The first rave reviews about Totem Capital appeared on the Web in July-August 2017. The campaign to invite investors launched at the end of September last year. As a result, funds from Russian, Belarusian, Kazakh and Ukrainian investors were uploaded to the Totem Capital website. The organizers of the project announced the imminent opening of a cryptobank and other, no less significant events, which fueled the interest of potential investors.

First impression
It is known that the leadership team of Totem Capital consisted of several entrepreneurs who gave the impression of prosperous and cryptocurrency-savvy people. Where did this information come from? The fact is that today investors no longer take the word of the owners of investment projects. Before pouring funds into the site, potential investors delegated theirrepresentatives.
According to the delegates, Czech Jan Kaplan (organizer and owner of the company), as well as members of his team, gave the impression of authoritative and experienced business "sharks". True, some envoys noted Kaplan's amazing similarity with the owner of a hype that had long been "cut off", but then this similarity did not alert anyone.
As of today, the project has long ceased to pay interest on deposits.
Where does the money come from?

The Totem Capital project invited everyone to try themselves as investors and get guaranteed profits of up to 60% per month. The minimum deposit was $500.
The high income of traders was provided by huge profits from intermediary transactions, earnings on fluctuations in exchange rates and cryptocurrencies, as well as through investments in highly profitable investment companies.
The head of the investment company "Totem Capital" is a certain Yan Kaplan. Publicly, he is presented as a professional in the field of global investment banking with ten years of experience. Currently, Kaplan cooperates with large companies, banks and countries. Behind Jan Kaplan, according to the advertising text, several profitable investment deals in start-ups and innovative developments.
Totem Capital: forecasts for the future and immediate goals
Through the content of the affiliate program participants, the creators of Totem Capital informed users that the company's daily income ranges from 7 to 12percent of funds invested in highly profitable enterprises. In the near future, the owners of the company plan to complete the following tasks:
create an investment Internet bank (to do this, you need to obtain a license from the American Central Bank);
attract we althy partners (this item has already been implemented);
attract investments totaling at least one hundred million dollars (to date, capital investments have already exceeded this amount);
increase the number of investors to thirty thousand people
The development plan for 2017 also included the item: “Official registration of the company and the lease of office space.”

In 2017, the management of Totem Capital decided to enter the consumer goods market and provide individuals with an acceptable investment plan.
As part of these initiatives, the investor was offered to invest (the minimum deposit amount is five hundred dollars) at two percent per day (payments are calculated in dollars) and withdraw profit three times a month (every ten days).
Terms of cooperation
Payback time on investment is three months. After this period, the investor will be able to either withdraw the entire deposit amount or extend the deposit term.

In order to join the team of experienced businessman Ian Kaplan, an investor had to deposit at least $500 converted into bitcoin. After that, a deposit was opened for the depositor for a period of 90 days. Byafter this period, the money could be withdrawn from the project.
Was Totem Capital a pyramid scheme?

Judging by the reviews, at first the project honestly paid depositors two percent a day until November 2017, allowing you to freely withdraw earnings every ten days.
In November, payments on some deposits were suspended. Individual investors report that they received deductions, but not in full. Only the most "vociferous" were paid in full. At the same time, members of the leadership group did their best to smooth over the brewing conflict, explaining the freezing of contributions by transferring the project to a new, improved virtual site.
In December 2017, the updated website went online. Judging by their feedback, Totem Capital disappointed users who are versed in website building, as it did not look like the result of the efforts of successful webmasters. In addition, payment delays continued.
The promises of the leaders no longer encouraged anyone: as of December 2017, not a single payment on deposits had been made. In the meantime, new investors were actively attracted to the updated project and, judging by the reviews, Totem Capital paid the newcomers in full. The “old-timers” depositors were informed that there were problems when transferring payment accounts from the old site to the updated one.
Subsequently, representatives of the leadership team admitted that the financial problems are actually related to the departure of one of the creators of the project. Having quarreled with the rest of the leadershipgroup, he stole the keys to electronic wallets. Therefore, the money, although not immediately, will still be returned to depositors.
The funds were supposed to be returned in parts - every ten days, ten percent of the deposit amount. True, the finances were supposed to go not to the wallets of discouraged depositors, but to their updated accounts on the new site, for further work on the same terms.
In February 2018, each investor was sent an e-mail that told the whole truth about Totem Capital: the project “fell off” due to the fault of the real owners of the project (Ian Kaplan, as it turned out, was not one of them), who got their hands on investors' money.
The search for the perpetrators did not lead to anything: members of the leadership group shifted responsibility to each other, and Yan Kaplan himself, as far as one can judge from the feedback of the victims, turned out to be a fictional character.
… There are very serious people behind this project…

The creators of some video content that appeared on the Internet last year share with users their joy, the reason for which is about three thousand working accounts that appeared on the site at a low start stage. Moreover, no action was taken by Totem Capital, not a single presentation, not a single webinar was held, that is, the business started by itself.
"Currently (that is, in September 2017)," the source said, "Totem Capital is actively pursuing press releases on the opportunities it generously bestows on investors."
Whatso attracted investors?
If you believe the reviews about "Totem Capital" written by members of the affiliate program, depositors who have registered on the site will be given the opportunity to place orders for any type of cryptocurrency. The system itself will detect the desired cryptocurrency and make a deal on the most favorable terms.
…not a hype or a pyramid scheme, but something very serious…
Sharing their first impressions of Totem Capital, the partners admit that the first impression of the company was quite chaotic: someone, without understanding, called Totem Capital a new hype created by a well-known Internet scammer, and to whom the project looked like a pyramid scheme.
Unfortunately, none of the participants in the advertising campaign took the trouble to demonstrate the work of the site in real time, referring to the non-disclosure agreement that Jan Kaplan signed with them.
Reviews about Totem Capital left by investors suggest that in the summer of 2017 there were many advertising content on the Internet that disseminated heterogeneous information.

For example, some members of the affiliate program have increased the number of leaders. In particular, they disseminated information about fifty-one specialists who were part of the leadership group. All of them were allegedly representatives of a wide variety of industries - technical, commercial, financial, legal …