Over time, the space of a brand new iPad becomes littered with unnecessary files that slow down the gadget. In order to free up memory, it is very important to know how to clear the cache on the iPad. Sooner or later, this problem confronts every user, so in this article we will look at how to speed up the device by removing all unnecessary, and at the same time not losing important files.

Do I need to clear the cache?
Purge temporary space should be done if programs are unstable, freeze or crash, and also when free memory is vital for normal operation. It’s better not to bring the matter to the second option, otherwise you won’t be able to do without the use of special utilities.
We visit dozens of sites every day. Information from them is saved to the temporary files of the tablet. This applies even to incompletely loaded pages and cookies. Storage of a large numbergarbage negatively affects not only the speed of the device, but also the performance of the system as a whole. Therefore, you should regularly clear the space and get rid of useless content.
How to clear browser cache on iPad?
The cache is designed to store temporary files. It saves all frequently visited pages, used programs, copies of viewed photos and much more. Let's take an example with maps. Surely you paid attention to the fact that when loading "Yandex. Maps" for the first time, the program starts loading maps directly from the Global Network? But if you restart the application, for example, the next day or the next day, the map will be displayed instantly. The fact is that part of the map already exists in the memory of your gadget, so the application with maps gets the necessary information from the temporary space, and does not download it again.
Caching speeds up the loading of sites and pages in the browser, while the traffic consumption is significantly reduced. The gadget itself will not be able to automatically delete the cache, so you will have to operate manually.
- First, go to your iPad settings.
- Find the Safari browser.
- In your browser options, select "Clear history and site data".
After that, all visited pages will disappear from the browser, and the ipad memory will be freed. All browser tabs will be empty. Using the built-in iOS tool, you can clear the cache on the iPad tablet, as you can see, in a few seconds. There is nothing difficult about it.

If you need to reset all settings
Now let's look at how to clean the iPad.
To do this, you need to enter the main settings of the gadget, then in the "Reset" option, select the cleaning method you need. You can delete network settings, home key settings, reset geolocations, and keyboard dictionary. To clear the cache, select "Reset content and settings". After confirmation, the iPad will return to the factory settings, so if you decide to take this step, before the deletion procedure, you must copy the necessary information to the "Cloud" or to a USB flash drive or some other medium. If you just need to reset the network settings, then the files will not go anywhere, but you will have to reconfigure WI-FI.
Many people have a question: "How to clear the cache on the iPad mini?" If we compare the settings of "apple" gadgets, we can say that they practically do not differ from each other. Therefore, Ipad mini can be cleaned in any of the above ways.

Clean up temporary files in applications
Smartphones and tablets running on the iOS platform do not have the function to delete the application cache. Fortunately, you can perform this operation using third-party programs or directly in the application itself, which will be cleaned. Not all instant messengers and applications have this option, so it is recommended to download the Battery Doctor software, which in a couple of touches will relieveyou from unnecessary trash.
How to clear the cache on the iPad using this program?
- Download Battery Doctor from the app store.
- Enter the Junk ("garbage").
- Select the Clean Up Cache option.
- Confirm your action by clicking on Clean.

The authors of the program themselves recommend resorting to its help only as a last resort, when the iPad is very slow. Before clearing the cache, you should copy the files that are important to you to your computer or somewhere else. If your iPad is jailbroken, you can use the CacheClearer program. Instructions:
Download and install CacheClearer.
- Choose any of the apps. It can be Facebook, Vkontakte, and Instagram.
- Enter the settings of the selected app.
- Click on Clear App’s Cache.
- After completing the procedure, you will see that the program has become "weigh" much less.
Auto cleaning
In the Appstore, you can also download other specialized programs that will maintain the stable operation of the gadget, periodically clearing it of unnecessary temporary files. PhoneClean and iCleaner Pro do a great job. If you activate the reminder option, then from time to time the program will offer to clean up the garbage. This will help prevent clogging.your iPad and free up to 40% of RAM.
Clear cache by uninstalling apps
The methods above are effective, but not always. There are programs that take up quite a lot of space, and software like iCleaner Pro is not able to access the cache. In this case, you can uninstall it and then reinstall it. In order to determine which application is the most cumbersome, you need to enter the main settings, and then to the “Storage”. There you will find the section “Statistics”. Look through the options for each program and you'll see which one is taking up the most disk space. Delete it and then download it again from the app store. That's how we figured out how to clear the cache on the iPad by reinstalling bulk programs.

Clear the cache from the computer
There are several utilities for MacOS and Windows that do a good job of cleaning the temporary memory of the iPad. One of them is PhoneClean. To clear the cache, you need to pair your tablet and computer. Launch the PhoneClean application. Click on the Start Scan button. When the scan is completed, the scan results will be displayed on the monitor.
Get rid of unnecessary messages and multimedia files
Every music lover has a habit of downloading large volumes of music and clips, thereby unintentionally slowing down their gadget. Do not be lazy to revise your multimedia content, delete audio and video files that you have not listened to or watched for a long time. The same goes for photographs: theycan be copied to the Cloud and then deleted from the iPad's memory.

Private Access Mode
You can make sure that temporary files are not saved at all. To do this, you need to go to the Safari browser. Click on "Bookmarks" in the lower right corner: a pop-up window will appear in front of you. Select the "Private Access" option, from now on you can browse any sites, and their data will not be stored and litter the memory of your tablet. In addition, none of the Internet users will be able to see whether you have visited a particular site. The attendance history will always be empty. Just remember to close pages after viewing.

In conclusion
Now you know how to clear the cache on the iPad easily and quickly, thereby freeing up a large amount of the necessary space. But it should be remembered that if you decide to completely format your gadget, transfer all valuable information to a reliable medium in order to avoid loss.