How to set up ads on Instagram? Targeted advertising on Instagram

How to set up ads on Instagram? Targeted advertising on Instagram
How to set up ads on Instagram? Targeted advertising on Instagram

"Instagram" is a newcomer to the world of social networks. And although it has an exponentially growing number of users, it does not yet have its own tools for promoting business projects. Although today there are thousands of online trading accounts on Instagram that make successful sales. But still ahead! It took Facebook and Vkontakte many years to create advertising and marketing tools. Today, you can earn money on advertising on Instagram using the Facebook advertising manager.

how to set up ads on instagram
how to set up ads on instagram

Define strategy

Before you set up advertising on Instagram, you need to determine what the goal of this company will be. Today there are many strategies, but only two are most relevant for social networks.

  1. Subscribe to an account. That is, the goal is not to sell immediately. The main thing is to attract and interest a potential client so that he, if necessary, immediately takes advantage of the offered goods or services.
  2. Visit to the site or the so-called "sale in the forehead." Not the most effective way to advertise on Instagram, but it is also effective.

Create an account

To start creating ads on Instagram, you need to have a Facebook account. If it does not exist, then you should register and fill the page with minimal information about yourself. Through Facebook, ads on Instagram will be created and controlled.

Linking accounts

So, the Facebook account has been created, now you need to link it to the existing one on Instagram. This happens through the business manager, in which you also need to register by clicking the "Create an account" menu. Next, click "Company Setup" and here select "Instagram Accounts" and fill out the form again. Linked.

how much does it cost to advertise on instagram
how much does it cost to advertise on instagram

To check its success, you need to go to the Facebook Ads manager. You can set up ads on Instagram either using it or using the more advanced Power Editor panel. This tool has more features and is designed to manage multiple accounts at the same time.

Select target

When creating targeted advertising on Instagram, the most important thing is to choose the right goals and objectives for the future advertising company. By clicking on the menu item "Create an ad" in Adsmanager, a whole list of goals is offered, with the help of which Facebook and Instagram will further independently optimize ads.

There are three strategies:

  1. Fame. That is, the main goal is for the advertisement to be remembered and recognized by the masses.
  2. Leads. Focus on direct contact and interaction with a potential consumer.
  3. Conversion. A specific action must be performed by the client.

Subsequently, if there is a desire to change something, then you can set up advertising on Instagram, as well as set new company goals, in a few clicks.

targeted ads on instagram
targeted ads on instagram

Setting up an advertising company

The Instagram ad exchange offers a wide range of settings that are selected after the goal is chosen and the name of the advertising campaign is thought up:

  1. Conversion. You need to set a specific action, during which the lead will be considered successfully completed. To do this, use the "Site" menu and the Difene a new custom conversion submenu. Here we indicate the link to the final page, then the code that we received should be inserted into the site between the tag.
  2. General characteristics of the audience. You should choose the audience as narrowly as possible, the success of the advertising company depends on this.
  3. Individual audience. Fornew advertising campaign, this item is redundant. Subsequently, having studied in detail the basics of how to advertise on Instagram and having a circle of regular customers, in this menu you can specify their data, according to which Facebook can create an individual group.
  4. Places. We choose the location of potential customers. You can even choose the limits of one settlement.
  5. Age.
  6. Gender.
  7. Languages . These points need no comment. Everything is so very clear and simple.
  8. Detailed setting of the audience. This setting item should be given as much time and attention as possible. Selecting the characteristics in the list, on the right, the system immediately calculates the approximate coverage of the target audience. Here you can set up an advertising company in such a way as to get the maximum benefit with minimal spending.
  9. Targeting. Here you can register the interests and behavior of people. It's no secret now that social networks capture the actions of their users every minute and then first of all show those news or advertisements that are most relevant to their early requests.
  10. Connections. In this subparagraph, before advertising on Instagram, you can link subscribers from the Facebook group. But this is provided that it exists.
  11. instagram ad market
    instagram ad market


Studying the question "How to set up advertising on Instagram", you need to set up the placements of the future advertising company accordingly.

Devices. You need to choose on which types of devices ads will be shown. The choice is not great - only PC, only mobile or everywhere.

Expanded parameters. For beginners, you should not change anything here, as it is not yet possible to accurately predict the behavior of potential customers.

Since the advertising campaign will be directed only to Instagram, you should bypass the item "Show ads on Facebook as well". Since it will not be possible to subsequently separate the results of the advertising campaign separately in each social network.

Budget and Schedule

This is the final step in setting up targeted advertising on Instagram. Here the cost and duration of the advertising campaign is determined.

  1. Money and time. So, here you can get the answer to the question "How much does advertising on Instagram cost?".
  2. Budget. You can set it for one day or immediately for the entire period of the company. The minimum cost for ruble accounts is 60 rubles, and for dollar accounts - $5.
  3. Schedule. You can choose a specific time period of the company or continuous ad display.
  4. Optimization. This subparagraph establishes the action that will be considered effective.
  5. Conversion window. The time period for which the client must decide to create an application.
  6. Bet amount. It is better to choose the value "Auto". Otherwise, if the bid is lowered to save money, then the ad may not be shown at all in the end.
  7. how to removeadvertising on instagram
    how to removeadvertising on instagram

When choosing the sub-item "What will be paid for", it is best to choose impressions. This is a pre-winning option.

Further settings are quite simple and you don't need to change anything.

You can think of any name for ads that comes to mind.


You can always connect your imagination and create a new original ad or use previously invented ad options.

  1. Format. Slides, video or picture. The appearance of each of the formats can be found in the personal account for setting up an advertising campaign. Having chosen a format, you should carefully read its technical characteristics so that you do not have to redo the ad several times later. The text on the photo should take no more than 20% - this is another condition of Facebook.
  2. Page and post. Specify the link and write the inviting text.
  3. Facebook Page. Select an already created Facebook account.
  4. Instagram account. Select the page on behalf of which the advertisement will be shown. The account must be real and active.
  5. Website address. Link of the page to which the user will go after clicking on the ad.
  6. Header. It will not be shown, so the item can simply be skipped.
  7. Text. Any words, any format, the main thing is to make you want to click on the ad.
  8. Call to action. "More" or any other at your own discretion.

Here is the ad created. You can view the final result and already know how much advertising on Instagram costs, so you can safely launch the campaign and wait for the results.

how to advertise on instagram
how to advertise on instagram

How to disable ads on Instagram

The above describes in detail how to create an ad on Instagram, but there are some users of this and any other network who can not stand all these advertising posters and want to get rid of them. So, we answer the question "How to remove ads on Instagram?". And for the full version and for the mobile application, there is only one way. You need to click in the upper right corner on the ad itself and select the "Hide" sub-item, after answering the standard question: "Why do you not want to see this message anymore?" And that's it! Ads disabled.

The disadvantage of this method is immediately evident. It consists in the fact that not all advertising on Instagram is turned off in this way, but only ads of one particular user.

How to remove ads on Instagram once and for all? Such a method does not yet exist. That is, in order to minimize the frequency of appearance of advertising banners in the news feed, it will take about a week to track them and hide them one by one. A little perseverance - and advertisements will practically not appear in the event feed.

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earn money from ads on instagram

The social network "Instagram" every day increases the numberits users, regardless of whether it contains ads or not. Not only the number of personal accounts is growing, but also the number of business sites. Instagram is a real opportunity to create your own business with virtually no investment. Without a doubt, it will soon have its own tools for creating and promoting business accounts.