How to install the motion sensor on the light?

How to install the motion sensor on the light?
How to install the motion sensor on the light?

A handy device is a motion sensor. It is installed in entrances, private houses or apartments. There are also street models of sensors. You can install any kind of such equipment yourself. To do this, you need to read the advice of experienced electricians. How to install the motion sensor will be discussed later.

Working principle

Before considering how and where to install a motion sensor, you need to understand the principle of its operation, the rules for choosing the right model. Previously, the presented equipment was used exclusively in security systems. Such sensors reacted to the appearance in the protected zone of an object that moves around the territory. They were transmitting an alarm to the security console.

how to install a motion sensor outdoors?
how to install a motion sensor outdoors?

Over time, lighting equipment manufacturers borrowed the same principle. They developed sensor models that included a spotlight, outdoor or entryway lighting, andsirens, alarm equipment or power equipment.

How to install the motion sensor correctly? To cope with the task, you need to consider the variety of such devices. They can be wall or ceiling mounted. The principle of their installation is not noticeably different, but you need to decide in advance where the sensor will be installed.

The principle of operation of the motion sensor is simple. The device has a controlled zone. As soon as a moving object appears in this area, the sensor is brought into working condition. The contact closes, the load is switched on in the circuit. Electric current is supplied to the lamp. As soon as the movement in the coverage area stops, after a set period of time, the circuit will open, the lamp will go out. The sensor goes back into standby mode. This simple principle should be known to the wizard who will install the device.


Considering how to install a motion sensor on the street or at home, you should pay attention to the features of each model. The presented equipment can be ceiling-mounted or wall-mounted. The choice depends on the characteristics of the operation.

how to install infrared motion sensor?
how to install infrared motion sensor?

Ceiling sensors have a 360° circular detection area. It has the shape of a cone. The divergence angle of the beams is 120°. This type of equipment creates a multipath coverage area. When crossing it, the sensor will record the deviation. Because of this, it will be brought into working condition. Depending on the model, the ceiling sensor is installed at a height of 2.5-3 m from the floor.the zone can vary from 10 to 20 m. Ceiling models are most often installed in rooms with small dimensions. Here it turns out to control all 4 sides at the same time. Under such conditions, the wall sensor may not be effective.

Considering how to properly install the light-on motion sensor, you need to take into account the features of the model. So, wall-mounted varieties of devices are characterized by a wider scope. They can be installed both inside and outside the building. This type of sensor also creates a multi-beam barrier. But in this case, the beam angle is only 90°. The installation height of the device varies from 2 to 2.5 m. The protected area when using wall-mounted equipment is 10-15 m.

Ways to respond to movement

How to install motion sensors at home? Before buying a model of equipment, you need to find out by what principle the reaction to movement in the controlled area occurs. According to the method of determining the appearance of a person in the zone of action of the rays, active and passive sensors are distinguished. The choice must be made in accordance with the scope of the equipment.

How to install a motion sensor on the light?
How to install a motion sensor on the light?

Passive models react to the heat that a person radiates. Active models, in their principle of operation, are similar to an echo sounder or radar. They send a signal into space and then analyze its reflection. If the distance from the beginning to the end point of the beam has changed, the sensor is triggered. It is worth considering that combined models are also on sale, in which bothreaction principle.

Active sensors work in the range of high radio frequencies or ultrasound. The human ear does not pick up this signal. Ultrasound is within the range of 20,000 Hz. But dogs, cats and some other types of animals hear it. Moreover, the pets begin to behave because of this very restlessly. If there are animals in the apartment or house, the installation of an active sensor is unacceptable.

It is worth noting that active types of equipment do not "see" walls, furniture, etc. They can only "see" moving objects. If the installation of such equipment is carried out incorrectly, it may even react to the swaying of tree branches outside the window. Therefore, in this case, the risk of false positives is high. You need to choose the right place to install such a sensor. Active type models are more expensive than passive devices.

Passive sensors operate in the infrared range of the spectrum. If you want to connect a lighting control system in the apartment, this option would be preferable. Having studied the recommendations on how to install an infrared motion sensor, a novice master will be able to complete the installation on his own. It will be much more difficult to make a mistake in this case.

Infrared sensors respond to the heat emitted by the human body. For this reason, the presented variety of devices is the most common for indoor installation.

Selecting the installation location

There are several options for connecting motion sensors. They can be mounted at the entrance of an apartment building, inutility room or outdoors.

how to install motion sensors at home?
how to install motion sensors at home?

You can make lighting for the entire staircase or just the door of your own apartment. The choice of option depends on the reaction of the neighbors to the proposal to install special equipment. To do this, adjust the sensitivity of the sensor accordingly. To create lighting exclusively in front of the entrance to your apartment, the coverage area should be minimal.

How to install a motion sensor to turn on the lighting of the stairs in a country house? You can mount several consecutive lighting fixtures that will be turned on using the equipment presented as the person moves. In the simplest version, only 2 sensors can be installed. They will be mounted at the bottom and top of the stairs.

In the utility room, in the garage or pantry, other rooms, the sensor is installed opposite the front door. It will work when the sash is opened. The light in this case will turn on for a while. During this period, a person entering inside will be able to switch the switch to normal mode.

