There is a myth that only schoolchildren need website builders, and any self-respecting company will immediately look for a "normal programmer". But think logically: if so, why do these services still exist (and inject huge budgets into advertising and new features)?
You would be surprised how many Internet entrepreneurs actually successfully use sites made in 1-2 days. And today we have prepared for you a furious analysis of one of the most popular constructors in Runet - Nethouse. Reviews about this service are increasingly flickering in social networks and on thematic forums - both positive and negative.

So who is right? How realistic is it to make an effective platform for business using a constructor? To answer these questions, first let's try to figure out what we are dealing with.
How Nethouse hit 800,000 sites in 6 years
Even the launch date - 11/11/11 - is remarkable in itself. While the whole world was making wishes, Nethouse developers did not sit idly by, butturned their ideas into reality.

The team was inspired by… social media. If you can put a new "VKontakte" avatar in 2 clicks, then why force the user to go to the admin panel every time to change the picture on their own site?
This philosophy became the basis for the creation of Feedback from the first users finally dispelled doubts - although at the time of launch such "dinosaurs" as uCoz and Webasyst were already firmly established in the niche, the young service quickly broke into the TOPs.

What is the main advantage of the "Nethouse" project? The website builder is very simple and, in fact, is designed to quickly create a minimal site for business development on the Web. Looks trite? Perhaps. But you immediately go to the next stage - find real clients instead of having fun with fonts for half a year.
Several really cool services work on the basis of the platform for this. Let's see?
It's better to change the clumsy three-level address to something more sonorous right away. In 2015, Nethouse got its own registrar - The reviews are mostly positive, although there are also negative ones - mainly from those who were led to advertise the registration and.rf for 49 rubles, but did not bother to at least briefly study the conditions and requirements.
What is the service interesting for? The developers have tried to simplify the selection of a suitable name as much as possible. The options you likedrive through 150 different zones, which are categorized for convenience.

In the next tab you will find a full-fledged domain store. Too lazy to come up with a name? Then be sure to check out this section. The choice is impressive - more than 1500 options, including used (with history and TIC) and premium domains. Well thought out sorting by categories, topics and price.

Having your own SEO office is one of the main advantages of Nethouse. Customer reviews and up-to-date statistics leave no doubt that the guys know their business and successfully promote sites in any niche. And, unlike freelancers, "their" SEOs know all the nuances of working on "Nethouse".

What else? Firstly, work is being done on two fronts at once - in parallel with SEO, you can order contextual advertising that brings results right away.

Secondly, depending on the goals and budget, you can choose a convenient option - order individual services (audit, customization, writing texts, etc.) or complex promotion with a monthly payment.

By the way, the service provides a 100% guarantee - if there are no results in 4-6 months, you will be refunded the entire amount spent.
Every more or less serious CMS has a forum, and Nethouse is no exception. But the developersdecided to take user communication to a new level and created a kind of hybrid of freelancing and a social network where you can get advice or find a contractor for any work. Here you do not waste time on flooding, but immediately turn to a person who is ready to help with your issue.

By the way, absolutely any Nethouse user can become an Agent and earn money - the constructor allows you to create a convenient platform for presenting your services. There are only two restrictions - do not offer SEO (the company has a separate service for this) and work only within the framework of the platform.
And this is a real find for those who are serious about doing Internet business. The creators tried to combine all the main topics related to the creation, promotion and advertising of the site into one course.

You may not become a PRO SEO or programmer, but it's definitely worth it - and not only for those who are going to make websites on Nethouse. Feedback on the project is mostly positive. He helped many people to "sort things out" and understand what and how to do to make the site profitable.
The course consists of 15 webinars. All recordings are freely available directly on the site. But if you want to get deeper knowledge, you should sign up for the nearest "live" training.

And yes, it's completely free. What's the catch? Yes, nothing. For the company, this is a source of newclients. And even those who go further in the study of Internet marketing are unlikely to want to do everything on their own. And who can you trust your business with if not your teachers?
What Nethouse users like
So we got to the most "delicious" - working with the constructor. In order to see the big picture, we not only studied the reviews dedicated to Nethouse on the Web, but we even tried to make a small site ourselves. First, the strengths. How convenient is the service?
Registration in 1 minute
All you need to get started is to come up with a website name and enter your details. After that, you can immediately enter the admin panel, select a design and start filling, you do not need to connect or configure anything.
You will automatically receive a free domain in the platform format (for example, Reviews from the Internet can be confusing, but then everything falls into place. Is it necessary to change it?
Until 2015, "beautiful" addresses were needed only to make the site look more solid. But after launching its own registrar, Nethouse began to put pressure on the owners of free domains. They cannot verify their rights to the site or, for example, connect Google Analytics and Yandex. Metrica. And there are a lot of such unpleasant moments. To protect yourself from this in the first place, it's best to buy a 2nd level domain as soon as possible.

