Today it is already impossible to imagine the life of a Russian family without TV. He, as well as the sofa became almost a member of the family. With this electronic device, one shares joy when the favorite team wins, and he also becomes a witness to disappointment and annoyance when the opposite happens. Therefore, the choice of TV should be taken seriously and responsibly. But which one is better to choose? How do TV sizes affect picture quality?

Maybe more?
First decide where you want to place it in the room. Then decide whether it will stand on a stand or whether it is better to hang it on the wall. And finally, it's time to start almost the main thing. It is necessary to decide which diagonals of the TV will be most comfortable for watching your favorite movies and programs. Keep in mind that the common expression that the larger the size, theaccordingly, better, not at all true. This parameter is very individual and you need to be guided here by your own comfort.

How to choose a TV diagonal?
Two factors usually influence the size of a TV's LCD screen. First of all, this is the distance at which you are removed from the electronic device, and the resolution of the transmitted image on the screen. The larger the latter, the smaller the distance between you and the TV can be. You can, without compromising quality, both move away from the screen and look at it almost closely. And, of course, the smaller the number of pixels, the more compact the diagonal of the TV, because otherwise the poor quality of the picture will appear. You can check this yourself when buying an LCD TV. Just get as close as possible to the picture with low image quality. You yourself will see all the shortcomings. But if you move away from the electronic device, then the errors will hide from you.

All about the same
For example, if we consider a TV with a diagonal of 32 inches, then for transmitting a high-quality signal with 625 lines, the distance from the viewer to the screen, equal to 96 inches (or approximately 2.5 meters), will be the most optimal. With such a removal, you will not notice small inaccuracies in the image, and the picture will be of high quality and rich. If the device produces 720 lines, then in this case the mostthe best distance is about 1.9 meters. Large diagonal TVs with Full-HD quality can be viewed at a distance of 1.5 meters. This is the minimum at which you will not notice any distortion of the transmitted picture. When viewing from a distance exceeding the calculated one, there will be no noticeable difference between electronic devices having different resolutions. Thus, if you see that you have a distance from the sofa to the cabinet on which the TV is located is 2.2 meters, then the diagonal up to 37 inches will be the best. In case of more space, you can choose a device with other dimensions. As you can see from our short review, TV diagonals play a huge role. Image quality and comfortable viewing depend on them.