Invisible marketing: concept, examples, results

Invisible marketing: concept, examples, results
Invisible marketing: concept, examples, results

Invisible marketing is one of the most effective technologies for promoting a product or service. With a good consumer reaction, the cost of it is incomparably lower than the usual advertising.

covert marketing
covert marketing


This is a way to promote a product without a specific description of its benefits. There is no direct imposition, consumers are unaware that they are offered to use some product or service. People often promote a product themselves by discussing or mentioning it during a conversation. There is an exchange of information and opinions. Quite often, people want to try a new product precisely because it is talked about a lot. Currently, the tool has become very actively used due to the popularization of the Internet. The purpose of such promotion is to create a positive image of a product, service or company. A common form of ste alth marketing is rumor marketing, which involves sharing information among people.

viral marketing
viral marketing

The methods used in this type of promotion are fundamentally different from the standard way of advertising. The main differences are:

  • Speeddistribution. Information is transmitted via the Internet. Social networks, blogs, video channels allow you to quickly convey information. Actuality, scandalousness, revolutionary nature stimulate the speed of its distribution. Thus, you can quickly notify a large audience about the promoted product.
  • Efficiency. Consumers are accustomed to advertising, so the reaction to what they see constantly on television or in print is becoming less and less. The level of trust in what they hear from acquaintances or people whose opinion they respect is much higher. This method can also be used in verbal communication with a potential buyer of products. For example, a consultant may simply list the characteristics of available telephones. That will only confuse the buyer, and he will go home without a purchase. If you talk about the phone that he uses himself or bought as a gift to someone close, you can “secretly” tell why he does not recommend buying another phone model. With this more informal communication, the likelihood of a purchase is significantly increased.
  • The cost of organizing marketing is significantly lower than traditional print or television advertising. In addition, the budget can be calculated and quickly assessed.


Promotion technology itself appeared because of the need for small companies to compete with large ones. In view of the small financial possibilities, it was necessary to find more affordable ways to present oneself in the market. In addition, at the initial stage, it is important to quickly get results fromactivities due to budget constraints. In addition to low cost, hidden marketing allows you to quickly arouse consumer interest in a product. It is on the rejection of the use of traditional advertising media that the business of network marketing companies is built.

marketing organization
marketing organization

At the same time, if the quality of the product meets expectations, then in addition to stable demand, the company will receive better advertising from the consumers themselves. Another advantage is the creation of a positive image of the product or company. It can also be used to reduce loy alty to competitors.

When is it useful to use this strategy

Companies are encouraged to use this promotion strategy when they are new to the market and do not yet have a reputation. It's also the best way to improve your image if a product or company loses consumer confidence.

Invisible marketing can become part of a whole range of promotional activities to stimulate interest and demand for a new product. If you start it before the goods go on sale, there is an opportunity to create a hype in advance.

About viruses

Is a common way of advertising. The essence of the virus is that one person likes an article or video, he shares it with his friends, and those with their own, and so on. The more interesting information is presented, the faster and larger will be its dissemination. This method of promotion is very close to covert marketing. Almost 150 years old example shows how similar they are and why they are well usedtogether. Mr. Shustov, wanting to draw attention to the cognac he produced, hired several students whose task was to create a stir. They went to wine glasses and asked for this particular cognac. Since it was not available, young people made scandals and fights. The task was to create as much noise as possible and to interest others in what was happening. Journalists could not ignore such events, and articles were regularly published in newspapers. Information spread rapidly, like a virus (viral marketing). As a result, in a very short time, the townspeople learned about this product. In addition to creating a stir, people were wondering what kind of brandy it is, if young people are so indignant at its absence.

network marketing company
network marketing company

In order to want to get acquainted with the content, to share it with others, it is important to think it over well. The first thing the audience pays attention to is the title. There may be dozens of similar videos or articles. But having a bright name will attract much more attention. For example, "The Five Most Beautiful Islands in the World" sounds more interesting than just "Beautiful Islands".

In order to get a viral effect, the information must be free. Even the hint that you need to pay for access to content will alienate many users. The advantage of the Internet is the possibility of obtaining new knowledge for free. Some companies offer the basic version of the product for free, if it is really useful and interesting, they will be more willing to use additional paid services than if theymust pay for access in advance.

hidden internet marketing
hidden internet marketing

Promotion does not exist apart from quality

Viral marketing will give the desired effect only if the information is useful. If a user opened an article because of a bright title, but the material itself is of no value, he will close it and he will not have a desire to share with others. Even the opposite effect is possible - advice not to read, not to buy and not to use.


Marketing organization should be focused on human emotions. Well-chosen material that touches on various feelings of people makes you react more actively to it. Articles about famous people containing positive and negative qualities and actions encourage more discussion of the person and her behavior than a dry listing of her merits.

hidden marketing examples
hidden marketing examples

It is often not the specific product itself that is promoted, but the emotions and feelings it brings. Hidden marketing on the Internet is not always "hidden". This is the basis for the work of various sites with reviews of goods and services. On them, people share their experience of using products, talking about the advantages and disadvantages. Such posts often talk about emotional components. Therefore, photos before and after using the cream work well. Or shower gel not only cleanses the skin, but has an invigorating aroma that allows you to wake up faster in the morning and recharge your batteries. At the same time, it is difficult to guess that many of the reviews are written by special people,whose responsibilities include promoting a particular product.

Social networks

Invisible social media marketing is very popular. It allows you to create pages of interest, post interesting content on them and encourage users to respond to it. Often it is in the comments to it that the exchange of experience takes place and advice is given. Often several different groups are created, which are ultimately associated with the promoted product. The complexity of covert promotion lies precisely in the fact that messages must be unobtrusive informational in nature. Similar methods are used on forums and blogs. With a huge range of products making it difficult to choose, people are increasingly trusting the opinions and advice of friends and experts.

hidden social media marketing
hidden social media marketing

WOM (word-of-mouth) marketing

Involves the transfer of information from person to person through conversation. At the same time, with personal contact, it is more difficult for a person to refuse a purchase than just visiting a store. This method of promotion is widely used in network marketing. Companies understand that sales are higher when a product is offered to a person in person. In addition, you can interest him with bonuses and free samples. The financial interest of agents allows you to increase brand and product awareness.

Modern technologies for promoting products, services, companies involve many people. They are attended not only by marketers, but also by many different specialists and ordinary users.
