How many words exist today that we have never heard of before, but they came when the Internet burst into our lives. Website promotions, social networks, clickbait headlines, channel development and video uploads. But behind all this, in many actions, there is one main task: to make a profit by selling goods and services or promoting yourself as a public figure.
Clickbait - what is it?
Advertising has long and firmly entered our lives, and everyone knows that this is the engine of progress. First, it was used in newspapers and on television, then on radio and city streets, and then on the Internet, as it became one of the most popular platforms.

With the promotion of advertising, such concepts as traffic, popularity, likes, clicks, transitions and clickbait appeared (this is an original way of building a headline where the essence is not revealed, but there remains a certain mystery and intrigue for a person to click on it).
In order to stay in high positions and be visible among hundreds of competitors, it is necessary to understand modern terms.
What is a title
Before you can understand from examples that clickbait is distorted headlines, you need to find out why it appeared at allthis concept. It is believed that today on the Internet you need to pay for each character, and one of the main goals is to go to the desired page of the resource.

The headline consists of several parts - three outer parts and one that develops in the reader's head, and it all looks interesting:
- 1 part - neighbors of a certain article in the news feed;
- 2 part - the news itself with the title;
- 3 part - picture related to the article;
- 4 part - the theory that has developed in the user's head, for which the text was written.
Rules or features of original titles
Advertising on the Internet can be seen by millions, but it can be completely different, created according to its own rules.

So what are the characteristic features of clickbait:
- In headlines, you can often see pronouns that indicate something: this, this, that.
- Referring to a specific reader, i.e. in the singular, such as "you", to establish friendly contact.
- A contradiction where the usual things are said first and then there is an unexpected twist.
- Exaggeration: to get the reader to pay attention to your headline, you need to exaggerate everything, for example, words such as “the most, the most” or the most magnificent, etc.
- Punctuation - it is usually non-standard, you can see a lot of question or exclamation marks, ellipsis.
- Phraseologisms are also oftenfound in this type of headings.
The signs above showed that clickbait is a really bright, attractive and original way to create a headline. The main goal is to attract as many people as possible to a certain resource.

If the author can correctly approach the creation of clickbait, he will quickly achieve the desired results, namely the increase in traffic. With the correct use of this method, you can quickly promote the site, resulting in increased sales, for example. Here, a bait can work, which the user swallows, gets to a resource where he not only satisfies his curiosity, but also receives some useful information.
Translated from English, the word clickbait or Clickbait consists of two parts: click is a click, click, and bait is bait or bait. Those who look at this headline immediately want to click and find out what information they want to convey to readers.
A vivid example of clickbait is such a phrase: "everyone should know that.." or "a secret that was successfully revealed..", or "what the news was silent about..".

Television and newspapers also use this method to attract readers and viewers, but most often in the yellow press or scandalous programs. On the Internet, clickbait has reached another level and is an excellent tool for Internet marketing. This method is popular because competitionvery high, and somehow it is necessary to stand out so that your site is chosen.
Using the characteristic features, you can easily create an original headline, but the main thing is not to overdo it and not reinvent the wheel. All these methods are based on knowledge of psychology and experience.
What is clickbait on YouTube
YouTube is a popular video hosting not only in Russia, but all over the world. Thousands of videos are uploaded to the Web every day, and everyone wants to be noticed. The concept of clickbait works great here, because among the many similar videos you can catch with the help of a bright, flashy title.
There is a constant war for the attention of readers and viewers, so that due to the large number of views, get millions of impressions, and then profit.
But however, this does not mean that you need to write profanity, because the services carefully monitor this and can easily block the channel.
Characteristic headings for channels are the following phrases:
- You've never seen anything like this..
- If you watch this video, you will learn a terrible secret..
- An incredible sight..
- Hurry to see this video!
After reading such phrases, it immediately becomes clear what clickbait is on YouTube and not only. In addition, in addition to the title, you can use the cover of the video with bright inscriptions and an interesting picture to attract attention. No wonder all promotion professionals say that in order for your video to be noticed, it must be created by those people who, inunderstand this. For example, a good designer will make a unique, bright and appealing cover that will attract viewers, which will increase the number of views, and then make a profit.