The large social network VKontakte is a very popular way of virtual communication. A number of options are available to users of the web resource after registering on the site.

In addition to information about yourself, you can promote your ideas here. Users can post content and share it with the help of friends. The more friends and followers, the more likes and shares. Users also have the opportunity to flexibly manage VKontakte settings. "Hidden Friends" is an option that allows you to control the privacy of your profile.
How to hide VKontakte friends
2013 has brought newness to the settings service, as well as improved and added some sections. An option has also appeared, thanks to which not all friends can be shown to other users of the social network. “How to see hidden friends on VKontakte?” You ask. Allvery simple: they will only be visible to you until you change this feature in the settings section. Users enable this option for various reasons. The main thing is that it exists, and this feature successfully solves some of the privacy issues of VKontakte. Hidden friends remain in your contact list but become invisible to each other. Log in to your profile and open the "Settings" section. A window will open with tabs in which you can check and uncheck the boxes in the required positions, as well as select the parameters proposed by the social network service from the drop-down list. The "Privacy" tab contains those profile components that can be easily adjusted by "VKontakte". Hidden friends will appear for you if you change the position of "Who is visible in the list of friends and subscribers." You can select the people you want to hide from the list.

Restrictions in privacy settings
There are some peculiarities of changing the parameters of this option. For example, the list of friends that can be hidden from other eyes is limited. You can add only 15 VKontakte users to it. Hidden friends, therefore, cannot exceed this figure, although they say that this restriction can be somehow circumvented …
Once you have decided on this list, do not ignore the position below. It will adjust the visibility of the existing list of "invisible" friends. You can put "Only me" or create a list of those who can see this information. To make your pagethe most functional, view and configure all the items in this block, and then go to the next one.

posts on the page are an important part of the profile, so well-chosen parameters will not prevent posting on your wall. Consider whether you want entries to be commented on and determine who can do it. In the "Contact me" block, you can restrict who can write messages to you and invite you to communities, as well as adjust notifications. Profile settings and all its components will make your page an excellent resource for communication and activities in the social network.