Repost and repost - what is it?

Repost and repost - what is it?
Repost and repost - what is it?

Earlier, only on the bloggers' forum one could come across such concepts as "post", "repost", "repost". Now, even in the conversation of the townsfolk, phrases can slip through: “reposted”, “retweeted”, “made a repost”. What is it - repost and repost, we will consider in more detail in the article.

Blogger repost. What is it?

Every blogger writes articles or posts on his website. This is copyright information that has no analogues on the Internet. If someone wants to post this article on their blog, they must indicate the source.

Repost is the placement of the information you like in its original form, indicating the authorship and an open link to the original. If you do not indicate authorship or a link to the article, then these actions are called ordinary copy-paste, or theft.

repost what is it
repost what is it

Repost or repost are almost the same concepts. You can just add your opinion when reposting. For example, on forums, they usually write the answer to a question, and then insertcopied text with a link to the source.

Copying with attribution can be done for the entire article or some part of it. It is believed that such actions bring TIC and PR to the blog, but not everyone gets these "stars". Young sites can be reposted from "fat" resources to the "sandbox", as search engines will consider the information that is indexed first as the original. That is why each blogger on his resource under each article places social network buttons that perform the function of repost.

Buttons "Repost" and "Repost": what is it?

In communities, magazines, repost and repost are more often understood as a certain type of action. For example, in "LiveJournal" there is always a "Repost" or "Drag to your journal" icon under the article, which have some differences.

repost or repost
repost or repost

When reposting, you cannot change the original, add your thoughts to the text itself. In addition, if the author decides to delete his article, then your added text will also disappear. In addition, comments on the repost are sent to the page of the author of the original text. But the repost button allows you to automatically see the number of people who added the original to their page.

When reposting, you can add your own text or change the original. In this case, when the original author deletes the copied text, it remains unchanged. By the way, comments on a repost do not go to the page of the content author, but you can’t see how many people transferred this information to their journal without certain settings.succeed.

The advantage of such buttons is that the post author can use HTML code to restrict the transfer of information to another journal or community.

what does repost mean
what does repost mean

Regular repost: what is it?

On social networks, users also repost by clicking on the "Like" and "Tell Friends" buttons. At the same time, you can transfer information (photo, music, video, content) from the page and the community to your page.

Twitter has a special button that allows you to copy a post with a link to the author. Usually, there is an arrow icon above the repost entry, by clicking on which you can see the author of the original. Thanks to these buttons, you can automatically share interesting or informative information with your friends. By the way, on VKontakte, with the help of a repost, they search for missing people or inform about criminals.

Now you know what a repost means, and you can distinguish a repost from a regular theft.
