How to set up a local network: step by step instructions

How to set up a local network: step by step instructions
How to set up a local network: step by step instructions

If earlier local area networks were considered such a means of connecting computers to each other, which was used exclusively in small and large offices or enterprises, then with the current development of network technologies, you can create your own network in no time at home. Next, we will consider how to set up a local network in two versions, which can be called the simplest and do not require special knowledge when creating and configuring. We will take Windows systems as a basis, since they are the most common with us.

How to set up a computer-to-computer local network: selecting or changing a workgroup

So where to start? First of all, you need to understand that all computers that will connect to the future network must be in the same workgroup, otherwise they will not be recognized when connecting to each other. The default on Windows is basicallytwo types of names are used: MSHOME or WORKGROUP, although the names of the computers themselves can be changed at will.

To set up a local network between computers, you must first set the same workgroup name on all stationary terminals and laptops. In principle, you can access the settings through the "Control Panel", where the system and security section is selected, and then the transition to the "System" section is made. However, as practice shows, the easiest way is to use the "Run" console, in which the abbreviation sysdm.cpl is entered (for Windows modifications from the seventh to the tenth).

Working group
Working group

In the window that appears, we are interested in the computer name field. Specify any name, then click the Change Existing Default Group button and enter a name for the new group that is different from the default. In both cases, use only the Latin alphabet. Such actions must be performed on all terminals (so that the group name is the same), after which they all need to be reloaded.

IPv4 protocol parameters

In order to set up a local network in the 7th version of the system and higher, you need to check the settings of the IPv4 protocol. To do this, go to the networks and sharing section in the "Control Panel", select change the properties of the network adapter, and use the settings of the specified protocol in the properties themselves.

Configuring the IPv4 Protocol
Configuring the IPv4 Protocol

Normally all the options there are set to get automatically. But inIn our case, it is better to set static addresses, which on all connected computers should differ from each other by the last value. So, for example, if one terminal is given an internal address starting with 192.168 followed by 0 and 5, another can use seven as the last value. And so for all computers (values can range from 1-255). Obtaining DNS server addresses can be left in automatic mode, but be sure to disable the use of proxies for local addresses in the advanced settings, if this option is activated.

Setting the visibility of computers on the network

Now deciding how to set up a local network involves taking steps to make computers visible on the network so you can share files and folders, watch movies, or play online.

Visibility of the computer on the network
Visibility of the computer on the network

To do this, additional access options are selected in the same network management section, and for all terminals, the network discovery permission item is set active with the activation of the automatic configuration line on network devices.

Disabling Password Network Login
Disabling Password Network Login

After that go to advanced options, select "All networks" and deactivate password protected sharing.

Sharing directories

As you can see, setting up a local network on Windows 7 or higher is quite simple. However, that's not all. Now, after all, you need to make sure that on the terminalsshared folders were visible, where files that can be shared are stored.

Select the desired folder, use the properties via RMB, go to the access tab, click the advanced settings button. Now check the box for access permissions at the top and check the required privileges. Save the changes, go to the security tab, click the change button, and in the new window, add.

Setting up sharing
Setting up sharing

Specify the name of the computer or group (usually "Everyone") and check the boxes for the permissions that were used in the previous version. Again, save the changes, and after that, in the "Explorer" the selected directory and its contents will become visible. This completes the setup.

How to set up a local network through a router: checking connected devices

Now a few words about setting up a local network using a router. The first step is to check if there is a connection between devices connected to the router based on a wireless connection.

How to set up a local network? In this case, we only need a router to determine the addresses of connected devices, and its main parameters can be left untouched. First, log into the router's web interface through any browser and enter or 1.1 in the address bar, go to the DHCP and DHCP Clients List sections. The list will show all connected computers with their IP addresses. Take note of the address of the terminal you want to check.

Ping check
Ping check

Now call the command line (cmd), enter the ping command, and after it, after a space, the desired address. If the exchange of packets has begun, you can continue further.

Create a homegroup

As in the previous version of the network setup, we check the working group, and if necessary, change it. Now in the network management section, select the network that has the status of home. If you have a public network installed, change its type.

creating a home group
creating a home group

After that, on the right, click the ready-to-create hyperlink, and in the new Wizard window, use the create homegroup button.

Select objects to share

Now the solution to the question of how to set up a local network involves choosing the objects that are supposed to be shared. In the settings window that appears, they will be divided into categories (images, music, videos, printers, etc.).

Check the checkboxes that are required, and after moving to the next window, click the "Finish" button. Next, you will need to set up shared access to the selected folders, but we will not consider this issue, since the procedure is completely similar to that described above.

Extra Tips

Finally, a few words about additional measures, the use of which in some cases allows you to fix a lot of problems and eliminate problems that arise. If the IPv4 protocol settings are set correctly, but there is no connection between the terminals, and at the same time, obtaining DNS addresses is set to automatic mode,try using Google's free combinations of eights and fours for them (for example, for the main server - four eights, for the alternative - two eights and two fours).

In some cases, if the provider does not support IPv6 protocol service due to the absence of the sixth version DHCP server, its use should be disabled by unchecking the corresponding line in the network adapter parameters.

In the case of a wireless connection based on a router, there may be a problem: the ping check through the command console does not work. As a rule, antiviruses are to blame for this (at least ESET software products can perform such blocking). Thus, before pinging, just temporarily disable the installed antivirus.


That, in fact, is all about how to set up a local network. It seems that neither in the first nor in the second case any difficulties should arise. But which option would you prefer? Apparently, it is easier to create a network based on a wireless connection. However, its only problem is that the router supports a limited number of simultaneous connections, and when creating a network, as described in the first version, there are no such conventions.