How to find people in Odnoklassniki: search secrets

How to find people in Odnoklassniki: search secrets
How to find people in Odnoklassniki: search secrets

It used to be very, very difficult to find acquaintances from the past. To meet a classmate with whom you studied together 20 years ago, you would have to at least interview all mutual acquaintances and his neighbors or even contact the address bureau. Social networks allow you to quickly find any person registered in them. How to find people in Odnoklassniki quickly?

Standard method

How to find people in classmates
How to find people in classmates

If you know the name and surname of the person you need to find, you just need to use the site search. Enter your first and last name. Too many results? Add year of birth and place of residence. If you do not know exactly when the person you are looking for was born and where he lives, it is better to leave these fields blank. You can try to enter the full and abbreviated name, theoretically both options should be on request, but any system sometimes fails. When you have enough information about a person, finding him is an easy task. What to do if you don't know much about the right person?

Search for peoplein Odnoklassniki at the place of study or work

Search for people in classmates
Search for people in classmates

Suppose you want to find a person whose last name you barely remember, or you are sure that the name you are looking for has changed. This is also real. The site has an advanced search. You can add the institutions in which the desired person studied or worked in certain years. If you are looking for a woman who got married, try to find her relatives by maiden name. Next, view the family composition or the list of friends of the found person. If you are sure that a relative has been found, but you need a person he does not have as a friend, you can write and ask. However, this method is not always reliable. The thing is that not all users provide real information about their careers.

Search by interests

As in many other social networks, there are communities of interest in Odnoklassniki. Any user can create such a group to communicate with like-minded people. How to find people in Odnoklassniki, knowing about their hobbies? Everything is very simple - groups can also be found by searching. You can then join the community and view the comments left by its members or media files. A general list of group members is also open, but in large communities it can consist of several thousand people, and viewing everyone is quite tedious.

How to find a classmate without registering on a social network?

How to find a person in classmates
How to find a person in classmates

If you don't have an account on the Odnoklassniki website, you can use onefrom popular search engines. "Yandex" or "Google" - choose to your taste. You can enter just the first and last name, but it is much more efficient to add before them: site:, for accuracy, you can also specify the city after personal data. An alternative option is to use the Yandex: People service. You need to go from the main page of the search engine to (tab above the search line "people") and enter the data of interest. After that, you will see profiles in various social networks of all carriers of this combination of first and last name. The site "Odnoklassniki" without registration really allows you to find a person. But what is the purpose of your search? You, most likely, want to communicate with the found person? And this can not be done without registration. In fairness, it should be noted that creating your profile on a social network can be very simple and fast. At the same time, you can not upload personal photos and limit yourself to a minimum amount of information about yourself.

How to find people in classmates for friendship?

Odnoklassniki without registration find a person
Odnoklassniki without registration find a person

Let an old friend be better than two new ones, but sometimes you really want to meet and chat with someone. Unlike its competitors, the Odnoklassniki website is aimed at adults and respectable people and is designed to communicate with real acquaintances. But you can try to meet someone here. How to find a person in Odnoklassniki who is close in spirit and interests? The recipe is simple - you should search in thematic communities and communication applications. Consider one featuresite - it keeps a record of all "guests". This is the name of the people who visited a particular page. This means that if you visit someone's profile out of curiosity, its owner will immediately know about your visit. You can also give several positive ratings to photos of an interested user or statuses. And it is quite possible that you will not have to start an acquaintance, but the person you like will write to you. Now you know how to find people on Odnoklassniki, but what if you want to visit the page and not be featured as a guest? There are paid site options that allow you to hide information about yourself when viewing other people's pages. You can save money by creating a new page and using someone else's name or asking permission from one of your real friends to use his profile to view the information of interest.
