Glass on an iPhone is an integral part of display protection. If cracks or chips appear on it, then the risk of damage to the internal parts of the gadget is extremely high, so it’s better not to take risks and replace the broken glass with a new one.

Let's try to analyze the main steps and nuances of this event, so that replacing the glass on the iPhone 5S with your own hands was successful and painless both for the gadget itself and for the owner's nervous system.
What do you need?
The process itself is quite painstaking and requires maximum concentration. Therefore, it is highly recommended to prepare all the necessary tools and accessories in advance so that nothing distracts you later, and accordingly, the replacement of glass with 5S was successful.
An iPhone cannot be repaired without certain equipment. You will need:
- New glass. It is highly desirable to purchase a branded version in a specialized store. Otherwise, you will change it very often.
- About 100 grams of gasoline or thinner. Needed to remove old adhesive.
- Special napkin for processing monitor screens or blotting paper for gloss. Needed to remove streaks.
- Plastic screwdriver or similar pointed tool. They carry out the removal of fragments and an autopsy.
- Special glue for plastic (preferably transparent) or branded tape from Apple (expensive, but effective).
- Cotton buds. They will remove the remnants of glue.
Replacing the glass on the iPhone 5S can be a big problem. Repairing an original, in particular, is a serious matter, so opening an expensive and high-quality gadget with a kitchen knife or a regular screwdriver is highly discouraged. Such a barbaric approach can have disastrous consequences.

It would be much more practical, and much more convenient, to purchase a special set of tools, which, by the way, will certainly come in handy in your household if another malfunction suddenly arises. Therefore, the purchase of such a special set cannot be called throwing money away.
To successfully complete the task, you will need a protective display. And it doesn’t matter where exactly the glass is being replaced: on a Chinese copy of the iPhone 5S or on the original gadget. If you live in a fairly large city, then you can easily find out the location of the company store. You need to contact any Apple service center. They will certainly sell the glass you need.

If youIf you are on the outskirts or in the outback, then ordering via the Internet will be the best option. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources that deal with components for iPhones. And what's more, the range of prices will be a pleasant surprise, which will surely surprise you. However, do not go to extremes - original spare parts cannot be too cheap. Otherwise, blame your own greed if your iPhone 5S glass replacement failed. Reviews about a particular manufacturer of components should help you navigate the choice, so look and read carefully.
Starting replacement
Before starting this delicate process, prepare your workspace. It is advisable to cover the surface where the repair will take place with a dense, light-colored cloth in order to minimize the sliding effect. Good lighting will be on hand in such a responsible matter. And the sound of your favorite song in the background will not hurt either.
Module Frame
First you need to release the frame of the screen module. We unscrew the two end screws that are hidden at the bottom of the gadget. Then carefully remove the front of the smartphone (the branded suction cup helps a lot) with smooth movements, without fanaticism and jerks.

In the slot that has formed, you need to insert a plastic screwdriver or a credit card, and then separate the frame from the case with smooth movements. Be extremely careful with the fingerprint sensor, namely with its cable, which is mounted on the Home button. Carefully unplug the connectorbiosensor from the system module.
Visual block
After freeing the frame of the module, it is necessary to separate the technical block of the gadget from the display. At the top of the smartphone, we unscrew the four screws of the protective cover, where we will see the pads. Here you will need to disable the three connecting cables that are fixed to the motherboard. On this, the technical dismantling of the device can be considered complete. You can proceed to the next item on the glass replacement itself. The assembly process is also carried out point by point, but in reverse order. If everything is done correctly and accurately, then problems should not arise. The main thing is not to confuse anything and follow the instructions.
Replacing protective glass on iPhone 5S
The first step is to heat the glass with a hot air dryer. At this step, it is important not to overdo it with the temperature. No need to overheat the gadget, it is better to do several approaches with an interval of two minutes.

Then you need to remove the pieces of old glass with the above mentioned plastic screwdriver. You can additionally use tweezers or any other similar tool. Replacing the glass on the iPhone 5S should be done very carefully. Therefore, pry the fragments very carefully. In no case do not put pressure on them, otherwise you may damage the display. Glue particles may remain around the perimeter, which must be removed with cotton swabs and solvent. Wet swabs with a small amount of liquid. Otherwise, it can get inside the gadget, and the drying problem will be added.details.
Replacing glass with 5S requires a competent approach. The iPhone must be completely dry, so after removing the fragments and cleaning the glue, wipe all parts dry with a special cloth. Then, on those parts that do not come into contact with the display, you need to carefully apply glue or special branded tape. Some users in their reviews complain about the option with adhesive tape, complaining about the glass slightly extended beyond the perimeter. But this method is the safest in terms of isolating the device from leakage.

Next, it is easier to replace the glass with 5S: take an iPhone and carefully glue the Home button. You need to make sure that it is clearly in its place. After we wipe the rims of the gadget with a napkin. Then we release the new glass from the protective film and insert the device into the case. At this stage, we can say that the replacement of the glass on the 5S has been completed - the iPhone has been repaired! The operation went well and you got through it.
Be careful
As mentioned above, this process is very painstaking and requires remarkable perseverance and accuracy. Just one wrong move while removing the shards and your display could be permanently damaged, leading to even more expensive repairs.

It is also worth noting that the careless use of third-party glue and ordinary solvent with gasoline can harm the internal elements of the gadget. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities and there is no person nearby who canto help or suggest something, it is better to take the device to a service center. Those problems that you will get in case of failure, and it is quite possible that you will drastically aggravate the situation, are not worth the spent nerves. It is better to entrust this matter to professionals.
Summing up
With the advent of the fifth version of the iPhone, the whole process, if not significantly, then at least a little simplified, compared to the problems of previous lines. Nevertheless, do not forget about the small, but at the same time important nuances of glass replacement. Beware of mechanical damage to the gadget while removing the case frame: here you need an exceptional balance of strength and care - one careless movement, and it will crack. Be extremely careful with the cables: never allow glue, solvent or any other moisture to get on or under them.
Do not skimp on such seemingly simple things as napkins or cotton buds: branded accessories will help not only to carry out high-quality repairs, but will also greatly facilitate the entire procedure. And I would like to once again warn the owners of iPhones: in front of you is an expensive and high-quality gadget that can be easily ruined due to lack of proper qualifications. Therefore, do not risk your device and take it to a service center - there professionals, albeit for a fee, but with knowledge of the matter, will solve all your problems with the device.