs and Apple.

Jimmy grew up in an intelligent family: his mother and grandmother ran a private school. The boy from childhood loved to read encyclopedias. Behind him training in 3Universities: Indiana, Alabama, Auburn. Jimmy made a good amount of money trading securities. Closer to 95, Jim Wales and Tim Shell created a search engine with content targeted at men. A little later, Jimmy launched a resource with paid access to content with pornographic content. This later began to bring him a good income.

Jimmy Wales wikipedia
Jimmy Wales wikipedia

In 2000, Jimmy hired Larry Sannger to take over as editor-in-chief, and Nupedia was launched. Sannger was busy with both projects. But the growth of income and the interest of the masses in Wikipedia led to the fact that Lars was asked to vacate his job - from now on, anyone could be the editor-in-chief. And they didn't have to pay at all. Since the financial side of both projects was tied to Wales, the answer to the question: who created Wikipedia is unequivocal. At the same time, Larry disputes the leveling of his work and calls himself a co-founder of the resource.

Whales has received many awards for his contributions to the Internet. And Jimmy Wales spoke about his unprofitable Wikipedia project more than once in the format that he doubts whether this project is smart or stupid.

Brotherly wiki resources

Today, Wikipedia has quietly grown. The prefix wiki is added to the many categories of life activities that, according to the elders from the Wikimedia Foundation, decide to highlight and form a resource. Today came Wikiversity, Wikibooks, Wikisource, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata, Wikispecies and more.

Wikipedia's Immutable Rules

On Wikipediawrite articles in 300 different languages. It is preferable to write an article in your native language. The editor of articles, which anyone can become, does not have to register in order to make an edit. And this is not always good, because you can easily run into an article spoiled for fun by a vandal. One of the important principles is the two-sided coverage of the topic of the article. The author needs to show the same thing from different positions and points of view.

Today, Wikipedia continues to grow and develop in all directions.

year of creation of wikipedia
year of creation of wikipedia

The answer to the question of who created Wikipedia, Google and numerous resources give out the name of Jimmy Wales. However, we should not forget the contribution of those who at the very beginning gave ideas, implemented collective access and made efforts when the foundations were just being laid.