The proliferation of high-performance smartphones equipped with weak batteries makes users seriously think about alternative power sources. Unfortunately, there are no convenient solutions for everyday use other than conventional batteries. The only worthy option is stand-alone power packs for charging your phone without being connected to the network. But such options have a lot of their drawbacks. At the same time, for those who like to spend time in nature and away from civilization, a capacious Power Bank will not be a salvation either. In such situations, a solar battery comes to the rescue to charge the phone, which is completely independent from the mains. Such devices allow you to replenish the charge of mobile devices, receiving energy directly from the sun. Accordingly, it is also a free way to ensure the functioning of electronics.

The device and the principle of operation of the battery
By design, such products resemble small batteries, a feature of which is a wide range of various adapters. The standard solar battery device provides for the presence of photocells,which accumulate energy, which is converted into a power charge. Further, through miniUSB or microUSB, energy is supplied to the mobile device. Depending on the model, such devices may be equipped with special indicators, the glow of which indicates a sufficient level of light to complete the charge.
Before you start the procedure for supplying the phone with energy, you should charge the solar battery. This may take several hours, depending on the brightness of the light. After that, the solar battery for charging the phone can be used for its intended purpose. By selecting the appropriate adapter, you can connect the battery to the target device.

Key Features
The main characteristic is the power, which averages 4-12 watts. This indicator is enough to work with small mobile devices, but it is better to charge a tablet or laptop with more powerful batteries. In this case, the solar battery device may provide for the presence of several elements of the NiCd-NiMh type. Accordingly, the more batteries, the faster charging will be, but the mass of the device will increase significantly.
By the way, in terms of dimensions, such devices rarely exceed the size of a video cassette, and their weight is usually 400-500 g. But there are exceptions, and if a long trip is planned, it is advisable to initially calculate the mass of an additional power source. If it is planned to operate the device as a standard adapter, then the solar battery for charging the phone shouldhave the ability to connect to a power outlet or cigarette lighter.

Charging efficiency
Still, the majority of buyers are counting on the possibility of operating solar panels in full autonomy with respect to the power grid. That is, the question arises of how, in principle, charging from an alternative source can be effective. As practice shows, the full replenishment of the battery charge occurs in 6-10 hours. Such a wide range of time is due to the fact that the sun can have different glow parameters. It is clear that under the most favorable conditions, this method of charging will lose to the supply from the outlet, which takes an average of 3-4 hours. When charged, the solar battery for the phone is able to power the phone for 1-2 hours. for complete energy replenishment. However, modern smartphone models with large screens and high-capacity batteries often take much longer to charge.

Battery cost
The simplest elements with low power are estimated at an amount not exceeding 1 thousand rubles. As a rule, these are Chinese devices of dubious origin, among which, however, you can find very effective options. The increase in the price tag occurs as the functionality of the solar battery expands. The price of devices that have a wide range of adapters and connectors can be 2-3 thousand rubles.rub. Of course, in this case, the power will be at least 10 watts. The most expensive models of solar batteries cost 4-5 thousand rubles. and more. Such devices can no longer be called compact, as the equipment may include a display, a wide range of ports and plugs, as well as special fasteners. With the help of such a complex, you can recharge not only your phone, but also a full-fledged laptop.

Positive reviews about solar panels
Most of the praise for solar panels comes from users who specifically purchase such devices for outdoor use. It is in conditions of separation from civilization that one can highly appreciate the benefits of an alternative energy source - regardless of the outlet, this is the main advantage that almost all solar panels have. Reviews also note the versatility of such devices. For example, in addition to being powered by the sun, batteries can be connected to a conventional power grid and later used for a one-time charge of a mobile device.
Negative reviews
Most manufacturers of solar panels are represented by the Chinese market with all the characteristic disadvantages of such products. Experienced electronics users note that, in essence, the basis of batteries is unfinished photocells. That is, such panels are nothing more than blanks for more complex devices. At the same time, the low technological level goes against the price tags. The fact is that even the average cost of solarbatteries in 1-2 thousand rubles. in most cases unreasonably high. For comparison, energy storage devices in the form of portable chargers only in rare cases cost more than 1 thousand rubles.

How to choose the best option?
In order not to miscalculate the purchase of a solar battery, you should initially determine the level of required power, connectivity, and the size of the device. The optimal power level for a medium performance model is 3-4 watts. In terms of connectivity, a solar battery for a phone should at least support the USB and microUSB interfaces that most modern mobile phones interact with. In terms of dimensions, the choice is made individually, based on the nature of the operation of the device.
Major global manufacturers are not yet striving to fully master and market chargers based on solar photocells. Therefore, the niche is occupied by little-known and, as a rule, small companies. One way or another, a solar battery for charging a phone has no competitors in the market that can replace its function. The same portable chargers are only good as a way to perform 3-4 power sessions, after which they themselves need to be connected to an outlet. In turn, solar batteries are able to work for weeks and months in full autonomy, providing power from photo panels.