"Moneyman": customer reviews of loans

"Moneyman": customer reviews of loans
"Moneyman": customer reviews of loans

Difficult crisis times led to the fact that a huge number of Russian citizens ruined their credit history. At the same time, the need for borrowing has not disappeared anywhere. Banks also refuse to issue loans to unfavorable borrowers.

Nevertheless, there is a way out - to apply to a microfinance organization. It is much easier to get a loan in such companies, they are more loyal to borrowers. In addition, they are ideal for those who urgently need money, but there is no one to borrow from.

Moneyman customer reviews
Moneyman customer reviews

This is exactly what Moneyman is. Customer reviews about it allow us to judge not only popularity, but also comfortable conditions for obtaining a loan.

Service Description

Moneyman is an organization that is a leader in the microfinance loans market. The recognizable symbol of the company is Superman. The eye-catching white and green colors immediately catch your eye.

Moneyman loan
Moneyman loan

MFI works via the Internet, a loan here can be issued almost instantly. There are two possible options for borrowers to choose from:

  • short-term payroll onamount up to 20 thousand rubles;
  • long-term consumer loans up to 30 thousand.

Moneyman does not operate for long on the microloan market. The company was founded in 2012. Nevertheless, the lender has already achieved recognition from rating agencies. Thus, according to Expert RA, this MFI is one of the four leaders that issue short-term payday loans.

The process of obtaining a loan, its issuance and return is fully automated. As a result, customer service is almost immediate.

Loan Moneyman
Loan Moneyman

Benefits of Borrowing at Moneyman

Clients applying for a loan at Moneyman note a large number of advantages compared to banks and other MFIs:

  1. No need to visit the offices of credit institutions. You can apply for a loan without leaving your home using the lender's Internet portal.
  2. Ability to apply around the clock. There is no need to wait for the weekend to end and work hours to come. If necessary, you can receive money even at night and on holidays.
  3. The loan is issued very quickly - within a quarter of an hour after the start of the procedure, the borrower has the opportunity to use the funds at his discretion.
  4. Small number of required documents, no need to collect various certificates.
  5. No collateral or guarantors required.
  6. Reduced requirements for the borrower.
  7. A large number of possible ways to get a loan.
Moneyman application
Moneyman application

In addition, there isthe ability to choose a suitable borrowing program from a large number of options. If for some reason the client fails to repay the loan on time, Moneyman provides clients with the opportunity to extend its term. For regular customers, the company has provided a bonus program.

Requirements for borrowers

You can apply for a loan at Moneyman from the age of 18. Many banks claim that they also provide this option. In practice, in such organizations there are a huge number of barriers that do not allow you to get a loan for young people. Nevertheless, it is precisely this category of citizens that often has the opportunity to borrow small amounts for a short period of time. The maximum age of the borrower is 70 years. Therefore, even pensioners can get a loan from Moneyman.

Loan Moneyman
Loan Moneyman

In addition, there are other requirements for potential borrowers.

First of all, it concerns citizenship. The MFI in question does not issue loans to foreigners. Therefore, borrowers must be citizens of the Russian Federation, which is confirmed by the presence of a Russian passport.

In addition, funds are not issued on credit to those who do not have a permanent residence permit in Russia.

It is also important to understand that, in accordance with the law, only a capable person can receive a loan. Naturally, "Moneyman" also adheres to this rule.

Terms of loan programs

A distinctive feature of MFI "Moneymen" is the presence of a large number of loan programs. At the same time, the main parameters of the loan vary depending onfollowing bands:

  • loan amount - from 1.5 to 6 thousand rubles;
  • term - from five days to eighteen weeks;
  • interest rate - from 0.76 to 1.85 percent per day.
Moneyman money
Moneyman money

"Moneyman" offers to issue a loan at several rates:

  1. "Start" allows you to get up to eight thousand rubles at 1.4%. The loan term varies from 5 to 31 days.
  2. The "Rise" tariff provides for a loan in the amount of up to 15 thousand for the same period. Interest rate - 1, 3.
  3. "Pilotage" allows you to get a maximum of twenty thousand rubles for 5-31 days. You will have to pay 1.3% per day for the service.
  4. "Turbo" - a loan that allows you to get up to thirty thousand at 1.2%. Loan term 28-56 days.
  5. In the "Superturbo" tariff, the maximum amount is thirty thousand rubles. Rate - 1, 1%, term - 56-112 days.

The first three tariffs provide for payment of the debt at the end of the term, the rest - every two weeks.

How to apply?

In the presented microfinance organization, loan processing takes place in several stages:

  1. First of all, an application is made on the Moneyman website. At the same time, it is important to correctly and honestly enter all the necessary data. If there are errors in the questionnaire, the loan will be denied.
  2. Enter the code received in the SMS message in the application window. Thus, the confirmation of the desire to apply for a loan is carried out.
  3. In a few minutes will bethe application filed with Moneyman was considered. If a positive decision is received, a loan can be obtained in the chosen way.

