Cashbury platform: real reviews

Cashbury platform: real reviews
Cashbury platform: real reviews

Among the population today, microloans are becoming more and more relevant. Their huge advantage is the short term of the contract, and even high interest rates do not scare people. In the real world, there are a lot of such companies, but their reputation does not always correspond to the declared advertising slogans. Therefore, you should not contact the first organization that comes across. It is better to analyze and choose the most suitable platform for yourself.

The investment company "Cashbury" has excellent reviews compared to the rest, and it works not only in real life, but also on the Internet. It was due to its popularity that the platform began to need to attract additional assets in order to fully satisfy consumer demand. Such a step allows absolutely anyone who wants to earn on their own savings, becoming one of the company's investors.

Safety level

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cashbury real reviews

Reviews about the company "Cashbury" are regularly updated with opinions from new customers. Most of them highlight absolute transparency among the advantages.service activities. The company has all the necessary documents for official work in the field of microfinance of citizens both on the Internet and in real life, and the platform originates from there.

In addition to documentary support of activities, the service actively conducts trainings and lectures that allow you to easily and quickly get acquainted with the work of the company and start earning right now. "Cashbury" collects real positive feedback not only from investors, but also from customers who used the service to apply for a microloan.

The site allows you to do everything quickly and easily, since its functionality is clear to absolutely everyone. Investors' earnings are based on receiving interest from clients from the money they use. The platform takes half for itself, and the rest is returned to the investor along with the invested amount.

Given the high interest rates on loans, the profit can be huge, but there is also a risk of not getting it at all if the borrower does not return the borrowed funds. In such a case, the Cashbury service (reviews from investors confirm this) offers all partners to insure their own deposits. In this case, all possible losses will concern only the platform itself.

It is interesting that in the real world the platform has offices not only in the largest cities of Russia, but also outside the country. The company is active in London (England), Mexico and Kazakhstan, and plans to expand the scope of its activities in the near future.

Negative reviews of "Cashbury" (cheating or not, willdiscussed in the article) has a small amount. Maybe because the online platform started working only in January of this year, or maybe because all statements about it, especially on the official website, are subject to strict moderation.

Getting Started

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cashbury reviews scam

It is immediately evident that the best professionals in their field have tried very hard to create the site. All the functionality here is as convenient and understandable as possible. For those who doubt their actions, a lot of training videos are immediately posted, where employees and managers of the company put everything on the shelves. This approach makes it possible to issue a microloan on the site even for an inexperienced user.

In addition, the Cashbury platform (reviews below) has its own exchanger and store that offers products to registered users at big discounts. You can get them by exchanging existing bonuses, which users receive, in turn, in exchange for various actions with the site.

Profit options

User reviews about "Cashbury" in Russia confirm that the platform offers its investors to earn not only by investing in the financing of others. Having a certain amount of money at their disposal, everyone can choose the most pleasant way of earning for themselves and carry it out according to the rules of the site and the agreement with the service.

Investment for people

Reviews of investors "Cashbury" collects most often from this option of earning. To invest your own moneyfor the use of other persons and at the same time receive interest on profits, the platform offers several tariffs. The main difference between each is the amount of the contribution that the investor is ready to make. Starting from it, other features also vary.

Common criteria for all investment options is the ability to choose any currency from the list:

  • euro;
  • ruble;
  • dollar;
  • tenge;
  • hryvnia;
  • cryptocurrency.

Interest on the deposit is calculated daily and, at the request of the depositor, can be withdrawn separately from the principal amount. To do this, you just need to make a corresponding application on the site on Friday and receive a response within 3 days. The minimum withdrawal limit is 100 rubles or 1 dollar.

If necessary, the main deposit can also be withdrawn ahead of schedule, but for this a corresponding application is submitted, which is processed for 45 days.

Money for individuals

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cashbury service reviews

To make a profit from microloans of ordinary citizens, it is enough to deposit an amount from one to 30 thousand rubles. In this case, the currency can be any, but the total amount must be equivalent to this indicator.

Luxury deposit works for 400 days, after which the investor receives a total profit of 220%. Interest is charged daily at 0.8%. If desired, the deposit can be insured. Cashbury most often receives real reviews from this tariff, since many people who want to make easy money have such amounts.

Moneyfor business

If there is a free amount of 30 to 200 thousand rubles, the investor can receive a daily profit of 0.9%. In this case, the money will be provided to business representatives and the total profit from their use for the entire period (400 days) will be 260%. If you wish, you can insure your money.

