The tablet seems like a fairly simple device. In fact, this is a complex technique that must be handled with care. But even for those who are very careful about the "pill", there are troubles. For example, a hang is a common situation in which users get lost. What to do if the tablet freezes? Without identifying the problem, it is impossible to answer the question. We divide all the reasons for freezing into two groups:
- software;
- hardware.

So, in order to understand what to do if the tablet freezes, you first need to find out the nature of this freeze. If the reason is a program failure, then it will be easier to deal with. Everything is more difficult with a hardware failure - then the help of a specialist will be required. Let's take a closer look at each problem so that we know what to do if the tablet freezes.
Program failures can be caused by:
- file corruption;
- OS (operating system) settings;
- viruses.
Hardware problems are due to:
- defective and damaged batteries;
- faulty board nodes (system);
- unsuccessful connections with various devices that may be faulty.
Important points
Only by understanding the root cause of the problem, you will understand what to do. If the tablet freezes, check the following points:
- when exactly the problem occurs: when starting an application, when loading or while working, when accessing the network or at other times;
- what preceded the freeze: software installation, device crash, new firmware, etc.
Consider that you have done 50 percent of the work if you find the pattern and the cause of the problem. However, there are difficulties with diagnosis, and the problem may not lend itself to classification.

Save the tablet when it freezes
When you figure out the cause of the problem, start fixing it. First you need to restart the tablet: turn it off, and then turn it on. If the freezes disappear, then the problem was due to incorrect system boot.
Reason in a certain program? You need to delete it, you can try to install it again. Sometimes it helps to remove all programs installed before the freeze.
Remove any add-ons from the device (flash, SIM-card). Failure happens because of them. Virus scanning also helps.
When the measures taken don't work, act harder. Update firmware. Many users notice, for example, that if a Samsung tablet freezes, then flashing it from the official site helps. This is a common device problem.this manufacturer.
Helps Hard Reset, returning the system to the original (factory) settings of the system.
If you cannot solve the problem, there may be a hardware failure. In this case, contact the service department.

Tips to avoid freezes:
- install antivirus;
- do not install questionable programs;
- avoid modified firmware;
- try not to hit or drop the device;
- keep tablets away from liquids.
It often happens that the tablet freezes and does not turn off. In this case, there is a simple tip - hold down the power button and hold it for a while, the tablet will restart. But that doesn't mean you've solved the problem. Perhaps it will remain, then you need to look for the cause of the breakdown so that the “electronic friend” does not upset you anymore.