Voltage stabilizer: circuit, device and principle of operation

Voltage stabilizer: circuit, device and principle of operation
Voltage stabilizer: circuit, device and principle of operation

In any network, the voltage is not stable and is constantly changing. It depends primarily on the consumption of electricity. Thus, by connecting devices to the outlet, you can significantly reduce the voltage in the network. The average deviation is 10%. Many devices that run on electricity are designed for minor changes. However, large fluctuations lead to transformer overloads.

voltage stabilizer electrical circuit
voltage stabilizer electrical circuit

How does the stabilizer work?

The main element of the stabilizer is considered to be a transformer. Through a variable circuit, it is connected to the diodes. In some systems there are more than five units. As a result, they form a bridge in the stabilizer. Behind the diodes is a transistor, behind which a regulator is installed. Additionally, the stabilizers have capacitors. Switching off the automation is carried out using the locking mechanism.

No Interference

The principle of operation of stabilizers is based on the feedback method. In the first stage, voltage is applied to the transformer. If its limit valueexceeds the norm, then the diode comes into operation. It is connected directly to the transistor in a circuit. If we consider an alternating current system, then the voltage is additionally filtered. In this case, the capacitor acts as a converter.

After the current passes through the resistor, it returns to the transformer again. As a result, the nominal load value changes. For the stability of the process, the network has automation. Thanks to it, the capacitors do not overheat in the collector circuit. At the output, the mains current passes through the winding through another filter. Eventually the voltage becomes rectified.

Resant voltage regulator circuit
Resant voltage regulator circuit

Features of network stabilizers

The circuit diagram of this type of voltage stabilizer is a set of transistors, as well as diodes. In turn, there is no closing mechanism in it. Regulators in this case are of the usual type. In some models, an indication system is additionally installed.

It is able to show the power of surges in the network. The sensitivity of the models is quite different. Capacitors, as a rule, are of the compensation type in the circuit. They have no defense system.

Device models with regulator

For refrigeration equipment, an adjustable voltage stabilizer is in demand. Its scheme implies the possibility of setting up the device before use. In this case, it helps in eliminating high-frequency noise. In turn, the electromagnetic field is no problem for resistors.

Capacitors are also included in the adjustable voltage regulator. Its circuit is not complete without transistor bridges, which are interconnected along the collector chain. Directly regulators can be installed in various modifications. Much in this case depends on the ultimate stress. Additionally, the type of transformer that is available in the stabilizer is taken into account.

Resanta stabilizers

The voltage regulator circuit "Resanta" is a set of transistors that interact with each other through the collector. There is a fan to cool the system. A compensation type capacitor handles high-frequency overloads in the system.

Also, the Resanta voltage stabilizer circuit includes diode bridges. Regulators in many models are installed conventional. Resant stabilizers have load restrictions. In general, they perceive all interference. The disadvantages include the high noise of transformers.

Scheme of 220 V models

The 220 V voltage stabilizer circuit differs from other devices in that it has a control unit. This element is connected directly to the regulator. Immediately after the filtering system there is a diode bridge. To stabilize the oscillations, a circuit of transistors is additionally provided. At the output after the winding is a capacitor.

The transformer copes with overloads in the system. The current conversion is carried out by him. In general, the power range of these devices is quite high. These stabilizers are able to work even at sub-zero temperatures. In terms of noise, they do not differ from models of other types. The sensitivity parameter is highly dependent on the manufacturer. It is also affected by the type of regulator installed.

The principle of switching regulators

The electrical circuit of this type of voltage stabilizer is similar to the relay analog model. However, there are still differences in the system. The main element in the circuit is considered to be a modulator. This device is engaged in reading voltage indicators. The signal is then transferred to one of the transformers. There is a complete processing of information.

There are two converters to change the current strength. However, in some models it is installed alone. To cope with the electromagnetic field, a rectifier divider is used. When the voltage increases, it reduces the limiting frequency. In order for the current to flow to the winding, the diodes transmit a signal to the transistors. At the output, a stabilized voltage passes through the secondary winding.

High frequency stabilizer models

Compared to relay models, the high-frequency voltage regulator (shown below) is more complex, and more than two diodes are involved in it. A distinctive feature of devices of this type is considered to be high power.

Transformers in the circuit are designed for high noise. As a result, these devices are able to protect any household appliances in the house. The filtration system in them is configured for various jumps. By controlling the voltage, the current can be changed. Indexlimiting frequency will increase at the input and decrease at the output. The current conversion in this circuit is carried out in two stages.

voltage stabilizer 220V circuit
voltage stabilizer 220V circuit

Initially, a transistor with a filter at the input is activated. At the second stage, the diode bridge is turned on. In order for the current conversion process to be completed, the system needs an amplifier. It is usually installed between resistors. Thus, the temperature in the device is maintained at the proper level. Additionally, the system takes into account the power source. The use of the protection unit depends on its operation.

