Modern devices, including tablets, are equipped with touch screens. And if the screen is capacitive, then a stylus for a tablet is simply necessary, because another object, for example, a match or a toothpick, will not work. The device will not respond to attempts to control such household items, in addition, this method may damage the screen.

Today, capacitive touch panels are very common. And the reason for this is ease of use. For example, they allow you to register for several touches, etc. Modern smartphones and tablets are equipped with similar sensors, therefore, even the slightest touch of a finger is perfectly captured by the device. And several fingers can perform different actions. But a human finger for fine work with a tablet is not very convenient, for example, for writing letters or drawing. However, capacitive displays cannot work with regular styluses, which are so good for drawing. Therefore, manufacturers had to look for another solution.
Capacitive sensors respond to electrical impulses generated by the human body, so the capacitive tablet stylus is made of conductive materials. Capacitive screens require a large touch area (equal to the area of a fingertip), so styluses for resistive displays will not work here.

The cheapest stylus is usually the thickness of the little finger, and the tip is made of conductive rubber in the form of a hemisphere. However, this tablet stylus is not very suitable for writing, drawing, and fine details.
Manufacturers of quality styluses use a variety of tricks, resulting in accessories that have high levels of usability. For example, the Acer tablet stylus can be equipped with a thin tip, and a large area is created here due to the transparent conductive material. Also, the tip of the capacitive gadget can be in the form of a ring. It is these solutions that allow you to track the points where the user clicks with the required accuracy. These styluses can be used for fine work, for example, for the same drawing.
The standard question that always arises before the buyer is which stylus to choose? In our case, as well as in all others, the choice will depend on the amount of money that you are willing to spend on it, as well as on the tasks that it will have to perform. If you are going to use the stylus purely for entertainment,

then the budget option is quite suitable. But a device that will be actively used for serious work will require a much larger sum from you. But keep in mind that a convenient and reliable tool will help you save time and money, and in some cases even nerves.
In addition to a specific Samsung model, you can buy, for example, a stylus for a Samsung tablet, or a universal tool that fits all devices. The main thing is that it performs all the tasks you need, and with high quality. Plus, the handy pen-style tablet stylus fits in a case or pocket.