Gyroscooter device: magic or technology?

Gyroscooter device: magic or technology?
Gyroscooter device: magic or technology?

This compact and environmentally friendly mode of transport has already become popular throughout Russia, but not everyone is familiar with the hoverboard device. To ignorant people sometimes it seems simply impossible the very fact of the operation of such a mechanism. Indeed, when looking at a relatively small board, controlled by a large person, the question really arises of how it keeps its balance.


In fact, the whole secret of this transport is to equip it with a gyroscope - a system widely used in various technologies, for example, in smartphones. This device is designed to mark changes in the position of the plane to which it is attached.

In general, the hoverboard device consists of several nodes:

  • durable plastic housing;
  • central processing unit for information processing;
  • gyroscopic sensors;
  • li-ion battery;
  • electric motor (wheels act as drives);
  • additional elements: display, indicators, etc.
hoverboard device
hoverboard device

Gyroscooter: device and principle of operation

Transport management is one of the key points that determine its functioning. This mechanism is based on a gyroscope. It determines the position of the driver and transmits this information to a special panel. That, in turn, provides the maneuverability of the gadget. So, a slight tilt to the side is enough - and the board will change direction.

hoverboard device and principle of operation
hoverboard device and principle of operation

However, the design of the hoverboard is such that the sensors are very sensitive. Because of this, for many people, the process of mastering the gadget is almost painful, because in an attempt to maintain balance, they set the board in motion. Most often, this ends in a very painful fall, so you should remember a simple rule: the hoverboard will not leave from under your feet if the driver is relaxed and does not make unnecessary gestures.

About the advantages and disadvantages

Hyroscooter, the device and principle of which exclude a sudden failure, in itself is a very convenient transport. It is reliable, has no restrictions on the service life and is able to develop considerable speed. However, the power supply will still have to be changed every few years, since lithium-ion batteries are not able to last too long. And, as you know, they are the key to the successful operation of transport, because it is simply dangerous to drive around the streets of the city with a faulty element.

The charger for the hoverboard looks like the one forlaptop. Therefore, you should not expect increased reliability from it either.

charger for hoverboard
charger for hoverboard

Why buy a hoverboard

Given the constant increase in the cost of engine fuel, it is logical to consider a more economical mode of transport. Electricity at the moment is still the cheapest and most environmentally friendly (no matter what anyone says) option. In addition, the principle of the hoverboard device does not imply high energy costs, because the charge fills up quickly and lasts for a long time.

Will delight the gadget and the fighters for saving the environment. There is no exhaust system in this vehicle, and the electric motor does not emit any substances to the outside. Although in the conditions of a polluted metropolis, this is not so noticeable, because, despite the deplorable situation on the road, few are ready to give up cars.

principle of the gyro scooter
principle of the gyro scooter

Another advantage that the hoverboard device gives is the small dimensions of the vehicle. It is believed that it is designed to solve the problem of traffic jams, but so far these are just words. The gadget develops considerable speed and could well replace cars, but a number of restrictions do not yet allow this to happen. For example, the impossibility to conquer a forest overgrown path, insufficient tightness of the case, due to which moisture is detrimental to the device, or the absence of winter tires.


So, as it turned out, there is nothing magical in the hoverboard device, except for the presence of sensors that control it. Perhaps, someone would not even dare to call this gadget high-tech, but this is still no reason to refuse to try it in action.

Yes, and the advantages of this invention are still great, even against the background of all the shortcomings. The hoverboard is really a breakthrough, albeit in the use of well-known technologies.