SmartMediagroup: job reviews

SmartMediagroup: job reviews
SmartMediagroup: job reviews

If you are an experienced Internet user, you will not be surprised when you see another advertisement for a project that offers passive income, income without investments, some investment programs, and so on. There is a lot of all this online now - advertising here and there invites us to invest in order to receive additional dividends in the future, earn money without doing anything and enjoy a beautiful life tomorrow.

Agree, the descriptions of these programs look very cool. Who wouldn't want to earn an income doing nothing? But each of us is of little interest to them for the reason that we understand their deceit. We know that it is impossible to earn money without effort, including the Internet. Therefore, waiting until this or that program starts to bring you income is stupid.


Today we will present to you one of the projects that contains attractive promises about how anyone can earn income. It is unusual at least because of the concept and idea with which clients (participants) are attracted to this program. As part of the article, we will study the conditions under which this program (according to the official description on the site) will allow everyonean investor to start earning without any effort, and we will also find feedback from those who managed to make a contribution in order to understand how everything works.

SmartMediagroup investment project
SmartMediagroup investment project

About company

So let's start with a general idea. As already noted, what SmartMediagroup offers, the feedback from the participants is called at least unusual. The bottom line is this: within the framework of this program, an advertising network is being created, which is engaged in the mass installation of media spaces throughout the country. This statement means that the organizers of the project will buy plasma panels (screens) for their installation on city streets. The money for the implementation of this idea will come directly from the contributors (participants) of SmartMediagroup. The reviews of the authors of the site themselves refer to a total amount of 2 billion rubles, which will be required to install those same advertising panels. As for profitability, according to information on the website, it is expected to reach 800 million rubles a year, provided that all monitors with advertising are occupied. Of this amount, about 600 million will be used to pay dividends.


After reading the information about this project, one can ask a logical question - how is SmartMediagroup going to fulfill its obligations to investors? The reviews of those who were interested in this resource contain the same question. Simply put, if we are talking about such a difficult business as placing advertising space - how can you accurately calculate in what ratio the investment should be returned?

company auditSmartMediagroup
company auditSmartMediagroup

And for this there is a special technique, which consists in buying special "shares". The calculation of each of them takes place depending on the area of the advertising screen with a size of 1 square meter. Such a "section" (meter by meter) is called "flokin". Each investor can purchase an unlimited number of them. This is how the “entrance” to SmartMediagroup happens. Reviews indicate that one "flokin" costs 2 thousand rubles, while already in a month it gives a profitability of 3300 rubles.

smartmedia group feedback on work from employees
smartmedia group feedback on work from employees

Ad Buyers

Another interesting issue that should be addressed is the buyers of advertising, or those who will pay money to the company for its activities. The calculation formula used by the creators of the project when calculating profits indicated 100% occupancy of all advertising space. This means that we must take into account the formula according to which 40 customers will want to pay a thousand rubles for showing their video for 10 minutes. At the same time, it is necessary to multiply the resulting figure by the total number of square meters of advertising displays (20 thousand) in order to get 800 million rubles. The question arises - where are the project organizers going to find advertisers willing to pay 20 million rubles for broadcasting their video, even if it is on 20,000 square meters?

And here you can already understand what the negative reviews about SmartMediagroup are based on. Everything is extremely simple - the numbers with which this projectlures savers, actually taken from the ceiling. The organizers got them by simple multiplication, while they have nothing to do with real facts.


SmartMediagroup reviews webcheck
SmartMediagroup reviews webcheck

Initially, the site mentions income at 30 percent. If you do simple mathematical operations with multiplication, then it is very easy to calculate this amount - we compare the approximate cost of one meter of a square advertising display and advertising income, subtract the profit, and divide it between the project and the contributor. On paper, everything turns out quite easily and simply. The whole scheme in theory looks like a promising and stable passive income. SmartMediagroup in the form in which it is presented in the materials published on the site could not exist in principle. There are two most obvious reasons: it is impossible to foresee additional costs for the implementation of such a bold project as the installation of 20,000 square meters of advertising space with the money raised; as well as an overly bold confidence in the ability to score all the seats on the monitors by 100%. Considering these two factors, as well as negative reviews about SmartMediagroup circulating on the Internet, we can say that the project is more of a pyramid scheme than an investment program.

Participation Scheme

It's very easy to confirm that the entire program is a complete scam. The very scheme of financing its implementation is based on the gradual contributions of investors. Suppose they manage to collect 10 percent of the required amount. Q: How can organizersensure payment of a 30% yield, while, in fact, it will be possible to implement only a tenth of the project? This is impossible, and according to all the laws of the market, the company will go bankrupt.

And you don't even need to read the audit of SmartMediagroup to understand that this is a "scam". Therefore, we would not recommend trusting your funds here.

passive income SmartMediagroup
passive income SmartMediagroup

Employee reviews

There is a project review strategy that involves looking for feedback from former (or current) employees working in a particular company. In the same way, we tried to check the SmartMedia group service. However, we did not manage to find reviews about the work from employees. This once again proves that you should not get involved with the project if you do not want to lose money for nothing. However, recommendations from those who have already invested here are not so easy to find. Mostly all reviews state that such a program, in principle, cannot exist.

SmartMediagroup reviews
SmartMediagroup reviews


A logical question arises: if the site is fraudulent, and all the services that are described on it are pure fraud for investors, then why can we find the "contacts" section with the address and phone numbers of the company?

The answer is easy to find after you go to this section yourself. There you will see the address of the office registered in Cyprus. Instead of a phone, Skype is indicated - this means that you will not find any significant data about the project. Consequently, there will be no one to ask where the money you invested.

According to all the criteria that testify to the reliability of the company, SmartMediagroup, the investment project referred to in the article, is not one that would inspire confidence. The idea itself, perhaps, is interesting - the use of advertising monitors as a new direction in business. However, it is impossible to implement it in the way described on the project website. This means that it is not worth investing.

SmartMediagroup negative reviews
SmartMediagroup negative reviews


There are sites and blogs on the Internet, the owners of which regularly check certain investment projects. As reviews show about SmartMediagroup, "web verification" (this procedure can be called that way) is the best tool for detecting scammers. This is called an “audit”, the purpose of which is to reveal that we are facing another “one-day” created by scammers, or a really worthwhile investment program.

Speaking specifically about SmartMediagroup, there is no need to spend time reading the audit to understand that this is a scam. However, even its results contain information confirming our guesses. It is almost impossible to contact the support service, it is also impossible to find out the exact mechanism for making a profit, as well as who is actually behind this service. Therefore, the investor will not be able to protect his funds in case of violation of obligations by the project organizers. The only thing that can lure him is an interesting idea. And even that, frankly, bears little resemblance to a real business scheme.

Audits are great for those who juststarted his journey in online investing. Thanks to them, each of us can gain some experience by reading information about other programs. Due to this, again, investor funds are saved from fraudsters. If you are interested in investing, be sure to use them.
