Keyword analysis of competitors

Keyword analysis of competitors
Keyword analysis of competitors

Often, site owners have to hear the concept of "keywords", about how to correctly place them in the text, and that you should not forget to analyze them, because nothing is permanent. But where do you start and what do you need to know about keyword research and how to work with it?

What are keywords?

Search engines, providing a certain issuance of sites for some request, refer to the keywords that they find in the text, headings and subheadings, thanks to which they understand what the site offers, what topics it has and whether it can give something to users.

keyword analysis
keyword analysis

For example, if you enter a word or phrase in the search bar - "toy", "buy a toy", "make a toy with your own hands", then the search engine will display a list of resources where these words will be found.

HF, MF and LF - what is it about?

Before you start placing keywords in texts and headings, you should know that they can differ in their frequency. For example, if you analyze keywords for the query "clothes", you can see that this word is the most popular, and therefore high-frequency. If you study the phrase "children's clothing inRostov", then the demand for it will be much less, which means that it is low-frequency.

competitor keyword analysis
competitor keyword analysis

How to tell which word belongs to which category:

  • High frequency, or HF, - the number of requests per month exceeds 5000.
  • Mid-frequency, or MF, - quantity from 1000 to 5000.
  • Low frequency, or LF, - quantity less than 1000.

Of course, from this it should be understood that the greater the demand, the higher the competition, and it will be difficult for young resources with such keywords to break into the search results on the first pages, so the selection and analysis of keywords on the page should be done correctly.

How to find keywords

To fill your site with good content, you need to choose the right keywords with the help of Yandex and Google, which will help you understand what is interesting to the consumer today and how competitors are acting.

Yandex keyword analysis
Yandex keyword analysis

If you select and analyze keywords using Yandex, you will need the Yandex. Wordstat service, which will show approximate search results for certain words and phrases. This will be visually presented in two columns, where on the left it will show queries and the number, i.e. how many users were interested in this word, and on the right in the Wordstat add-on it shows queries that users entered along with the desired word.

Working with Google is a little more difficult, because you need to use the AdWords service, but first in itYou need to log in with a working account. In the "Tools" section, you can select keywords.

To begin with, you can create a list of all the words that the services provided, but in the future it will be clear that some words do not fit at all, because you only sell, for example, and do not manufacture. Some of the low-frequency requests will also disappear, because, for example, you do not work around the clock, but only on weekdays. And already this will be the analysis of the keywords of "Yandex" or Google, since at this moment you understand what the company can provide, what is planned in the future, etc.

Studying competitors

Before you start analyzing the keywords of competitors, it is worth understanding how to determine the degree of competition, and what factors affect it. First of all, you can look at competing sites that are in the TOP when issuing a specific request, and study them from different angles. This will take some time, several programs and some knowledge, including an understanding of what internal and external optimization is, how good they are with other sites, and whether a particular site can compete with them.

Internal optimization

Many factors affect the site and its issuance, and the main task of those who create and promote it is to make the page as relevant as possible, i.e. as close as possible to the key query:

  • Required number of keywords, both direct and diluted.
  • Headers.
  • Subheadings.
  • Images.
  • Links.
  • Lists and enumerations.

Even if all this is present on promoted pages, do not forget about the correct filling, i.e. take into account meta tags: title, description and keywords.

External optimization

Each search engine has its own algorithm by which it selects sites for queries. For some, internal optimization is important, for others, external, as, for example, Google pays a lot of attention to this. So external optimization includes such factors:

  • Link quality.
  • Number of links on good sites.
  • Having links in social networks.

Site Trust

Separately, it is worth noting such a moment as the trust of a site or some indicator that cannot be accurately measured, but at the same time it can be assessed using several values: the age of the site and domain, what domain zone the site has, external links, their quality and number, user factors (number of visits, views, length of stay, etc.)

The more items are completed, the analysis of keywords is done, the better the site will look, the higher it will be rated by both search engines and users. All these parameters of your competitors can be analyzed manually by looking at the code pages and reading the texts, as well as on third-party sites to learn about indicators such as TIC, age, number of visitors, etc.

