Qualitative analysis of the site is the first step towards its successful promotion. It is especially important to control SEO optimization, i.e. how the resource is seen by search engines Google and Yandex. It depends on how quickly it will be found and whether potential visitors will find it at all.

You can analyze the activity of the site using special indicators. On the one hand, they show the programmer how successful his resource is, on the other hand, they determine for the same systems in what order to rank the site and what its relevance is. For Google, the PageRank algorithm is responsible for this function, for Yandex, the weighted citation index (WCI) is a similar indicator.
Let's dwell on the latter and try to figure out what affects it and how to use it to raise the site to the top of search queries.
A bit of history
VIC is a modern concept that appeared relatively recently and is not used by all specialists. And in vain, because they came up with it out of extreme necessity. Earlier, at the dawn of the appearance of such search engines as Yandex, there was no question of website promotion, since the search was simple, and among a small number of pages it was easy to find the right one.keyword information. The more extensive the web became, the more difficult it became to find the right file, because some of the information was not verified, some was off topic, and some was not reliable.

Therefore, there was a need for some kind of filters that sort out non-authoritative pages and increase the visibility of those that were highly relevant to the request. We are talking about ranking and such an important concept in SEO promotion as relevance.
Site relevance
This definition is responsible for the location of the site in the huge hierarchy of the World Wide Web. If your site has a semantic core, fullness of competent and unique texts, media files, even distribution of keywords throughout the structure, then the search engine will rank it in the first lines of search queries. How to define it? Sum up (simplified) the top relevancy scores and you get the site's WCV:
- Keyword density - below 5% of keywords in the text - the system may not recognize the page, and much more than 5% - filter it as artificially created.
- Position of keywords in the text - keywords located in titles and mega tags at the beginning of the article give better results, but not in the first sentence.
- Synonyms and word forms - the more the text material is adapted to the average user, the more likely the page will be in the top of the search query.
- Popularity and authority of the resource - the more hosts link to your site, the higher its weight will be andcitation.

The impact of relevance on VIC
Of course, the site's VIC is not such a simple indicator, and it does not consist only of the sum of the above factors. Not always a page that fully reveals the topic of the request, has a sufficient number of links from other resources and contains texts adapted for the average user, will fall into the top of Yandex or Google search queries. Everything also depends on the site that links to you - is this resource authoritative enough? VIC takes this into account and helps to create a qualitative link mass, and not just a quantitative one.
Thematic and weighted index
Speaking of quantity. There are two types of citation metrics. Thematic index is the number of links or hosts pointing to a resource. It determines the weight of the site. The thematic index is not affected by links from forums, blogs, free hosting and other resources where anyone can place information about their site. By the way, if the link is placed on a donor site (i.e. similar in subject matter), it will bring you more than five links from resources of a different orientation.
TIC largely determines the place of a particular site in the ranking, so specialists do not often use the TIC. This is a more complex qualitative index that takes into account not only the amount of reference mass, but also the weight and authority of citing sites. Moreover, VIC is a more thorough coefficient, since it does not take into account the weight of the entire site, like TIC, but of each page separately.
VIC definitionwhich is similar to a similar service from Google - PageRank, also takes into account the subject of all pages (the closer they are, the higher the indicator), the share of each link and much more.

How to identify and influence HCV
Unfortunately, due to the frequent artificial winding up of this indicator, Yandex has closed it from public access, and now you can only see the weight of the site as a whole, using the thematic citation index on the webmaster panel.
Despite this, VCI is a page ranking metric, we just don't see it now.
However, in order to raise your resource in the rankings and get into the top search queries, you must first of all build up a quality link mass on authoritative sites. And this can be done only with the help of the correct filling with unique, interesting, relevant and reliable content. Good luck with your promotion!