Interior sign - a must-have for the modern office

Interior sign - a must-have for the modern office
Interior sign - a must-have for the modern office

The right atmosphere in the building is set by a well-thought-out design. All the little things should interact and merge into one harmonious picture with a special message. It doesn't matter if it's a shop, a restaurant, an office space or an ordinary warehouse. An interior sign is exactly the element that will easily emphasize the purpose and mood of the interior. To pick up the very detail, you should familiarize yourself with the features and types.

Interior neon signs
Interior neon signs

General information

Interior sign is a type of corporate, industrial or advertising design. The main purpose is the design of points of sale and offices. They are usually presented in the form of information or advertising signs using three-dimensional letters made of stainless steel, metal or with specific illumination. Known variations using satin acrylic.

Interior sign
Interior sign

Most often interior signsfor the office are found above the entrance, near the reception, in conference rooms or on the walls in the corridor. This decor reflects the naming of the enterprise or company logo. It is also possible to perform an information function - displaying a work schedule or a map of a business center.


The production of interior signs and their use for commercial purposes requires special responsibility. The collective mood and success of the company as a whole depends on this. So, signage should:

  • Fully comply with all applicable legal and regulatory conditions. To do this, it is necessary to be guided by the current legislation on advertising, the recommendations of the city authorities and technical regulations. For example, some acts stipulate that a sign must be safe, not violate the architectural and construction appearance of the area, etc.
  • Get attention. In this case, it is necessary to focus all efforts on impressive size, color characteristics and originality, without violating point 1.
  • Build a clear understanding among the audience of what the firm does.
Interior signs for the office
Interior signs for the office

The considered parameters are three pillars in the correct and rational use of an interior sign. The next step is to get acquainted with the most common species and their characteristics.


In general, signs are divided into illuminated and non-illuminated. They differ in price, brightness and specific application. Each group includes several modifications that have specialcharacteristics.

  1. Flat (non-illuminated) is the simplest suggestion. Presented as a banner panel on a metal frame, sometimes with PVC and vinyl film. Budget option with a wide variety and resistance to sudden weather changes. The only negative is the restrictions in certain legislative acts.
  2. Light boxes (lightboxes) are based on an aluminum or metal profile with galvanized steel. The outer side of the equipment is formed from acrylic or polycarbonate. Illumination is provided by LEDs, neon tubes or fluorescent bulbs.
  3. 3D letters are made of light-diffusing plastic, organic stack, PVC and stainless steel. Installed on the wall or on the roof.
  4. Interior neon signs. Illumination is provided through the use of a hollow tube with an inert gas. The high cost pays off with energy savings, maximum visibility and resistance to temperature extremes.
  5. Composite variations - a modern alternative to previous signs. Constructed from a composite material that is easy to work with and takes on any shape.
Production of interior signs
Production of interior signs

Having decided on the optimal type of sign, you need to consider all the pros and cons before buying.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages are:

  • bright and colorful accent;
  • comparatively low prices and speed of production;
  • ease of installation and subsequent maintenance;
  • variety of shapes, shades, sizes;
  • combination with other interior elements;
  • long service life.
Interior neon signs
Interior neon signs

But like everything else in the world, an interior sign has its dark sides. So, this includes:

  • regular burnout of lamps (for lighting models);
  • dirt buildup inside equipment.

In addition to the above positive and negative aspects of the described equipment, one should not forget about its significant role in creating a special climate in the office and attracting customers.

How to choose?

The choice of an interior sign with backlight (or without it) depends on many factors:

  • field of activity;
  • office location;
  • future location of the sign.

As already mentioned, in this case, it is important to strictly observe all the details. First of all, the requirements for interior details of the local authorities.

Interior signs for the office
Interior signs for the office

For an accessory, you need to choose the right place. Preferably far from a large concentration of people and mechanical stimuli. So, a meeting room or reception room will be excellent rooms. And, of course, signage should be fully consistent with the image of the company and immediately reflect the professionalism of the entire team.

Pricing policy

The price of any sign is affected by several factors, including:

  • view and procurement materials;
  • size;
  • colors;
  • difficultyforms.

For example, the cost of a lightbox starts from $100 (6,800 rubles) per square meter. And volume letters with illumination will cost 300 dollars (20,400 rubles) minimum.

Illuminated interior sign
Illuminated interior sign

Thus, interior signs are definitely the main element of decor. Details carry a clear semantic load with a display of the company's activities. When choosing, you need to be patient and give this idea the right amount of time and money, in return for harmony in the office and rapid development.