Analyzing the keywords of competitors

Wordstat can help a lot and determine the frequency of a query, but notwill tell you how competitive the request is and whether it is being used by others. To do this, you need to apply manual labor and enter the necessary words in the search bar. After the search engine gives a list of sites, you can explore them.

keyword analysis program
keyword analysis program

For example, entering the query "buy clothes in Krasnodar" gives a list where you should study at least the first five sites. When analyzing a competitor's site for keywords, the following indicators can be taken into account:

  • Direct or dilute is used.
  • Used on main pages or internal pages.
  • Which link will introduce to this word: readable or incomprehensible.
  • Used in titles or descriptions, or both.

Besides this, you should also take into account such data as the number of popular sites. It is difficult and even almost impossible to compete with such resources as news portals, Wikipedia, YouTube. If they use these keywords for promotion, then it may be worth taking other keywords.

You can also analyze the competition of requests by pictures, videos and contextual advertising. If there are millions of images for the query "children's clothing", then there are already fewer images for such a query as "children's clothing in Rostov-on-Don".

After the results of the search engine are analyzed, you can go to the sites to see internal optimization and understand why the systems offered them in the first place.

Keyword analysis software

Today there are manyways and opportunities to create a good semantic core and analyze incoming keywords. This can be done manually, as described above, using Yandex or Google keyword analysis, or using certain programs and services. But it is worth remembering that if the service is free, then it will not provide much useful information, so it is worth paying for some resources to get a more detailed report.

competitor site analysis for keywords
competitor site analysis for keywords

There are some useful aggregators, they are free, but a bit inaccurate and limited in providing information. For example, Webeffector, before using it, you need to register, and then click the "New Company" button. A form will appear in which you need to specify the keywords of interest, promotion region, page address. Next, you need to click on the "Create a company" button, and the service will issue a certain budget for promotion, according to which it will be clear how competitive the request is.

The following two services are paid, but more accurate. For example, Seolib, where you also need to specify the region and the list of keywords. For each word, a fee of about 3 rubles is charged, and the program will give a certain rating to the selected words. Thus, the phrase "real estate rental" has a high rating score and average competitiveness, while the phrase "rent an apartment cheap" has lower competition.

Seobudget can not only analyze keywords, but also individual pages of competitors' websites. This keyword analysis service is more thanthorough, the process can take up to 10 minutes and costs a little more ($10 per word or page).

Thanks to such aggregators and services, you can completely exclude some keywords, because time will be spent on them, but they will not bring benefits, besides, this will save the budget when promoting.

Why analyze competitors

Analysis of competitors today is simply necessary, because the competition is very big, and everyone strives to be better. You always need to know the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent in order to be able to get ahead or at least catch up if you are a start-up company.

keyword density analysis
keyword density analysis

Analysis of the keywords that competitors place on their site shows how the company interacts with users. This can show which channels are being used to attract. For example, you can see a company not only in the list of resources, but also as contextual advertising, or not only text is used, but also video. You can also find out about the specifics of the product, i.e. which products are popular, which are constantly sold at a discount.

When analyzing, do not forget about those “who breathe down your back” and try to get around you, because today a competitor ranks 30th in the search results, and tomorrow he is already in the top ten, because he was able to improve something, and the search engine noticed it.

The important point is that when analyzing, you don't need to copy your competitors, but you need to create your own product and your own features that will help you become better than others. To do this, use as much as possiblemethods, engage in internal and external optimization, create good texts and headlines, where keywords will be correctly distributed.

Some keyword tips

Search for keywords and their analysis should be carried out correctly, but they should also be used correctly in texts and headings, not forgetting such a thing as density. The number of words should be placed on the page so that search engines do not consider this resource as an advertising site, but each webmaster has his own opinion on the topic of keyword density analysis.

keyword research selection
keyword research selection

But if we consider roughly and select different queries with different frequencies, then there should be from 4 to 9 words per 1000 characters, or 2% of the total text. At the same time, you should not use the same word all the time, you need to be able to dilute it with other words and prepositions, and so that it all fits nicely into the text, and the user can read useful information for himself. You need to use only readable words: for example, “buy a doll in Moscow” or “buy a Moscow doll” have differences, and of course, you will like the first option more.

Do not forget that keywords can and should be included in the title and sub title, in the description of the page, and also used as a caption under the image in the article, as a description of goods or services.
