Where to get referrals? How to attract referrals?

Where to get referrals? How to attract referrals?
Where to get referrals? How to attract referrals?

A referral is any member of any affiliate program, attracted by another member. As you know, at the expense of these people you can get a stable profit, provided that they are active. But what if there are none or the quantity leaves much to be desired? Where to get referrals? There are several ways to attract them, none of which should be neglected.

where to get referrals
where to get referrals

Engaging through forums

To make the search for referrals free, you can use the forums. How? Yes, it's very simple - you just need to find a few suitable forums and place your own link on them, following which people will become referrals and make a profit (if they are active, of course). But it is worth remembering that the text of the attached message is a very important aspect.

When wondering where to get referrals, it is worth remembering that the message should attract forum users. It should be made as truthful as possible, because after a person follows the link and notices the deception, he will neverwill return to this site.

Help friends

Involving acquaintances is a fairly reliable way, since friends most often will not refuse to help, but at the same time there should be enough close people to get good profits thanks to them. The advantage of this method can be the dissemination of information about the affiliate program through these same friends, but unfortunately, such cases are very rare and you have to look for referrals using other methods.

how to become a referral
how to become a referral

Besides everything else, before becoming a referral, a friend does not always think about how to be an active user of the affiliate program in which he becomes a member.

Paid attraction

The effectiveness of the methods already considered, as a rule, is quite small, while paid advertising is very effective. This is explained by the fact that thanks to the paid placement of links, the referrer attracts thousands of people, while placing an ad on various sites and forums can attract no more than a few dozen.

There is such a way as paid mailing of letters, thanks to which people interested in work find certain referrers. This is what distinguishes this method from simple spam (when letters are sent to everyone indiscriminately). If the letters reach the intended audience, then the activity and the number of referrals will increase markedly. But after a certain time, you need to pay for the mailing list again in order to observe the same effect.

Purchase referrals

There are several services inon the Internet, engaged in motivating referrals so that they not only follow the link, but also actively participate in the affiliate program. People are selected according to criteria such as time of activity, interests, age. But a direct set of referrals can be unprofitable if, after receiving the money, the person refuses to cooperate. Many will think that it is not so important to retain every person if there are thousands of them, but in fact, effective attraction is possible only if each person is taken seriously.

Contextual advertising

Thinking about where to get referrals, you should also consider such a way to attract them as placing contextual advertising or an advertising line. On sites where you can place a link, there are quite a few people who might be interested in it. The user is given the opportunity not only to choose an audience for his ad, but also to track how many clicks were made, to see the effectiveness of the link.

Creating your own website

Free (not always), but quite an effective way to attract referrals is to create a personal website with links placed on it. The advantage of this method is that you can create a website on a free hosting and independently increase traffic on it in order to attract people. Many people are skeptical about free sites, thinking that it is not so easy to promote them, but practice shows the opposite.

referral set
referral set

One of the advantages of the site is that it is constantly online, while paid advertising,for example, it is valid only until the time when the money in the account runs out. In addition, the site can describe in detail the terms of cooperation so that referrals do not fill up with questions in private messages. But not everyone will find time to create and promote the site. Among other things, the site must be made so attractive to visitors that they agree to cooperate, and not just look at the links and leave.

Features of attraction through the site

If you are going to lure people with a website, you should remember what repels them. First of all, this is intrusive advertising of other sites, on which the owners of the resource want to earn extra money. For the site to work and attract visitors, you do not need to leave it, thinking that it will constantly function at the same level. To maintain activity, it is worth starting a news feed, where information should be updated daily. At the same time, it is necessary to organize the distribution of this information.

how to find referrals
how to find referrals

Next to the link, it is better to make a detailed description so that the person who reads has a complete picture of the work and what awaits him. You should think about this even before you find referrals.

Relationship between speed and efficiency

A quick increase in referral activity through paid advertising, as a rule, is short-lived and not as effective as a gradual and more targeted attraction of people through an active search for exactly those interested in the affiliate program. In addition, it is necessary to motivate people to independentactivity and attraction of new partners.

search for referrals
search for referrals

In order for referrals to make a profit with them, you need to keep in touch, encourage them to work, describe the bonuses that they can receive for their activity. The methods of finding active users include conversations in various chat rooms, where it is very easy to get referrals in real time. There you can also tell the person about your affiliate program and find out why he refuses the offer, if such behavior takes place.