Clear admin panel
There are no "hidden" features, so even a 5th grader can find the settings they need. Order management, connection of additional services, creation of email newsletters and other tools are available in one click. You can instantly open the site - in edit mode or as a regular visitor.

There is everything to manage an online store
The free version has a limit of up to 1000 items. You can add new cards manually or import a catalog in CSV format. The application is easy to customize - create promotional codes, set the minimum order size, define form fields and email text.
Information about all orders and their status is stored in a single database, which simplifies the control over the store. And after paying for a premium account, payments will be available online through Yandex. Checkout.

You can connect popular apps
The choice is small, but these are 100% reliable, proven, and most importantly - the right services. In addition to what is in the screenshot, you can connect Google Tag Manager, UniSender (advanced mailing service), CallbackHunter (helps to "squeeze" the visitor, redirecting him to the sales department at the right time) and others.

Wide range of additional services
In this section, you can not only activate a business tariff, but also order additional services related to the creation and promotion of a resource (website/advertising audit, writing texts, receiving SMS notifications, etc.).

Great affiliate program
Firstly, you won't have to rack your brains how to persuade someone to register - all invited users will receive 300 rubles. on account. The benefit is obvious, and you have nothing to lose. And secondly, you will constantly receive 30% of the cost of all services that your referrals will pay for.

Adequate business rate price
According to the standard, 1 month costs 299 rubles. But you can register a paid account immediately for 3 months, one or two years and get a discount of up to 25%. You can connect the tariff for the maximum period for only 5400 rubles.

Easy to migrate your old website to Nethouse
If you already have a working resource, but for some reason you decide to change the site, this can be done in just a few minutes. A big advantage, isn't it?

Stylish templates
Nethouse has solutions for almost any website - business cards, online stores, landing pages, presentations. There are no frills in terms of design, but all options look very neat and modern.

Quick adding and deleting pages
Everything happens right in the visual editor. Below is a list of ready-made blocks that can be connected.

It is also possible to create any static pages - you can fill and design themthink for yourself. The menu editor contains several ready-made templates for standard sections, such as "Shipping", "Payment", "Reviews", "Contacts" and others.

Unnecessary sections are easy to delete or hide, and use the up/down arrows to change the sequence of blocks on the page.

No need to know programming or even HTML
Editing and filling the site are made according to the same principle. Almost all the reviews describing the Nethouse constructor confirm that this is convenient. Let's say you want to publish a blog post. All you need to do is find the block you need and click the "Add" button. The editor will open immediately after that.

The "Edit" tab contains all the settings for a particular section - description, meta tags for SEO, list of pages (for example, articles or services), etc.

What users don't like
We continue to analyze reviews dedicated to Nethouse. Disadvantages of the service emerge already in the first days. But how critical are they? Let's try to answer this question.
You can't connect your apps
Especially inconvenient for those who decide to move from other sites to Nethouse. Reviews also indicate that the services offered by the system itself are often not enough.
Inflated prices for some services
For example,you will have to pay almost 1000 rubles just to remove the inscription "Nethouse - website builder" at the bottom of the page. And it costs the same to create a LP with a selling text, graphics and all the settings.
No alerts
You can only learn about new orders, comments, etc. by e-mail or SMS. There are no notifications in the admin panel itself at all. Many users don't like it.
Very few templates and only 2 responsive designs
Basically, you only have 5 options, even in the paid version, and everything else comes down to choosing a color scheme. But this is half the trouble. But the lack of mobile versions is really a problem. How is this even possible in 2017?
No access to HTML
In general. In principle, this is the philosophy of the service: "Nethouse" is a website builder for those who do not want to understand the codes. But the annoying thing is that HTML is not even in a text editor, where it is really needed. Therefore, get ready for the fact that the pictures in the letters will jump, and to make a subheading, for example, you will have to change the font size each time and make the paragraph bold (SEO? What SEO?).
Almost impossible to change the appearance of blocks
Only triggers and the share counter have design options, and customizing the design for yourself is a real hard-mode. The maximum that the constructor itself gives is to increase or decrease the preview of pictures and slightly change the appearance of the text. You can't choose your own color for the button (except for ready-made ones), you can't change the font, or even change the product display format.
Primitive servicemailing lists
It is impossible to see how the letter will be displayed before sending, and some functions work crookedly. For example, our first attempt at a newsletter looked something like this.

