So, today we will find out with you what the Megafon tariff "Go to zero" is, reviews about it, as well as all the pros and cons of this plan. In fact, this tariff is the real anti-crisis solution. But why is it called that way? Let's try to figure it out.
What is this?
But before that, it's worth a little talk with you about what the "MegaFon" tariff "Go to zero" is. We always have time to read reviews about him. But understanding what we have to deal with is a much more important issue. After all, you may decide to no longer be interested in this plan.

The thing is that our today's "object" is something that will suit those clients whose majority of the environment uses Megafon. After all, the main feature of the tariff is free calls for 20 minutes a day to the numbers of your operator within your region. As a rule, this is very attractive to customers. Tariff "Megafon" - "Go to zero" (Rostovregion or any other region) is something that can facilitate the communication of loved ones and friends. Let's try to figure out what customers think about this tariff plan. After all, it is they who will help to form a general impression of our today's "object".
About calls within Russia
Tariff "Megafon" "Go to zero" reviews are quite positive. And they begin, as a rule, with the main advantage of this plan - with calls within Russia and within the home region.
As already mentioned, if you call MegaFon subscribers within your region, then such calls will cost 0 rubles. More precisely, their first 20 minutes. With all this, then you have to pay 60 kopecks per minute. Not a very big cost. In addition, calls to home numbers, as well as to other operators, will cost 1.2 rubles.
If you activate the "All calls" option, you can rejoice - all calls will cost 60 kopecks. As many users note, this is a very profitable and suitable offer for those who like to communicate. But what other "Megafon" tariff "Go to zero" reviews? We will talk about this later.

Another rather interesting point that we have not yet taken into account regarding calls is outside your region. You will spend 3 rubles per minute on Megafon in Russia, and 12.5 rubles on all other operators and landline numbers. That's all the problems.
Tariff "Megafon" - "Go to zero" (Rostov region or any other region) is famous not only for calls and free calls. There is another very important point, which, as customers note, cannot but rejoice. What is this about? Of course, about the messages. After all, they are the second most important when choosing a tariff plan for a modern user.
The thing is that you have the opportunity to send "sms" for free to any numbers within your region. To do this, connect yourself "SMS XXS". In the absence of this option, 1 message will cost 1 ruble 60 kopecks. For other regions - 3 rubles. But any MMS messages will cost customers 7 rubles.
As many subscribers say, the prices here are quite sparing. True, these are far from all the points that customers emphasize. Let's try to figure out what else you can pay attention to.

Other countries
Tariff "Megaphone" "Go to zero" (Moscow or any other city) gives us a great opportunity to always stay in touch. No matter where your interlocutor is. After all, this tariff is what a traveler or just a lover of communication needs.
As many subscribers say, you can easily talk with the B altic countries, the CIS, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Ukraine and Georgia. And with all this, 1 minute of conversation will cost you 35 rubles. It's not as much as it might seemfirst glance. Especially when compared to other carriers. For example, some of them require 100 rubles per minute.
Regarding Europe, too, everything is much better than it seems. For a minute of conversation you will pay only 55 rubles. As you can see, there are no sky-high prices either. Some operators offer calls within Europe from 100 to 150 rubles. To other corners of the globe, calls will cost you 97 rubles. Quite profitable and good offer.

The quality of communication when calling to remote corners of the Earth, as customers note, is very pleasing. There are almost no network failures. And this is an important point that should be taken into account when connecting the tariff and planning dialogues abroad. Well, we are moving forward. There is one more rather important point to consider.
What do we have left? Of course, the Megafon tariff "Go to zero" (Kursk or any other cities) should also imply special opportunities for the Internet. They help us stay connected, no matter where we are. And therefore it is worth figuring out if everything is so good at this point.
Unfortunately, not everything pleases customers. Tariff "Megafon" "Go to zero", reviews on mobile Internet are far from the best. The thing is that in order to get free access to the World Wide Web, you will have to pay for connecting an additional option called "Internet XS". Otherwiseyou will have to pay 9.9 rubles for 1 megabyte of data.
The first thing that no longer pleases customers is the cost of traffic. You can find something more valuable. And the quality of the Internet connection is not particularly pleasing to subscribers. Thus, this is the weakest point of the tariff plan. However, with an additional package of services connected (its subscription fee is 200 rubles), there will be no problems. However, you can choose a cheaper plan if you plan to use the Internet exclusively.

Tariff "Megafon" "Go to zero" (Tyumen or any other cities) - this is the real anti-crisis solution for those who plan to communicate by making calls. Especially if everyone in your environment uses the services of one mobile operator. True, and it has its drawbacks.
Nevertheless, the tariff "Megfon" "Move to zero" reviews are positive in most cases. As already mentioned, if you decide to use this cellular operator for the Internet, then it would be best to either connect a special package, or choose a different tariff plan altogether.