"VKontakte" buttons are not pressed: possible reasons

"VKontakte" buttons are not pressed: possible reasons
"VKontakte" buttons are not pressed: possible reasons

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The social network "VKontakte" is perhaps the most popular site among young people, because it is in this project that you can quickly find communication, as well as watch videos, listen to music, install applications, and just great and interesting to spend your free time. time. As a rule, each user independently chooses a browser for himself, with the help of which he subsequently finds himself in a social network, and on other sites. Since the project we are talking about today is very popular, then, accordingly, heavy loads are placed on it, which can lead to “glitches” and other troubles. Very often it happens when the buttons are not pressed on VKontakte. Yes, yes, they simply stop working, and then it simply does not seem possible to continue to be on this site, since you cannot go to another page. Let's take a look at why the buttons in VK are not pressed?


Vkontakte buttons are not pressed
Vkontakte buttons are not pressed

This issue may not be due to the server that is handling the requests, but ratheryour computer, and, according to statistics, not everyone can cope with it. In fact, there are many reasons why the VKontakte buttons are not being pressed, and today we will try to figure out how to solve this problem.


First of all, you need to try to access the social network from a different browser, for example, it can be Opera or Google Chrome, we do not exclude other options, but most often this error occurs precisely for users who are on the Internet with Mozilla. So, why are the VKontakte buttons not being pressed? The fact is that perhaps your cache is simply overloaded, and, accordingly, you should clear it. It would also not hurt to clear Cokies, this can be done directly in the browser or through a specialized program, for example, it can be CCleaner.

why are the VKontakte buttons not being pressed
why are the VKontakte buttons not being pressed

"VKontakte" buttons are not pressed due to possible overloads. More precisely, your provider cannot handle such a stream, so everything may still depend on it.

If you clear all the saved data and also change the browser, then for sure the problem that the buttons are not being pressed on VKontakte will disappear instantly. And if the matter has not changed, then you should contact your provider or just write to the support service.


If no buttons are pressed on VKontakte, then we recommend that you also try to log in from a mobile device and check if everything will work in this mode.