Good big screen smartphone (reviews)

Good big screen smartphone (reviews)
Good big screen smartphone (reviews)

The development of multimedia content that we can observe in recent years has significantly affected the devices included in our daily set. For example, instead of compact mobile phones, we got large touch devices with a large screen that can play widescreen games and applications.

This article will be devoted just to revealing the best smartphone with a large screen. And since it is obvious that it is rather difficult to single out any single model due to the fact that they have their own advantages and disadvantages, we will try to find phones worthy of attention in each of the presented categories, focusing primarily on customer reviews.

Selection criteria

To begin with, let's decide what exactly we will take into account as we conduct our analysis. These are the most common indicators, such as: the cost of the device, its power, practicality and a number of others. Each of them in our article will be given a section where one or another of the most common models of mobile devices will be described. We emphasize that we will search for models from a particular category using customer reviews. The criteria that were chosen for the analysis meetamong users most often, and each of us pays attention to them. Let's start with the most obvious - cost.


big screen smartphone
big screen smartphone

Very often, buyers evaluate this or that model of the device by its price. The logic is simple: the more expensive the device, the better it is. True, this approach does not always work, often inexpensive models are able to show better results at lower monetary costs. A very illustrative example of this category of smartphones is the products of some of the most common Chinese brands - for example, Huawei, Xiaomi or Meizu. At their low prices, the Ascend P6, MX4 and Mi4 phones (respectively) have become real bestsellers, despite the fact that they were actually developed partially from the stolen concepts of Apple and Samsung technology. After reading reviews about them, you will see for yourself. Due to this, the price of devices is lower, and the quality is decent. This big screen smartphone is definitely worth the money.

More examples of inexpensive but quite effective models are Asus Zenfone 5, LG G3 and a number of others. These phones belong to the “middle” class, but show quality worthy of the “flagship” level, according to a large number of reviews.


Another criterion that I would like to pay attention to is performance. It determines the final speed of the device, how quickly it responds. A good smartphone with a large screen should respond to user commands instantly - only then can we talk about its highquality.

cheap big screen smartphones
cheap big screen smartphones

Finding out what the performance of a device will be is quite simple. Take at least the technical characteristics that are present in each model. It indicates the type of processor used on the phone, an indicator of its clock frequency. The logic is simple: the higher the last parameter, the faster the phone will respond to your commands. The most powerful big screen smartphones are flagship models. Reviews confirm this trend. All the "top" devices in the lineup - Apple iPhone 6, Samsung S6, Lenovo K900, HTC One - have the best performance that the company that released the device is capable of. Therefore, when buying the most expensive smartphone in the line, you can be sure of its high speed. As practice shows, there is also an opposite effect - cheap smartphones with a large screen from Lenovo or Samsung work less efficiently, often slow down and “freeze”, which significantly annoys their owner.


good smart phone with big screen
good smart phone with big screen

An important issue when choosing a phone is its style. Whatever the functionality of the model, they “meet” it precisely by its appearance, that is, by the way the smartphone is made. Of course, steel cases have a certain appeal, due to which such devices seem more stylish. The same iPhone 6, Galaxy S6, Huawei Ascend P6, Sony Xperia T3, Jiyau G5 (and a number of other “Chinese”), as buyers note in their reviews, have a steel shell,which makes them look incomparable to budget smartphones with large screens made of plastic.


cheap big screen smartphones
cheap big screen smartphones

Another important factor that can define a good big screen smartphone is its capabilities. This includes primarily the functions that the device has. This, for example, is the ability to synchronize with other gadgets, work with certain applications, the presence of a powerful camera, flash, 3G / LTE modules, and the like. As the reviews show, many of them are not critical, and some even have inexpensive smartphones with a large screen. Each of these functions are additional conveniences, and the user independently determines whether he needs them or not. Perhaps someone will be more interested in a smartphone with a large screen with a minimum set of such tools at a more affordable price. Again, if we take, for example, flagship devices, then they even have heart rate sensors or fingerprint scanners, while more affordable devices cannot boast of such modules. Naturally, you have to pay for all this.


big screen budget smartphones
big screen budget smartphones

Another important part of a good phone is practicality. How a smartphone with a large screen behaves in everyday life determines the impression about it and measures the degree of pleasure from working with it. In this vein, every little thing plays an important role - from the resistance of the display to scratches and ending with the fact thathow quickly the back cover of the device wears out. In this regard, low-cost smartphones with a large screen have an advantage, since they are most often equipped with a less fragile body and, in addition, work on the basis of more affordable components. As the reviews show (yes, and as you can understand without outside help), flagship devices, on the contrary, are made with more expensive parts (for example, shock-resistant screens, metal rims), but this does not save them from the possibility of being damaged. Take at least the same iPhone - the repair of these devices is no less popular option in service centers than the service of any other model. Only the price of such an operation is many times higher.

How to choose?

powerful smartphones with large screens
powerful smartphones with large screens

Choosing a smartphone that will be the best option for you is easy enough. As the recommendations of buyers based on their experience show, two parameters should be calculated - their capabilities and needs. The first is the price that you are willing to pay for the device, and in the future, the cost of servicing the device (including repairs). The second is your expectations from the gadget. Think about what exactly you would like to get from your smartphone: a great camera, a durable battery, a colorful display, a powerful processor, or a stylish design. Perhaps you would not like to look for compromises and would be happy to combine all these qualities in one phone. In this case, purchase a more expensive and advanced model that will satisfy all your needs. So you andcome to your “right choice” by identifying a phone that you are happy to work with in everyday life.
