MTS Company often pleases its subscribers with profitable services and options, as well as tempting terms of new tariff plans. Due to the spread of social networks and regular access to them through mobile devices, the telecom operator has developed a new option that is ideal for users who spend a long time on such visited sites as Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. The MTS service "On the Net", reviews of which will be discussed in this article, allows you to refuse to count traffic when exchanging messages, surfing a number of social networks and instant messengers. We will tell you more about the conditions under which the service is offered and what opinion existing subscribers have about it.

Option description
The MTS service "On the Net" provides unlimited access to sites called "social networks" and a number of instant messengers - a detailed list is given below. By "unlimited" is meant really unlimited access, without taking into accountconsumed traffic. Why is such access needed if there are tariffs and services that provide unlimited access to any actions on the Internet? The “On the Net” (MTS) option, which subscribers’ reviews will be given later, allows you to save traffic paid for under a tariff plan or an additional service, and refuse to connect unlimited Internet for those users of SIM cards of a red and white operator who visit certain websites and use popular instant messengers. Thus, the traffic provided within the paid option or tariff can be spent on watching videos, downloading files, photos, sending e-mail.

List of free sites and apps under option
So, what resources can you get unlimited access to within the MTS option? Full list of sites and apps below:
- "VKontakte";
- Odnoklassniki (including OK Live);
- "TamTam";
- Twitch;
- "Facebook" (including messenger);
- "Instagram";
- Telegram;
- "Skype";
- Whatsapp;
- Viber;
- "Twitter";
- "Snapchat";
- MTS Connect.
The list of resources is taken from the official website of the MTS company.

Service cost
The option in question is not free, like any other service of a mobile operator. However, its cost will pleasantly surprise those who are interested in the idea of getting unlimited access to social networks. MTS "V" servicenetworks" implies the presence of a regularly debited subscription fee - when it is connected, 4 rubles will be charged from the user's balance every day. Many subscribers will agree that this is a rather symbolic fee for access to such a number of sites. The MTS “On the Net” option, reviews of which are quite contradictory, is free for two tariff plans of the operator of the “Smart” series, namely:
- "Zabugorishche" (previously TP was called "Smart+");
- "Unlimited".

Connection order
How is the option activated? The MTS service "On the Net", a description and reviews of which are discussed in the current article, is connected in two ways:
- Independently by a subscriber (through self-service channels or with the help of employees of the operator's company), provided that a tariff plan is installed and there is access to service activation (the list of TPs for which service activation is not available is given below).
- Automatically on tariff plans where it is not charged. Since June of this year, when switching to Smart Zabugorishche and Smart Unlimited tariff plans, activation occurs instantly, without any additional actions on the part of the subscriber.

In the first case, in order to get unlimited access to the previously listed resources, just visit your personal account on the official website of the operator or dial the necessary key combination from your smartphone / tablet -345and wait for confirmation (connectionprovided free of charge). If you have any difficulties during activation, you can safely contact the operator's technical support - experts will tell you how to get out of the situation.
Features of the option
When changing the TP "Unlimited" and "Foreign", the option is disabled automatically.
- If the subscriber switched to another MTS tariff "On the Net" (reviews on this option will be given below), it will need to be reactivated. This mechanism has been used since the beginning of September this year.
- For such TPs as Hype, the service is not available for connection, as well as on the MTS Tablet tariff.
- When opening sites in "secret mode" (incognito, private), traffic will be taken into account.
- If the "Turbo button" is activated, as well as the "Turbo bonus", then traffic for visiting resources will be taken into account.
- Watching videos on YouTube and Rutube will be charged: if paid traffic is connected, it will be spent when visiting these resources, otherwise the fee will be charged from the subscriber's balance.
- Push notifications are not included in the unlimited use of social networks, that is, they will need to be deactivated in order to exclude billing.
- Updating applications that provide access to free resources will also be charged. If the subscriber wants to update the mobile application to visit the Vkontakte resource, then such an operation will entail traffic accounting.
- Access to sites through the mobile browser "Opera" or any other that uses a data compression mechanism will bebe paid.
- When using a WAP access point, traffic will also be counted, even when visiting the resources listed earlier.
Positive Feedback
The MTS "Online" option has both positive and negative reviews. Let's start with the good times. For subscribers who previously used the operator's "Social Networks" service (which includes only three resources for unlimited access), the appearance of a new option was a pleasant surprise, because now instead of three, you can visit fifteen sites and instant messengers for free. As another plus, we can single out the fact that the subscription fee is charged every day - 4 rubles each, while, as for the previous service, it is a one-time fee of 90 rubles. Thus, it is not necessary to replenish the balance for this amount at a time. It is enough to have a little more than 4 rubles in the account every day.

Negative reviews
The MTS "Online" option also has negative feedback. Subscribers have this to say about it:
- Due to the fact that various applications, widgets (for example, the weather on the home screen or exchange rates) are regularly updated in modern mobile gadgets, traffic will be consumed in any case. Thus, in order not to pay for megabytes, you need to connect a tariff with an included gigabyte package or an additional option in addition to the already existing “On the Net” service. Which is not entirely profitable and convenient.
- The MTS Connect resource was previously also free (traffic was not taken into account for using it) andit is not clear why the operator emphasizes that only with the “Online” option is unlimited use possible.
- For the Chukotka Territory, the service is not available for connection.
- Downloading pictures from social networks, watching videos via links leading to third-party hosting, sending files in instant messengers (videos, pictures, documents) will still be charged.
Judging by the reviews, the MTS service "On the Net" has both pluses and minuses. We tried to cite its main advantages and dissatisfaction of subscribers above.

In this article, the "On the Net" service from MTS was considered: reviews and description of the option. Of course, for some subscribers of the operator, it has become a real lifesaver: for a nominal fee, a real unlimited access to your favorite and frequently visited sites and instant messengers is provided. However, there are also such subscribers who pay attention to the existing nuances, features of the service and conclude that you should not use it, but rather connect the unlimited Internet option with traffic included. If you take into account the reviews, the MTS "On the Net" service can really help subscribers who are used to using the Internet from mobile gadgets. MTS creates improved tariff plans so that users have as much choice as possible.