How to find out the hosting of the site and what is DNS

How to find out the hosting of the site and what is DNS
How to find out the hosting of the site and what is DNS

What is website hosting? How to find out where the site "lies"? In human language, the concept of “hosting” sounds like “site location”. This does not mean geographic or any other coordinates. We are talking about the data center that hosts a specific site.

Often the reason for finding a hoster is not idle curiosity, but quite serious reasons.

How to find out where the hosting site is located geographically?

In most cases, the reason for this kind of search is to collect information about the owner of a web project or virtual store. There are also cases when the name of the hosting is wanted by visitors of some exciting and eye-pleasing Internet project, who are eager to use the services of the same hosting provider. And vice versa - information is collected by a user who does not want to deal with the maintenance staff of a particular hosting.

how to find website hosting
how to find website hosting

Finding out hosting a site by domain is quite simple, even an inexperienced beginner can handle this task. First you need to select one from the list of specialized services (whois-services) and, having opened it in a browser, enter the name of the domain name in the specially designateddialog box.

After receiving the results of the analysis, the system will provide the applicant with all information related to the domain name, including information about the owner of the site and the geographic location of the server.

The most accurate sources of information that allow you to get an answer to the question of how to find out the hosting of a site, advanced users of the global network call the following projects: flagfox, wipmania, hostspinder. Closes the list of the best of the best a similar site for Russian-speaking users -

Options are possible

Experienced users believe that in resolving any issue, a fallback is needed - the so-called "Plan B". This rule also applies to the topic of how to find out on which hosting the site is located. As one of the ways to answer this question, the old-timers of the World Wide Web sometimes use the following trick: an erroneous search query is deliberately entered into the search engine string.

find website hosting by domain
find website hosting by domain

The sequence is as follows: first, the domain name of an existing site is entered into the browser's search bar, and after the slash icon (slanted line), an arbitrary set of letters is driven in. In such cases, as a rule, a 404 error page appears in the active browser window. Next to the error message, you can see the name of the hosting.

Procedure for determining site hosting. How to find hosting name by IP

The search sequence consists of DNS discovery, determining the network where the ip of a particular website is registered and other information.

how to find out where the site is hosted
how to find out where the site is hosted

DNS client or resolver installed on the local computer prepares and sends the appropriate query to the DNS server. On the computer of the user who initiated the search, the name of the DNS server, according to information found on the Internet, is indicated in the "Properties" folder of the TCP/IP data transfer protocol.

By the way, from the information published on the network, we can conclude that, using the first whois service that comes across, the applicant does not always immediately get access to the information he is looking for. If this happens, do not despair, but it is better to find a similar search project on the Internet and try again to find the site hosting. How do you know if your research has been successful?

Search results must contain a "Host" column. In some cases, the page with the name of the host can be found after clicking on the hyperlink attached to the server IP.

What is DNS and what is it for

As soon as the World Wide Web became public, it turned out that some users are unable to remember even their own (not that of others) ip addresses. Given the fact that the human brain remembers alphabetic names much faster than a set of numbers, experts have developed DNS - a hierarchical distributed database.

Initially, the problem was solved by creating a large text file (Hosts.txt), the body of which contained a table of correlations between computer names and addresses. But as the ranks of users of the global network grew, fromsupport for Hosts.txt had to be dropped.

on what hosting the site is located how to find out
on what hosting the site is located how to find out

At the beginning of the eighties of the last century, a new concept appeared in everyday life of Internet users - Domain Name Service (DNS).
