The Innovation Agency of the City of Moscow is a guarantee of the development of the region

The Innovation Agency of the City of Moscow is a guarantee of the development of the region
The Innovation Agency of the City of Moscow is a guarantee of the development of the region

Given the progressive development of each area of the market, it becomes difficult to create a unique product and maintain an optimal level of its competitiveness. In solving this issue, each manufacturer is trying to find new ways to achieve their goals, which leads to the only right way out - the creation of innovations.

Innovation is the key to business success

The term "innovation" has many definitions, but without a clear understanding of it, it is quite difficult to start working on their creation. So, by innovation, many people mean innovation, new development, but this is not entirely true. In fact, this concept characterizes those inventions and ideas that contribute to an increase in the level of development of society.

New innovations
New innovations

New innovations are intelligent solutions, the implementation of which will improve the sphere of life and other branches of human functioning. The creation of innovation directly depends on the level of investment, so some companies are forced to seek help from innovation agencies.

Innovation agencies are a componenteconomic market

Innovation business has been on the market for a long time, but it was mainly focused on innovation at the school level. And in order to expand this direction and ensure an influx of constant ideas, the Moscow City Innovation Agency was created (General Director Parabuchev Alexei Igorevich). Its creation took place at the level of the Department of Science, and now only it has the right to accept applications for new projects and evaluate their feasibility and level of innovation.

competition of innovative projects
competition of innovative projects

A competition of innovative projects is held annually on the basis of this organization. With its help, innovative proposals in various fields of activity are identified, which will be further funded for full development and implementation. The competition was created to popularize the innovative ideas of the city, ensure demand for them and further support.

Promotion of innovative development

Under the popularization of innovations, as a rule, they mean informing about the features and opportunities that exist in Moscow. These include: creating a brand of the city, distinguishing it from the background of other cities, popularizing the economic sphere and opportunities for its development, as well as identifying free niches and segments of activity.

The target audience of innovative project competitions is mainly represented by domestic and foreign companies in the field of he althcare, environmental technology, industry, energy, etc. Therefore, their winners can be sure thattheir proposed development will be appreciated.

Tasks performed by the agency

The main objective, which guided the creation of the city's innovation agency, is to increase the level of demand for innovative developments of local companies. In the perspective of successful operation, it is planned that the share of purchased innovative developments under the state order will be equal to 15%.

Moscow Innovation Agency, General Director
Moscow Innovation Agency, General Director

In addition to holding competitions, selecting ideas, determining their feasibility and level of novelty, control is exercised over implementation and the level of final effectiveness. All this is carried out by the Moscow City Innovation Agency. In this case, it guarantees the fulfillment of all conditions of cooperation with companies and has the right to make adjustments at any stage of the process.

Innovation centers as one of the elements of the organizational structure

On the basis of the named agency, various centers were created, united in the areas of development of the economic and technical spheres. The Innovation Center facilitates the generation of ideas, as well as the creation of full-fledged projects from the development stage to the implementation and evaluation process.

innovation center
innovation center

The following centers are currently operating in Moscow:

  • prototyping and design;
  • engineering;
  • mechatronics;
  • robotics;
  • 3D modeling.

This is just a small list of areas in which andpromoted by the innovation center. Due to the narrow focus, all participants can demonstrate innovations in the most promising perspective.

Varieties of innovative projects

New innovations, like other projects, are divided into types:

  1. Technological. They include the development of new manufacturing products, products, or changes to existing designs.
  2. Social. They imply changes or innovations in the main areas of life of the population of the capital.
  3. Grocery. The Moscow City Innovation Agency promotes the development of fundamentally new products with useful properties.
  4. Marketing. This view implements new and greatly improved promotional methods that cover product design and packaging, presentation materials, etc.
Moscow innovation agency
Moscow innovation agency

Organization presentation

The presentation of the described organization took place in October 2015. In its course, the goals of opening the agency were formulated:

  • formation of a sustainable basis for the development and implementation of innovative solutions in the market environment;
  • constant development of innovative infrastructure;
  • increasing Moscow's attractiveness for innovation investment;
  • attracting investment contributions to the activities of progressive companies.

As it became known from the presentation, the Moscow City Innovation Agency will, among other things,promote the development of technoparks and technopolises, creating comfortable conditions for existence and activity with a further increase in their number.