Some owners of private houses are interested in how to install a lamp with a motion sensor. This is a pretty simple technique. You can mount a separate sensor for each lantern in the garden or along the path. Often, such systems are mounted above the gate, the entrance to the garage or house, etc.

To use sensors for street lighting, you need to choose models with a brightness analyzer. In this case, the system will only work at night. It is also recommended to choose varieties on batteries. In this case, you do not need to run wire lines.

Recommendations from experts

Experienced electricians give advice on how to properly install a motion sensor outdoors or indoors. There are a few general guidelines to keep in mind. The sensors have a plastic housing. Therefore, they must be protected from shock. It is especially important to take care of the plastic Fresnel lens. This is one of the most important elements of the system.

where to install motion sensor
where to install motion sensor

If the sensor is to be installed outdoors, it must not be exposed to direct sunlight or precipitation. Therefore, the sensor must be covered with a protective cap. In windy weather, the device may be activated due to the movement of tree branches. Therefore, you should not install such equipment in the immediate vicinity.

When studying how to install a motion sensor on the light in a room, it is worth considering that it cannot be mounted near the heating system. Hot batteries, the stove should not fall into the field of view of the device. To do this, you need to adjust the angle of inclination of the beams in the vertical plane, as well as the installation height of the device.

It is also worth considering that the incandescent lamp should not fall into the field of view of the sensor. This may cause a backlash. The heated filament will cause the sensor to fire again and again.

If the device has a triac or thyristor switching element at the output, it may not work correctly in conjunction with an LED and fluorescent lamp. If the system has the usualelectromechanical relay, there is no such problem.

Also, experienced electricians say that it is extremely important to adhere to safety precautions in the process. It is necessary to disconnect the network so as not to receive an electric shock when connecting equipment. Use a special tool designed to work with electricity.

Installing the infrared sensor

Need to consider how to properly install the infrared type motion sensor. First, you should choose the right place for installation, from where the best viewing angle will open both horizontally and vertically. Most of these devices have a dead zone, the location of which must be considered.

how to install the light motion sensor?
how to install the light motion sensor?

The fixture must be secure. In this case, it is necessary to take into account its correct orientation in space. Also, before installation, you should read the manufacturer's instructions, study the connection diagram. You need to think over the wiring diagram, connecting the light bulb. If the model has a ground terminal, it must be provided.

Connection diagram

How to install a motion sensor on the light? During installation, a standard scheme is used. It is presented by the equipment manufacturer in the instructions. Inside the sensor there is a block with terminals. It contains contacts marked in a standard way:

  • Brown or black (L) - phase wire.
  • Red (A, L’, Ls) - return contact for lamps.
  • Blue (N) - zerowire.
  • Yellow-green - grounding.

The power supply of the electrical network is connected using the L and N terminals. Lighting fixtures are connected to the Ls and N contacts. The phase connection must be strictly observed.

Mounting Features

It should be considered step by step how to install the motion sensor. The most common option is to mount a wall sensor. It is almost always fixed in the corner of the room. The lamp is best installed above the door. Experienced electricians are advised to run a separate line for the sensor and the lamp associated with it. The main lighting should be turned on as usual, using a switch. This will allow the sensor to be turned off at any time if it is not needed.

How to install a motion sensor outdoors?
How to install a motion sensor outdoors?

Before installation, you need to create a drawing, which will indicate all the elements of the system. The switch must have one button more than previously provided. If a single-lever switch was installed here, it must be replaced with a device with two keys. Free contact must be connected to the mains.

When the equipment is connected in accordance with the existing scheme, you need to check its performance.

System check

Considering the method of how to install a motion sensor, you should pay attention to the correct installation of the system. It is advisable to check the serviceability of all equipment elements before they are installed. To do this, they are connected according to a temporary scheme. This is especially important for simple models that do not haveadjustment bodies.

How to install a motion sensor light?
How to install a motion sensor light?

If the system worked properly before installation, but there were difficulties after installation, it means that the wizard performed the steps incorrectly.

If you want to install a system with adjustable light threshold, it must also be checked. The timer is set to the minimum position. Light threshold should be set to maximum.

On sale are models in which the manufacturer provides for a special LED indicator. If the sensor detects movement, the system will trigger. This indicates the he alth of the device.

Also, the performance of the system is easy to check if an electromagnetic relay is installed in it. His clicking indicates the he alth of the equipment. Further, all elements of the system are mounted in accordance with the scheme provided by the manufacturer. After connecting the equipment, you need to properly adjust the motion sensor.


Having considered how to install the motion sensor, you need to learn the procedure for adjusting it. For each room you need to configure strictly individually. After the system is mounted, it must be configured. It should be more accurate, which corresponds to the operating conditions. It is necessary to determine the most optimal value.

Most sensors provide a timer for a certain period of time, which you can set yourself. This value varies from a few seconds to 10 minutes.

Light sensitivity can also beadjust, but this function is not available in all devices. This can be done if the system has a light sensor. It reacts to the intensity of daylight. Due to the presence of such a system during the day, the electric current steadily ceases to be supplied to the sensor. Only after dark does the system enter standby mode.