15V Stabilizers

For devices with a voltage of 15 V, a network voltage regulator is used, the circuit of which is quite simple in its structure. The sensitivity threshold of the devices is at a low level. Models with an indication system are very difficult to meet. They do not need filters, since the oscillations in the circuit are negligible.

Resistors in many models are only at the output. Due to this, the conversion process is quite fast. Input amplifiers are installed the most simple. Much in this case depends on the manufacturer. A voltage stabilizer is used (diagram shown below) of this type most often in laboratory research.

adjustable voltage regulator circuit
adjustable voltage regulator circuit

Features of 5 V models

For devices with a voltage of 5 V, a special network voltage regulator is used. Their circuit consists of resistors, as a rule, no more than two. Applysuch stabilizers are exclusively for the normal functioning of measuring instruments. Overall, they are quite compact and operate quietly.

SVK series models

Models of this series are later type stabilizers. Most often they are used in production to reduce surges from the network. The connection diagram of the voltage regulator of this model provides for the presence of four transistors, which are arranged in pairs. Due to this, the current overcomes less resistance in the circuit. At the output of the system there is a winding for the opposite effect. There are two filters in the scheme.

Due to the absence of a capacitor, the conversion process is also faster. The disadvantages include high sensitivity. The device reacts very sharply to the electromagnetic field. The connection diagram of the voltage stabilizer of the SVK series, the regulator provides, as well as the indication system. The maximum voltage perceived by the device is up to 240 V, and the deviation cannot exceed 10%.

voltage stabilizer wiring diagram
voltage stabilizer wiring diagram

Automatic stabilizers "Ligao 220 V"

For alarm systems, a 220V voltage stabilizer is in demand from the Ligao company. Its circuit is built on the work of thyristors. These elements can be used exclusively in semiconductor circuits. To date, there are quite a few types of thyristors. According to the degree of security, they are divided into static and dynamic. The first type is used with sources of electricity of variouspower. In turn, dynamic thyristors have their limit.

If we talk about the Ligao company, the voltage stabilizer (the diagram is shown below), then it has an active element. To a greater extent, it is intended for the normal functioning of the regulator. It is a set of contacts that are able to connect. This is necessary in order to increase or decrease the limiting frequency in the system. In other models of thyristors, there may be several. They are installed with each other using cathodes. As a result, the efficiency of the device can be significantly improved.

network voltage regulator circuit
network voltage regulator circuit

Low frequency devices

To service devices with a frequency of less than 30 Hz, there is such a voltage regulator 220V. Its circuit is similar to the circuits of relay models, with the exception of transistors. In this case, they are available with an emitter. Sometimes a special controller is additionally installed. A lot depends on the manufacturer as well as the model. The controller in the stabilizer is needed to send a signal to the control unit.

In order for the connection to be of high quality, manufacturers use an amplifier. It is usually installed at the entrance. There is usually a winding at the output in the system. If we talk about the voltage limit of 220 V, there are two capacitors. The current transfer coefficient of such devices is quite low. The reason for this is considered to be the low limiting frequency, which is a consequence of the operation of the controller. However, the saturation factor is at a highmark. This is largely due to the transistors that are installed with emitters.

Why do we need ferroresonant models?

Ferroresonant voltage stabilizers (diagram shown below) are used in various industrial facilities. Their threshold of sensitivity is quite high due to powerful power supplies. Transistors are generally installed in pairs. The number of capacitors depends on the manufacturer. In this case, this will affect the final sensitivity threshold. Thyristors are not used to stabilize the voltage.

In this situation, the collector is able to cope with this task. Their gain is very high due to direct signal transmission. If we talk about current-voltage characteristics, then the resistance in the circuit is maintained at 5 MPa. In this case, this has a positive effect on the limiting frequency of the stabilizer. At the output, the differential resistance does not exceed 3 MPa. Transistors save from increased voltage in the system. Thus, overcurrent can be avoided in most cases.

voltage regulator circuit
voltage regulator circuit

Later Type Stabilizers

The scheme of later type stabilizers is characterized by increased efficiency. The input voltage in this case is on average 4 MPa. In this case, the pulsation is maintained with a large amplitude. In turn, the output voltage of the stabilizer is 4 MPa. Resistors in many models are installed in the "MP" series.

The current in the circuit is constantly regulatedand due to this, the limiting frequency can be lowered to 40 Hz. Dividers in amplifiers of this type work together with resistors. As a result, all functional nodes are interconnected. The DC amplifier is usually installed after the capacitor before the winding.