Money secured by property

If a client wants to invest an amount from 200 thousand rubles to a million, the investor is offered the "President" tariff. The term of its work is similar to those described above, and the daily yield is 1%. This makes it possible to receive three times the net profit for the entire time the funds are used by the platform.

Money can also be insured. The deposit is included in the total amount of accrued interest, as in the tariffs above.

Urgent money

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cashbury company reviews

As the reviews about Cashbury confirm, investments of such a rate are not always offered. Often this type of contribution is not available, but its relevance is not lower than those listed above. The fact is that the validity period of the money is only 15 days, after which they are fully returned to the investor with an addition of 8.25%. The amount is only 1000 rubles and you can make such a deposit only once a day. The downside is that such money cannot be insured.

Additional platform

Cashbury has recently been collecting real reviews on its additional platform - the "League of Auctioneers". It is a separate completesite with its own opportunity to earn.

Profit here can be obtained from transactions for the sale of various property confiscated from debtors, acquiring it at a low cost. Citizens have the opportunity to resell their property later and make a profit from it.

For the correct execution of transactions and answers to frequently asked questions, this site is also full of various training videos. There is even a book written by the developers.

Trust Management

But if, after watching all the lessons, it’s not entirely possible to work on the stock exchange, and the desire to earn money has not faded away, you can give your money to the trust management of experienced persons. To do this, the platform has several options available.

The general rules for all of them is the choice of the available currency:

  • euro;
  • dollar;
  • hryvnia;
  • tenge.

In this case, interest is calculated weekly, and you can also get it by leaving a request on Friday.

An important nuance of the Cashbury platform (real negative reviews often mention this) is that you can return deposits ahead of schedule only after imposing fines of 1/5 of the amount on them. At the same time, accruals are removed, and the amount of money already withdrawn is taken away additionally. It is impossible to secure such deposits. Otherwise, all tariffs have their own characteristics.

Description of fare differences

  1. Compact Tariff. The deposit amount is 3-30 thousand rubles and should work for 500 days. In this case, the investor receives 16% profit per month.
  2. Tariff "Standard". The allowable amount is 30-200 thousand rubles, the term of work is the same. The yield is 19% monthly.
  3. Package "Premium". The amount is 200-600 thousand rubles, the yield is 22% monthly.
  4. V. I. P attachments Possible sum of money from 600 thousand rubles to one and a half million. Profit at the same time 25% per month.
  5. Extra package. Possible contribution from one and a half million rubles to 10 million. The investor receives 28% per month.

Earnings on shares

cashbury investor reviews
cashbury investor reviews

If you want to not only make a profit, but also become a co-owner of the company, Cashbury (reviews - whether it's a hoax or not - will help you make the right decision) offers users on the official website to buy their own shares. Each citizen can purchase no more than 3,000 shares, each of which is currently valued at 15 rubles.

Today their cost is growing very slowly, and it is impossible to say with certainty that this option is able to bring profit in a short time. Of course, according to the forecasts of the project owners themselves, the price of their shares will grow 200 times in a year. If you wish, you can buy yourself shares and an additional project for working with the purchase and sale of property.

Storage of funds

The platform offers investors to put into circulation absolutely all free funds. So, if the accrued interest from the amounts invested in the investment is rarely withdrawn, they can easily be used for additional earnings by transferring the amount to a separate account. This service is called "Mysafe" and offers customers a profit of 3% in just 10 days of money in the account. It is convenient that they can be withdrawn at any time, the owner does not bear any fines or losses.

Earning without money

cashbury platform reviews
cashbury platform reviews

According to real reviews, Cashbury currently offers to earn money without investing money. To do this, the platform has an affiliate program, according to which everyone can make a profit simply by inviting their friends to the service. Of course, they should go to the site only through a personal referral link. In this case, money will be credited depending on the activity of invited friends, their deposits, investment income, and so on. In general, the program includes 5 levels, on which the depth of the reward directly depends.

Payments are made to partners in this way:

  • half immediately when creating an account;
  • 50% in the future from each accrual of dividends to the partner.

In addition, the affiliate program provides for the possibility of receiving bonuses, and with high-quality and good work, you can become the official representative of the company in your region. At the same time, the platform office will be fully opened at the expense of the service.


In general, the work of the company can be judged positively, since each of their actions or statements testifies to the serious training of senior staff. The confidence of investors justifies the full package of official documentation for the relevant activity.

"Cashbury" has many groups on social networks, its own exchanger, shop and a bunch of training material to get started. In addition, working with the platform is very convenient and simple.

cashbury investment company reviews
cashbury investment company reviews

If you decide to make money using various platforms, then be sure to read all the conditions before investing funds so as not to get into an unpleasant situation and not be left without money.