How to change the name in Odnoklassniki

How to change the name in Odnoklassniki
How to change the name in Odnoklassniki

At the moment there are only two truly popular social networks on the Internet. These are Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte. These sites have existed since 2006, and there are very few users left who cannot fully understand their functionality. In addition, there are those who have registered quite recently.

This article will tell you how to change the name in Odnoklassniki. It's actually very easy to do this. After all, the interface of the site itself is created as clear as possible. But, nevertheless, the problem as such exists, and it needs to be solved. Indeed, for some, the question of how to change the name in Odnoklassniki is really a problem.

how to change the name in classmates
how to change the name in classmates

So, you need to remember that the whole action consists of five very simple points:

  1. How to change the name in Odnoklassniki? First you need to go to the site in your personal account. Like thisprobably don't need to explain. This is really easy.
  2. Next, you need to find the "More" link. It's on the same line as Videos, Statuses, Events, Communities, Photos, Friends, General. That is, directly to the right of the photo. Not to be confused with the other "More" link already below the photo.
  3. When you click on the required link, a drop-down menu should appear where required
  4. change name in classmates
    change name in classmates

    select the "About me" section. It is in this section that you can change all personal information. This applies to favorite books, and favorite music, and general characteristics.

  5. So, before changing the name in Odnoklassniki, you need to find one more section in our menu - called "Edit personal data".
  6. After that, a special window opens, in which everyone can figure it out. In the "First name" section - change the first name, in the "Last name" section - change the last name. You can also change your date of birth if you wish. Even more, if desired, you can change the gender.
change name in classmates
change name in classmates

But there is one more thing to know. The administration of Odnoklassniki is unequivocally against sending spam, against erotica, and also against violence. Therefore, the question of how to change the name in Odnoklassniki should be approached with some caution. Under no circumstances should it be used instead ofreal name something like "Stormy Sex". The administration will obviously not like this, and then the page will simply be blocked. No, no one will judge if instead of the real "Ivan Ivanovich" on your page, "Igor Petrovich" is indicated. Until then, no one cares. The main thing, as mentioned above, is not to provoke the administration with "names" with a pronounced expressive coloring. If you change your name in Odnoklassniki like this, then it will not end well for you.

And finally, it is worth giving one more piece of advice that concerns girls directly. In the event that the maiden name needs to be changed to the husband's surname, you should not delete it completely. Perhaps it would be better if she remained in brackets, behind the current surname. This is to make it easier for your old friends to find you. After all, they may not know that you are already married.