Losing a phone is not the most pleasant event, but even if the trail of your favorite gadget has caught a cold, you should not despair. Far-sighted programmers have developed special applications that will allow you to find a smartphone in case of a sudden loss. It is easy to download utilities both in the Play Market and in the public domain. Moreover, you can run the tools both from a third-party phone and from a home computer. It's not necessary to search for an "Android" phone through Google when there are plenty of easier and more affordable methods.

The application is the simplest tool to search for an "Android" phone. Using the utility, you can instantly send a pop-up message to your mobile gadget. The message will appear on the screen, and if someone found the smartphone, they will be able to find out who owns the loss. At the same time there is a full blocking functionphone with a password, so intruders will not be able to access personal data and confidential information. With AndroidLost, it will not be difficult to determine the location of the device. In such a situation, the message is sent through the program from another smartphone, on which the main data is issued. The function is not yet completely perfect, but the developers are constantly updating the already hit product.
Prey Anti-Theft

Another useful utility that will allow you to search for an Android phone in a short time is Prey Anti-Theft. The tool can search for a gadget by geolocation, block the device, identify a SIM card change, and even determine when the phone turns on and off. The main feature of the program is that it allows you to take automatic pictures using the rear and front cameras. If the phone is stolen, you can capture the thief in all its glory. The program starts working after activation of the emergency protocol. The utility scans the status of the missing item every twenty minutes, about which the user receives detailed reports in the form of understandable statistics. A feature of the product is that you can set a lock to delete it, and accordingly, have permanent access to the lost device and, if not found, then do not give it into the hands of new owners.
Find My Phone
This solution is one of the programs with which you can search for an "Android" phone. The functionality of the application is not so wide,but includes only the essentials. The tool searches for the device using GPS technologies. The program for finding the Android phone takes data from the cell tower, determines the distance from it to the gadget and gives the most accurate information on the map. It becomes possible in the shortest possible time to establish the location of the device, without putting any extra effort. Including the utility will allow you to track the movements of the "thief" in real time.
Wheres My Droid

Phones are not only stolen. Often they are lost by the users themselves, and not just anywhere, but right at home. However, the search for an "Android" phone does not get any easier. For such purposes, the Wheres My Droid program is presented. The product will allow you to find a smartphone through a sound signal, pre-configured from a variety of available options. The utility works on the principle of sending a message. You can send a call sign from a computer or from another gadget on a similar operating system. The message contains a code word, which just activates the emergency alert mode. There are other applications that can help with such problems, but their capabilities are similar to those described above, so we will not consider them separately.