New technologies broke into the world at the end of the 20th century. Now it's time for young people and computer enthusiasts to find out what a web designer is? The modern generation will certainly be interested in such a profession, because it can immerse anyone in a virtual fantasy world, where everyone chooses for themselves the appearance of that very "virtual universe".
Beginner web designers have a great opportunity to learn from the work of more professional and experienced professionals. This can be done just by going to any site. It can be the official page of a company, corporation, just a social network, and so on.

So, first of all, you should deal with the main question of interest: a web designer - what is it? The answer is simple: this is a kind of profession designer. The prefix "web" indicates that this area is closely related todevelopment, as well as graphic design of Internet sites. This profession is to create a unique look for each page, which will be the hallmark of a particular manufacturer.
Profession web designer helps to create a memorable visual image associated with a particular company. It should be clearly related to the subject and daily activities of a particular company. A bright and unique design will ensure an influx of users and an increase in ratings.
Main tasks and goals
There are three main aspects in the work of a website designer:
- Uniqueness.
- Get attention.
- Conveying the right information.

Now consider each item separately to fully understand the essence of the work.
Firstly, the created design must make the site unique and inimitable. It should not have similar or repetitive elements that users might confuse with other web pages.
Secondly, attracting people's attention is also an equally important task. Every web designer must be able to present the site in such a way that as many users as possible pay attention to it. The design itself should not be flashy or annoying. Non-standard and bright graphic objects will help to attract more people. But it should be remembered that too many small graphic details can repel site visitors, as their presence will negatively affect the perceptioninformation.
And finally, thirdly, every beginner and professional should know that web design is not just a pretty picture. In addition, it conveys information to users. The posted content must be properly arranged in such a way that the reader is pleased to use the information provided. The interface should be simple and allow you to use it intuitively, without prior training. The client must quickly find menu items such as "general information", "prices", "contacts", etc.
Creating websites
A web designer can do a lot of interesting things. Creating websites from scratch is quite difficult, but for more experienced craftsmen it will not be difficult. In order to make and design the desired site from the very beginning, first of all, you will need special knowledge and a lot of time.

The work of such designers begins with the creation of the site. He must set a task for himself, and then develop a technical task and proceed to execution. Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the target audience in order to select the right combination of colors and graphic details in the future. The path to the finish of any project runs through several main points:
- User interface design and page design.
- Creating new HTML templates.
- Creating interactive elements.
- Testing the finished site.
- Delivery of a full-fledged project.
Master the profession of webDesigners will benefit from books by such authors as Jakob Nielsen ("Web Design"), Jess Garrett ("Web Design: The Elements of the User Experience"), Tina Sutton ("Harmony of Color").
Now a lot of people are interested in how to become a web designer in order to just have a stable and big income. In general, his salary depends solely on work experience, the presence of a portfolio and evidence of successful projects in the past.

Website design has a fairly wide range of prices, where everything is determined solely by the quality of the work provided. Of course, the payment for each site will be different. Thanks to experience and generous customers, the simplest design can be developed at the highest price. And in general, the approximate salary is from 25,000 to 50,000 rubles and more.
Where can I work?
Where can a good web designer find a job? What it is was mentioned above, but here it is necessary to understand the specific work in more detail.
Often, such people work remotely (for example, from home), while fulfilling several orders from different clients at the same time. Also, the work of a web designer can be performed in specialized studios, companies, advertising departments, and so on.
Main responsibilities
Any web design course provides training for both beginners and intermediate level people. There everyone can get enough information and skills that will be required in future work.
In chargeThe designer includes the collection of input data: goals, objectives, wishes of the customer, and so on. Then be sure to create thumbnails of future pages. Then everything is done according to a certain plan, as described above.
Among other things, a web designer has one more responsibility that should never be forgotten. This is tracking the latest technologies, that is, new chips and highlights in this industry. Such knowledge will definitely come in handy for successful and in-demand work in the future.
Every web designer, of course, should know programming languages. The most common and important of them are C++, C, F. It also does not hurt to master scripting languages - JavaScript and VBS.
Important qualities
An experienced web designer stands out with good earnings and high-quality work. What it is is now known, but what qualities are present in this profession?

A very important quality is aesthetic taste, which must be developed. The following qualities should also be present: perfectionism, perseverance, patience, attentiveness, and creativity, originality and analytical thinking should not be ignored. All this must be present in a person who has chosen the profession of a designer, because without such qualities one cannot achieve the results of the desired level and quality.
Many people are sure that such work is very simple. For her, you just need to sit, click on some mouse buttons orkeyboard and then receive money. In addition, a certain audience of people claims that in just a couple of minutes of time, the salary of a web designer is the monthly amount of people in another profession.
Every person who has just such an opinion about the profession should know the truth. The designer must be very hardworking. Not every profession requires an employee to devote all his own time to it. A web designer, on the other hand, sometimes works all day long to complete an order on time.

Modern youth already knows exactly how to become a web designer, what it takes. But still, professionals recommend studying more detailed information before deciding on a future profession.
Serious companies only hire qualified workers who have completed a full course of training. How to become a web designer? Where to study?
A future web designer can get a higher education at a state university, a polytechnic university or a specialized university of technology and design. Such educational institutions exist in almost every city, so there will be no problems finding them:
- St. Petersburg State University.
- Moscow State Academy. Stroganov.
- Moscow Architectural Institute.
- St. Petersburg School of Television.
- Krasnodar School of Design.
You can go to web design courses. You can try to masterskills on their own, but it is difficult, you will have to look for a lot of specialized literature, improve by trial and error. The Internet also offers online training. For 1-1, 5 years, anyone can master the profession of a web designer to the level of a real pro.

Every designer should be fluent in English as many websites and programs are based on this language.
Pros and cons of the profession
The work of a web designer has certain positive and negative sides.
Pros | Cons |
Really decent pay | Difficult to change profession |
Implementation of an idea at no cost | Continuous improvement required |
All mistakes are easily corrected | The visions of the contractor and the customer may not match |
Ability to work remotely | Convincing a client of the best solution can be difficult |
Being a web designer is not easy. He is responsible for the appearance of the site. Designs a picture, places text on the page, comes up with graphics elements, logos and banners, develops user-friendly site navigation.