It turns out that centering doesn't work with images, and if you still need to, you'll have to suffer with indents. The second attempt was slightly better, although the image still shifted and there was no spacing between paragraphs.

But the overall picture has not changed. There are no scripts for personalization (greetings by name) and creating automatic mailings either. As well as the ability to customize your recipient lists or make trite letter templates. This is clearly not enough for full-fledged e-mail marketing.
Examples of sites on Nethouse
It was not easy to find really high-quality resources. Most sites are created by people who are far from Internet business. And no matter how simple "Nethouse" is, the designer cannot invent a navigation system instead of the user or fill the pages with quality content.
And here are some examples that prove that the result is 95% dependent on how you use the available tools.
Recreation center "Aquamarine" ( - reviews and analysis
The simplest business card site in 5 minutes. Frankly, the project is weak in every way, and important information is almost impossible to find. But what's the plus? At a minimum, there is an adequate menu, the "Contacts" section with a map, and the textdoes not "jump" and generally looks neat.

Most likely, this is a very young or test site, which is not yet accepted even by search engines.

Trading company "Vertex" ( - reviews and analysis
Another project made on the same principle. If anything - offers employment services in Finland (for some reason, most of the space is occupied by a banner with oranges and a basket of vegetables instead of a logo, so it's hard to guess).

But the statistics were, to put it mildly, unexpected. Despite the fact that the resource is practically not indexed by search engines and is not mentioned on the official Nethouse website, the traffic is simply sky-high. And these are not random transitions - on average, a person spends about 15 minutes on the site, which is very good. But where is the traffic coming from? So far, the only thing that can be hooked on are links from sites where Vertex publishes vacancies.

IntergaDesign design studio
Now take a look at this screen. Feel the difference? A single style, a good color scheme, spectacular design of the blocks … Agree, it looks great. Here's what happens when professional designers use the Nethouse website builder. Reviews from studio owners can be found on the main platform.

IntergaDesignuses the functionality of the system to the maximum. On the main page there is a slider with the best works and links to cases, information about services, advantages of the studio in the format of triggers, thanks from clients and even a portfolio (photo gallery). The only negative is that the block with the manager's address is a little stretched.

Since the site is young, it is just starting to move in search engines, although positive dynamics is already noticeable. There is a small but stable traffic, and an impressive stack of reviews.

Sweet shop from USA and Europe - SweetBit
Before us is a stylish and convenient online store of confectionery products. A great move is to show the most interesting "sweets" in the slider and make buttons to go to the catalog. The design of static pages did not disappoint either - everywhere there are high-quality graphics and well-formatted text.

But the coolest thing is the catalog of manufacturers, because there is no ready-made template for such a block, and the developers had to turn on their imagination. If interested - this is implemented through the text field editor. Add-p.webp

Indicators are far from ideal, but the service is developing. The only annoying thing is that visitors leave too quickly, but it is explained by the fact that the site is in the "Nethouse" gallery. This means that a large parttraffic is made up of those who come in just to evaluate the design.

IdenStudio Web Studio
And another interesting project based on the "Nethouse" resource. The constructor in the hands of a professional team of designers and developers allows you to create really cool websites. True, we would advise you to replace the picture on the banner on the main one with something less contrasting. Therefore, we suggest that you immediately go down a little lower, to the "About us" block.

Agree, the style of icons and content is catchy. Portfolio pages also look great, although they are created with the usual triggers. All I would like to advise is not to enter links, but to link the names of projects.

And finally, let's look at the analytics. In general, there is nothing to discuss here - most likely, the guys are looking for clients in other sources, and this platform is used as a presentation.

The review turned out to be very voluminous, but we tried to analyze everything - Nethouse capabilities, real cases, positive and negative reviews. By the way, if you already have a website created using, other users will find your feedback and impressions very useful.