For regular customers, there is the possibility of a faster loan processing. In this case, it is enough to send an SMS with the amount and term of the loan. After confirming the desire to receive a loan using a message, it is processed.

Why can a loan be denied?

After submitting an application, within one working day, a decision is made on a loan at Moneyman. Customer feedback confirms that in most cases, funds are issued. However, there is a possibility of a loan refusal.

Credit Moneyman
Credit Moneyman

Most often it happens for the following reasons:

  • indicating false data in the questionnaire;
  • when applying for another loan, the debt to the MFI will be more than one million rubles;
  • potential borrower failed scoring;
  • MFI believes that the applicant will not be able to pay the loan;
  • credit history contains information about constant long delays;
  • the client has a delay in favor of Moneyman.

If the submitted application is rejected, the potential borrower will be able to re-apply for a loan not earlier than in a month.

Methods of getting a loan

More and more clients with money problems try to solve them by applying for a loan at Moneyman. Reviews at the same time confirm the convenience of obtaining due to the large number of ways in which you can pick upmoney.

All of them can be divided into several categories:

  • cash;
  • to a bank card;
  • to a bank account;
  • electronic money.

If you want to receive the money issued by Moneyman in cash, you are invited to use transfers via the Zolotaya Korona, UNISTREAM, CONTACT systems. The transfer of funds will occur within 10 minutes, and in order to receive funds, you will need to come to the nearest point of issue. In this case, you will need to present your passport.

When choosing a bank card as a method of receiving, you will need to enter its details. An important condition is that it must be personalized, refer to Visa or MasterCard systems, and support payments on the Internet. After that, you need to confirm that the card belongs to you. To do this, the bank will block a small amount on it from one to ten rubles, about which SMS will come. Next, on the loan application page, enter the requested information. Money will be credited to the card almost instantly.

To transfer funds to a bank account, you will need to find out its details. The transfer of money will be made within a day. They will arrive no later than in 3 days.

Electronic money loan "Moneyman" can be received on the account "Yandex-money". After that, they can be spent or transferred to the card.

Loan repayment

Paying a loan is very easy. To do this, you should enter your personal account located on the Moneyman website. Log in by entering your email or phone number andpassword.

The frequency of depositing funds to pay off the loan debt depends on the chosen program:

  • for short-term loans - at the end of the term;
  • for loans with a term exceeding 4 weeks - once every 14 days.

You can repay the loan both in cash and non-cash. You can use the following options to transfer funds:

  • bank card of Visa or MasterCard systems;
  • via MTS mobile phone;
  • electronic money through the Qiwi wallet, as well as Eleksnet.

Cash payments to repay the loan can be made through transfers "Contact". In addition, you can use the terminals of Qiwi systems, as well as Eleksnet.

The loan can be paid not only in full, but also in part. If it is impossible to repay the loan on time, it can be extended. In this case, you will have to pay an additional commission.

Bad Credit Borrowers

Most MFIs easily process loans to citizens who have a bad credit history. On the one hand, Moneyman adheres to the same policy. Customer reviews, however, suggest that with a negative credit history, it is almost impossible to get a loan from this company.

The fact is that Moneyman has a rule for checking borrowers in four credit bureaus at once. As a result, if the information received confirms the presence of a large number of long delays, the loan will be denied.

In situations where a loan is still issued, information about the borrower will also besubmitted to credit bureaus. Therefore, there is an opportunity to both improve and completely ruin your reputation.

Many microfinance institutions offer programs to clients to improve their credit history. There is no such possibility in Moneyman.

Bonus system

The MFI under consideration is trying to provide borrowers with maximum benefits and comfort. The customer reviews left about Moneyman are largely devoted to the bonus program.

The essence of such a system is the ability to accumulate points that can be spent on the following services:

  • payment of interest;
  • extension;
  • transition to a new, more profitable product.

Getting bonuses is easy: all you need to do is repay loans on time, invite a friend, or leave a review about Moneyman.

Additional features

Moneyman provides its clients with additional opportunities. They not only increase the popularity of the company, but also make servicing loans more comfortable.

An important plus for customers is the ability to repay the loan ahead of schedule. To do this, you need to enter your personal account, where there is all the information about the amount sufficient to pay off the debt.

"Moneyman" regularly holds various contests and promotions. The prizes in them are money, as well as the opportunity to get a loan without interest.

In difficult financial situations, the company offers its clients a refinancing program. Therefore, do not get lost and be silent. It is better to discuss the problem with the employeeAn MFI that will help develop individual debt repayment terms.

Thus, for those who urgently need money, "Moneyman" can be a great way to get out of a difficult situation. If you use this option wisely, take small amounts for a short period, then the interest will not be too tangible.
