A third-level domain is an independent site located on a second-level domain and linked to it. That is, it is a subdomain of the main resource. Third-level domains are blogs and sites on free hosting, the name of which has the following format: xxx.xxx.ru or xxx.xxx.com and others. The first word in this construction is the name that was invented by the user, and the second word after the dot is the domain of the higher, second level. There is a subdomain on it. For example: subdomen.blogspot.com.

It should be remembered that by registering third-level resources on free hosting, the user does not receive absolutely no rights to them. In this situation, the owner of the main resource is the owner.
Owners of second-level resources can make a lower resource - a third-level domain, if there are no registrar restrictions on this operation. Fourth level domains (xxx.xxx.xxx.org) and lower levels can be created in the same way. However, this depth is rarely needed.
A serious disadvantage is that the average domain name of the thirdlevel is not very popular among the robots of some search engines. For some reason, subdomains are sometimes indexed by them very reluctantly and poorly retained in the index. However, these problems do not always occur.

A third-level domain is most often used when it makes no sense for a new site to acquire an independent second-level resource. It is quite possible to place a selling page or a subscription page on a subdomain. That is, to make a site for several pages at no cost. If you plan to build a large site based on a subdomain, then you can install any CMS on it. Also, the owner of the second-level resource can, if desired, provide subdomains for creating blogs and websites. A lower-level resource can be used as offloading for a crowded main site.

Before you create a third-level domain, you first need to make sure that the hosting support for subdomains is enabled and the ability to create them is included in the cost of services. This information can be viewed in the hosting control panel. If the service is not provided, you need to request it from the host. It can be both paid and free. Each hosting has its own methods and possibilities for creating subdomains.
On some hostings, to create a simple site on a subdomain, it is enough to create another directory in the main folder, in which the directory with the main site is located, with a name like poddomen.yoursite.ru. When creating a subdomainkeep in mind that it must have an index.htm file or the site will not open. CMS systems are installed in the same way as on the main site, however, a separate MySQL database is required for the subdomain.
On some hostings, a third-level domain cannot be created by yourself. To do this, you need to leave an application in your personal account indicating the desired name of the 3rd level site. Within a certain time, usually no more than a day, the administration will create the desired resource. After that, you need to enter the addresses of the DNS servers and fill the resource with information. For many hosters, the ability to create resources of lower levels is initially included in the control panel, but on some servers, the creation of resources of the third level is generally prohibited. The way out of this situation can be the creation of subdirectories of the site.