Today we have to find out with you what reviews "TechnoDrive" receives. This company has been on the World Wide Web for a long time. And it attracts many users. But is it worth it to use the services of the company? Or is it better to find some other online store of equipment. Let's try to figure out what TechnoDrive LLC really is. All this will help to make the right decision about shopping on this resource. Maybe we are facing another scam?

But first, let's find out what TechnoDrive LLC does. Probably, already by the name alone it became clear - this company sells equipment and electronics in different cities. Perhaps there are a lot of such offers on the Internet. And there is no need to be surprised at the activities of the company.
In some Russian cities there are also TechnoDrive offices. Reviews about them, as well as about the online store, are mixed. It is difficult to understand whether it is worth applying here or not. Why is it so? Let's try to understand this difficult question. Some believe that we are dealing with real scammers. But is it really so? Or is it justdefamation of competitors?
To be honest, our today's question can be called delicate. "TechnoDrive" customer reviews receive ambiguous in every sense. Especially for what kind of product this company sells.

What is it about? As already mentioned, this organization offers us equipment and electronics. But only a little non-standard in some senses. Why? It's about confiscation. That is, TechnoDrive is an online store that sells confiscated equipment. In principle, if you are not squeamish, then there is nothing wrong with that. After all, it is not just that our today's company has proven itself well. Real buyers with great pleasure are drawn to this Internet resource. But is everything here as good as it seems?
Assortment and prices
"TechnoDrive" is an online store famous for its rich assortment of goods, as well as quite humane prices. In truth, those who prefer to use the Internet to make transactions leave far from the best reviews about this organization. Why?
For example, prices are too low here. The cost of the same "iPhone 6" can be about 10,000 rubles. While the original costs 3-4 times more. This kind of action suggests fraud.

Although the choice of confiscated equipment and electronics from TechnoDrive (Moscow and other Russian cities) is huge. Sometimes literally eyesscatter when choosing. Fortunately, if you know exactly what you need, you can always find it in this firm.
Kitchen appliances are very popular with TechnoDrive. We are talking about small appliances like deep fryers, waffle irons and so on. For example, it is here that you can order a cheap but good popcorn maker or cotton candy machine. Tempting, isn't it? But is it worth trusting TechnoDrive? Reviews about this organization do not cause anything but suspicion for many.
Payment and delivery
For example, due to the payment terms of the order, as well as the delivery of what you want to purchase. The whole problem lies in the fact that it is TechnoDrive, whose electronics and household appliances are of interest to many, that asks for a 100% prepayment for the provision of its services. That is, you must first pay in full for the purchase, and then wait for it to be delivered.
If you carefully read the terms of delivery, you will notice that the company is not responsible for the condition in which you receive the order. Beaten, defective or just not working - all this is already your problem. You buy confiscated goods at your own risk. But at affordable prices. Maybe everything will be fine and you can get a quality product. But there are no guarantees of this. It's time to think about the integrity of the company.

But most often "TechnoDrive" receives feedback from its customers after they try to contact the corporation to agree on an order. The whole problemconsists in the fact that after the deposit of funds, the managers of the company simply disappear. They refuse to answer your calls, and emails do not reach the recipient. In addition, it often happens that the numbers indicated in the "Contacts" section are completely blocked. And you have no connection with the site administration.
Should I say what happens next? In TechnoDrive, electronics or equipment purchased in an online store simply does not reach the customer. That is, you are deceived and bred for money. If this did not happen, you can rejoice. Such cases are one in a million. So do not trust TechnoDrive too much. Reviews about this organization are far from comforting. And complaining about the store, as practice has shown, is useless. You still can't prove you're right.
Where is the praise from
But why then "TechnoDrive" reviews very often get quite good, positive? If these are scammers, then the Internet resource should not earn any "laurels".

As practice has shown, often flattering and detailed opinions about what a good store this "TechnoDrive" is, are left on order. That is, specially trained people are paid to publish positive opinions about the company. And thus they attract a new audience to the resource.
To prove their words, users often leave photos and screenshots of orders that they received and that they once placed. itthere is no reason to trust such opinions. All the evidence in this case is pure forgery. Even a novice user or schoolboy can make it.
So, as you can see, TechnoDrive is a very dubious organization. And don't trust her completely. Even despite the fact that the prices and range of goods here are very attractive. You risk being deceived, like most users. Numerous checks by tax inspectors and the police have so far produced no results. There is no exact evidence that TechnoDrive is a scammer. True, if you trust real reviews about the organization, you will have to avoid this company. It is better to order appliances and electronics in trusted places.