How is a blog different from a website? How to make money on blogs and websites

How is a blog different from a website? How to make money on blogs and websites
How is a blog different from a website? How to make money on blogs and websites

When people found out that you can make good money by creating your own blog or website, they certainly decided to do it! Most of them have a question about how a blog differs from a website. Let's look at the difference between a website and a blog, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of both.

Site creation
Site creation

General concepts of the site and blog

In order to understand the difference between a blog and a website, let's look at the definition of these concepts.

Site - any site with a domain name, any project on the Internet. The site is social networks, news portals, online stores, as well as blogs, that is, all resources that are posted on the Web. Therefore, a blog in the traditional sense is one of the types of a site. If you understand the word "site" itself, then it means "place" in English, that is, if you develop this idea, then in a broader sense, a site is a place on the Web that belongs to a specific owner (webmaster). Let's give a more precise definition of a blog and in the future we will refer to all places on the Web as a site,that are not blogs.

Popular sites
Popular sites

Blog - a diary on the Internet of a specific person (or several people). The main answer to the question of how a blog differs from a site is that the people who run the site do not share information about themselves and their lives, and also do not have personal contact with the audience. In turn, people who maintain a blog share not only useful information and advice in any field, but also communicate with subscribers and talk about their lives and about themselves a lot of interesting information. Many keep a personal diary where they share their experiences and events, but such diaries are not published anywhere, only the owner himself knows about them, but some decide to show their lives to other people, because they have something to say and show, they want publicity. Most often, bloggers have an idea that they want to convey to other people, motivating them for a better life. We hope that now it has become clear what is a blog on the Internet, and what is a website.

Main differences between a website and a blog

If we look at the differences between the site and the blog more deeply, we can highlight several main ones.

  • The site is a source of income, while the blog is a hobby that after a certain time begins to bring money.
  • One webmaster can own several sites, while he most often does not even delve into the subject of the site itself, ordering articles from copywriters. The blogger, on the other hand, maintains his page on his own, putting his soul into what he wants to convey to users.
  • There is also a difference in the style of writing articles. On websites, articles are often written in professional language, while on blogs, information is presented in an accessible and more understandable, easy-to-understand language.
Website building
Website building
  • The important difference is the consistency of the audience. Bloggers have a large permanent audience, since a common idea always brings people together, and many people read blogs like a series, so they get hooked on these pages and become addicted to them, because they are interested in what will happen to this person next. The site also has its own audience, but it is not constant, since a person, having received the information he needs, will rarely return for it again.
  • On the sites, information is presented impartially and objectively, as it is aimed at a wide audience. In blogs, information is presented through the prism of the author's views.
  • Types of information and their correlation. There are various methods of creating a site, some contain more textual information, others may contain more videos and photos, it all depends on the subject of the site itself. In turn, a blog is a visual way of a person's life, or rather its description, which implies a kind of narrative. Therefore, the blog will have the most textual information.

Additional differences between a site and a blog. Theme

Sticking to one theme is what makes a blog different from a website. Websites are created to provide people with specific information. To make the site easy to use, itshould have comfortable navigation, and its data should be systematized and united by a common theme. Basically, the site is reached by search queries that are unidirectional. Many popular blogs contain several thematic areas, this is compensated by the fact that they are united by the blog representative himself.

Most Popular Blogs
Most Popular Blogs

The opportunity to express yourself

As for self-expression, this is unacceptable for websites, as they have narrow frames. A single theme, professionalism in the presentation of information, design, and so on are important for the site. Therefore, for those who are a personality prone to various kinds of experiments, it is better to have a blog where self-expression is only welcome.


A blog, unlike a website, contains the author's personal information. Sites may also provide information about the author, such as contact information and biography. However, a blog reveals a person as a person. The blog, in principle, is aimed at introducing the audience to the author, showing his path of success or failure. That is, in blogs you can observe the presence of a person's soul, and not just information.


What makes a blog different from a website is the feedback. It is rarely possible to leave comments on sites, while bloggers are only waiting for the audience's opinion about their work. After all, blogs are mostly run by creative people who just want to read the opinions of critics and fans about their work in order to understand where to develop and move on. Bloggers oftengive advice, so it is also important for them to know if they have helped other people.

Creative Growth

An important advantage of a blog over a website is the possibility of creative growth. Since the blogger knows that how often he posts new information directly affects the visit to his blog, popularity, and, consequently, his earnings. But in order to regularly share new information and events in your life, you need to have it all in it. Therefore, this situation helps bloggers to develop their creative potential. The site can also be improved, however, those who run the sites do not have to puzzle over how to quench the thirst of fans for new information, so there is much less motivation for development.

