Although viruses appeared immediately after the creation of computer systems and the Internet, they have become widespread in the last decade. Then it became clear that removing a virus is not always a matter of minutes. Sometimes you have to spend a lot of resources to defeat one small piece of malware.
And if computers are now more resistant to such virtual attacks, then phones are not so confidently protected from viruses. Especially when it comes to more budget models, in which security is rarely thought of.
Usually, users think about how to remove a virus from a phone at the moment when the device starts to periodically issue errors and failures. The first wake-up call will be the denial of access to some personal files. The task of most viruses is to redirect personal data to the destination. Therefore, they endlessly "rustle" through your folders in search of the necessary information.

The next problem that might make you wonder how to remove the virus isdecrease in battery charge. In this case, there are two outcomes: you noticed that the smartphone began to discharge many times faster, or the volume of the battery has changed in general. In the first case, it becomes clear that there are third-party programs in the system that take a lot of charge. In the second, there is a possibility that malicious software has reduced the maximum battery charge.
One of the most common variants of the manifestation of viruses in the phone was the spontaneous download of something. The smartphone starts to install some files on its own, or launch a browser with advertising sites. Advertising banners constantly pop up right on the desktop. In this case, you definitely need to take on the extraction of malicious software from the system.
Where do they come from?
Before you, just in case, find out how to remove a virus from Android, it's better to figure out where it gets into the system from. Many users believe that malware can only get on the phone through third-party programs on the Internet. That is, if you use the Play Market, then you will not encounter a similar problem.
Actually, this is a misconception. Unfortunately, lately all the software that enters the Play Market has not been checked. Of course, there are special programs that have received the approval of many users. But if you install any other utility, you may encounter just such a problem.

But, of course, most often viruses come from the Internet. You went to some site to read an article, they noticed an interestinga link to another article by clicking on which some kind of download started. In this case, anything can happen. The phone starts opening all programs at once or starts deleting the entire system. Or maybe the virus has quietly settled in the root of the folders and will gradually harm personal data.
Malware could have settled on your phone because of a cruel joke of friends who posted a link to download such a program on a social network. Therefore, it is very important to be careful and double-check all third-party resources.
Download from Play Market
In order not to have to figure out how to remove an adware virus from your phone, it is better to understand which application you install on the Play Market. This service has long ceased to be a guarantee of safe downloading. With a high probability, you will encounter at least an advertising virus. And this, in any case, is a nuisance that is not always easy to deal with.
To make downloading from the Play Market more or less safe, look at the rating, the number of ratings, downloads and reviews. The latter, of course, are not always a qualitative indicator, since many people write there “for fun”. Here you can also find many reviews of children who really do not understand what they are writing about.

One way or another, if the program or game is normal and has a minimum number of advertising banners (without it now, nowhere), then you will notice a large number of downloads and an acceptable average score (greater than 4).
Ways to fight viruses
Some believe that in this situation you can not do without auxiliary programs, while others, on the contrary, recommend learning how to remove viruses manually. Each option has its pros and cons. Also, this is not the only way to deal with the problem:
- reset to factory settings;
- antivirus on PC;
- Recovery mode;
- software;
- manual deletion.
Reset to factory settings
This method is akin to when the computer starts to reinstall Windows. Naturally, Android cannot be reinstalled, but you can return the system to its original state.
To do this, many people use a factory reset. But it is important to remember that after this process, all personal data will be permanently deleted. Therefore, if possible, you need to save all the necessary files by transferring them to the "cloud" or to a PC.
By the way, this method will also fix any system errors that might not be your fault. To start the rollback process, you need to go to "Settings", find the item "Backup and reset".

Antivirus on PC
How to remove a virus on Android? In this case, it is not necessary to carry out any fraud with the phone. You can use an antivirus on your computer. This will be especially convenient for those who have a licensed version of security software.
To do this, you need to connect your smartphone via USB to your PC. When it is determined by the system, the antivirus itself will offer to scan the device. You can agree to this process and start checking.
The only thing is that not all anti-virus programs are able to cope with this problem. Some will be able to scan the phone as a removable media, but they will not go to the root of the system. Therefore, this option does not always work.
Recovery Mode
Usually this option is suitable in case of system failure. If the phone stops turning on, then this is the only option that can help you. In order to switch to this mode, you need to hold down the power button and volume up (some models need a volume down button). The keys must be held down for a few seconds until the inscriptions appear on the screen

After that, the phone enters the Recovery menu. Here you need to select the line "wipe data reset". Then go to "Clear Data" and "Delete all user data". The system automatically starts deleting all files. That is, this process is the same as resetting to factory settings through the phone menu.
If for some reason the above methods do not suit you, you can try installing an antivirus on your phone. The only thing, in this case, it is important not to download more viruses along with the programs. To do this, it is important to use only proven utilities that are available on the Play Markete.
There is also an option to use native software. In almost all modern smartphones, a proprietary shell is installed on top of Android. It slightly modifies the system and supplements it with the necessary functions.
For example, Flyme shell is installed on Meizu phones. This is a development directly from Meizu. Together with Flyme, special utility utilities are installed in each smartphone. Among them are programs like antiviruses. Very often, even such simple software can help remove a virus.

Kaspersky Mobile Antivirus
Even if you are an inexperienced PC user, you have definitely heard about this antivirus. The program is very popular due to its effectiveness. In addition to a computer, it can also be installed on a mobile device. The utility also effectively copes with all the threats that can overtake a smartphone.
The program is working on:
- virus protection;
- blocking malware;
- blocking dangerous sites;
- protection against fraudsters and phishing.
The program has a version that helps with working on the Internet. But you will have to pay for it. The free version will help you learn how to remove a virus from Android on your phone. To do this, just run it and click "Check".

Dr. Web Security Space
This is another mobile version of the popular computer program. The antivirus is free and copes with all basic tasks:
- anti-spam;
- URL filters;
- firewall;
- security audit;
- additional device verification and protection features.
The program easily finds and removesviruses. In addition, it provides further protection for the smartphone. Also has a more functional version for a fee.

Norton Mobile Security
This program is able to remove a virus, but it can only deal with the mildest of them. Of course, if you purchase a paid version, then the protection will be effective. But free software can only superficially scan the system and get rid of advertising viruses and obvious errors.
Manual deletion
Of course, this is the most desperate option, but sometimes it also helps to cope with annoying malware. Only good if you understand the source of the virus.
Suppose that you have installed a program or game and noticed that advertising banners began to appear actively along with it. Perhaps there are problems with accessing files. Try uninstalling this program, preferably immediately. It is better to remove it either from the Play Marketa or from the "Applications" system menu. In this case, its residual files will be deleted along with it.