Information update rate

People who run the site do not strive for daily updating of information. For example, a news site will not give out news every hour, when new information appears, then it will be posted. The blog is like a TV series, where events are developing all the time. Thus, the blog attracts a permanent audience. Often we look at a blog just to find out how the author is doing, because we are interested in him as a person. Since people are waiting for new information from a blogger, like a new episode of their favorite series, it obliges bloggers to regularly post new information. Otherwise, the blogger will simply be forgotten.

Similarities of the website and blog

Besides the differences, the site and the blog have similarities, such as:

  1. Versatility.
  2. Theme. The information is directed tospecific target audience.
  3. Content. Information is presented in the form of links, photos, images, video, audio, graphics, text.
  4. Publicity. Anyone can become the author of a blog or website.
  5. Mandatory hosting.
  6. Legal regime of websites and blogs.
  7. Required URL. Both blogs and websites require an individual address, which is displayed in the address bar of the browser.
Working on blogs
Working on blogs

How to decide between a blog and a website?

If you are thinking about creating a website or blog, then decide on the goal. What is the purpose of your website/blog? Of course you want to make money. If you want, in addition to earning money, to become famous on the Internet, then it is better to create a blog. In the event that you are only interested in making money, then the site is better for you.

Initially, blogs were created to share their thoughts with the audience, but at the moment, in blogs, people try to show their professionalism in one area or another. Info businessmen - that's who the blog helps to sell their knowledge (information) with the help of a blog. In this case, the blog will help to position the audience in such a way as to inspire confidence. Having followers will also have a good effect on sales.

When a visitor enters the site, he does not know who he is dealing with, what kind of person the seller is, therefore, trust does not arise.

Creation and development of sites
Creation and development of sites

How to create a blog or website?

Many famous bloggerscreate your blog using the WordPress engine. Why he? It's all about simplicity and accessibility. This engine is quite easy to install (takes 1 minute!) and use. Thus, it is perfect for those who do not know the basics of building a website. Since this engine is very popular, you can get a lot of advice and support from other users, which will also make your life easier. If you do not want to create a blog yourself, but you have money, you can use the services of a freelancer. If you are wondering who writes websites, then they are created by specially trained people who are called web designers.

Work on sites
Work on sites

10 most famous bloggers in the world

People create a blog for absolutely different reasons, someone wants to share their thoughts, someone wants to sell their product or promote someone's products, there are a number of other reasons. Regardless of the reason for creating a blog, suddenly it can become very popular and bring a lot of money to its author. Let's take a look at the top ten most popular and successful blogs around the world!

  1. Huffington Post. This blog was founded by several people - Arianna Huffington, Jonah Peretti, Andrew Breitbart and Kenneth Lehrer. The blog is very lively and constantly updated with new information. Several topics are covered: modern technologies, entertainment, environment, business, politics and other topics. The blog became so popular that in 2009, Forbes ranked Arianna Huffington as the 12th most powerful woman in the world.
  2. TechCrunch. Blogdedicated to technology. Created by Michael Arrington. A big plus of this blog is the ability to translate into Japanese and French. In 2005, similar blogs were created dedicated to certain areas of technology development, they are collectively called the TechCrunch Network. For example, there is a MobileCrunch blog dedicated to mobile devices and computers. At the moment, the founders are hosting networking and computer technology conferences for everyone.
  3. Gawker. This blog carries information about celebrities (politicians, musicians and actors). It is by going to Gawker that you will find out all the latest gossip, events and news about the life of the top people in the world. It's funny that the sources of information are anonymous media. Founded by Nick Denton in 2003.
  4. Lifehacker is a great blog about how you can make your daily life more pleasant and simple, also contains information about the latest in software and the world of gadgets. Founded by Gina Trapani in 2005. As most people earn on blogs and websites, so this blog earns through advertising from Sony.
  5. Mashable is a blog dedicated to social media news, technology and websites. Founded by Pete Cashmore in 2005. Here you will find information about various gadgets, memes, movies, games, entertainment, technology and so on. In 2009, this blog became one of the 250 most interesting and popular blogs.
  6. Fail Blog is a godsend for fans of fun, because there are a lot of funnyvideos and photos, as well as anecdotes. Interestingly, in 2009, a book from this blog with jokes was created, which is a great success. The founder is Ben Hah, 2008. The feature of the site is that most of the materials are uploaded by the users themselves.
  7. Smashing Magazine is a blog that contains a lot of useful tips for web developers and designers. Founded by Sven Lennartz and Vitaly Friedman in 2006. The blog is intended for those people who work in the networking industry.
  8. Business Insider - blog about business. Founded by Kevin P. in 2009. The feature of the blog is an ironic message, and it is always indicated what information was distorted.
  9. Engadget - blog about network technologies. Founded by Peter Rojas in 2004.
  10. The Daily Beast is a news blog about various events in the world. Founded in 2008 by Tina Brown.

People who create such useful things always motivate others to do more.
