Equipment always has its service life. This also applies to LCD monitors. Often they break due to the failure of the backlight. But there is a way out of this situation, so you should not throw out such a technique. To resume its work, it will be enough to change the backlight of the monitor to LED.
While looking for the right parts, you may be faced with the fact that there will be no fluorescent lamps for sale. And replacing the backlight of the monitor with LED in itself will not be difficult. Often use LED strip.
Fault evaluation
Before you start mounting the tape in the display, you need to assess the degree of its breakdown. To identify this, you need to know some subtleties. The failure of the bulbs in the backlight may be due to the following reasons.
Firstly, there may be an initial manufacturing defect.
Secondly, the lamps could be damaged if the device was dropped or hit by something.
Thirdly, sometimes short circuits occur in the metal part of the lamp.
Fourthly, the lamps could just come outout of order, having served their time. Simply put, they could burn out.
When spinning up the display, it is easy to determine the presence of malfunctions and establish the causes that led to the breakdown.
For a quality replacement of display lighting, you need to understand how the liquid crystal matrix built into all types of modern devices with screens works.
How LCD matrices work
In every modern monitor, LCD matrices work in accordance with the principle of lumen. That is, lighting works in the device, the bulbs of which shine through the entire matrix.
But keep in mind that the quality of the display is directly dependent on the type of lighting.
TVs and stationary monitors at the moment often use direct-view backlighting. That is, the LED, the lamps are located on the entire surface of the panel.
2 blocks are used to highlight the matrix. Each block includes two lamps. They are located at the top and bottom of the display. As a result, placing them in this way creates uniform illumination of the entire matrix.
This arrangement leads to the fact that the lighting works even when a lamp breaks. Inverters are responsible for powering these bulbs.
As soon as any of the bulbs breaks and stops working, the inverter notes that the lighting has become uneven. That's why he stops working. This function is built into it to avoid further problems in the backlight. So often the inverter provokes a situation when, after a breakdown of one of the 4 bulbsbacklight works for some time.
After mastering this information, you can proceed directly to the process of installing a new backlight.
To correctly install the LED backlight for the monitor, you will need to follow a number of rules. It is important to do everything in a clearly defined order. So, the first step is to establish whether the backlight has actually broken, since it is not the only one responsible for supplying light. This can be easily understood by disassembling the display.

Often a breakdown of this nature is found in TV monitors, computers. The screen may turn on and then turn off again after a short time. Before converting the monitor to LED backlighting, it should first be disassembled. It's not at all difficult to do this. The process is the same for most different display models, and the same instructions can be used when installing LED backlight in the LD 22 monitor and other similar displays.
This procedure is not particularly difficult to describe in detail, however, each type of equipment has a number of features, monitors and sizes differ, and manufacturers assemble them differently. But the procedure always contains the same steps, only there is variability in some points. Therefore, the general points can simply be painted.
First of all, remove the stand by unscrewing the screws holding it together with the rest of the case fasteners.
A special groove is installed in any device,designed to open the latches by prying the cover with flat objects. It is located at the end. When disassembling the monitor for the first time, be aware that the latches will be tight, but it will become easier and easier to deal with them later.
After that, the metal frame is removed. For this purpose, the latches are pushed back or the screws are unscrewed from the case. For people who have already replaced the backlight of the monitor with an LED strip or have replaced parts on such devices, the procedure will seem very simple. After this process, the wires are disconnected from the board.

Then go to the matrix that is currently being accessed. It has a lot of connecting loops, which are very fragile. Therefore, you should exercise extreme caution when working with it. The best solution is to put the matrix aside and cover it with a cloth so that it does not accidentally touch, damage or allow dust to accumulate on it. If the work was done correctly, access to the inverter, electronic board and lamp will open. It will not be difficult to work with them now. If a person decides to start converting the lamp backlight to LED in the monitor, he needs to keep in mind how all the removable parts were located in it. They are difficult to confuse, but beginners should be aware of the possible risks of confusing their location.

The next step in converting the monitor backlight to LED will be to disconnect each lamp from the matrix. Afterdismantling the grooves from it, you can pull out the sources of the current illumination and get rid of them. For those who have not yet installed the LED backlight of the monitor screen, you need to remember that CCFL lamps contain mercury. For this reason, it pays to be vigilant and always exercise caution when working with them.
At the next stage of converting the lamp backlight to LED in the monitor, the light source is directly replaced.
Illumination by hand
It is important to remember that it is the LED strip that is selected for this procedure. For these purposes, it is best to take a set of LED backlights for a monitor with the size already removed from the lamps, or choose one that is slightly longer in length. So, in 1 meter it should be at least 120 light bulbs. In order for the conversion of the monitor backlight to LED to be effective, you need to choose colors that will not put pressure on your eyes. Otherwise, there is a risk that a person will redo everything in the second round.
Best of all, when installing the LED backlight of the monitor with your own hands, give preference to white bulbs. Tapes with crystals 3528 and 4115 are perfect. Their dimensions should fit the seats in which the tapes will be mounted. The most common size is 7 mm. The LED strip in the monitor for backlighting can contain a different number of lamps, its advantage is that in any case it will last longer than its predecessors. After that, the tape is attached using double-sided tape. Place the LED strip instead of the monitor backlights in the same place wherethe previous lamps were.
Usually these are small grooves. Sometimes old wires from removed light sources are used to further connect them to power sources. Before that, it is necessary to check whether the collection of LED-backlight was correctly carried out. For this purpose, it is connected using wires to external power sources - batteries.
At the next stage, the LED backlight of the monitor screen is connected to power. The power board is always present on the displays of both computers and TVs. In order for the replacement of the monitor backlight to LED to be effective, this point should be given more attention. Those who have experience of connecting low-current devices to a network with a voltage that exceeded exponential norms remember that in this case the equipment burns out. This will happen due to the fact that the resistance of the device is not designed for such a value. You will need to find 12 V leads on the board and solder wires from new lamps with them. When connecting the LED backlight of the monitor, it is important to remember to respect the polarities.

Having done this, you can proceed to the assembly of a TV or computer.
The LED strip installed instead of the backlight lamps of the monitor has one significant minus. Since everything is connected directly, it is not possible to regulate and disable it. Therefore, it is always on when the display turns on. The LED backlight of the monitor matrix, connected with your own hands, will be too bright, your eyes will get tired of it. However, this tasksolvable.
Creating an adjustment
After replacing the monitor backlight with LED, proceed to adjust the backlight. To do this, they work with wires that have been connected to the tapes to give them the ability to turn on and off when certain buttons are pressed. There are two ways to create them.

In accordance with the first, they assemble the circuit, through it, and adjust the power and intensity of the lamps. To this end, do the following.
- Take the plastic connector that is located on the display power board. It is not difficult to find it: it is from it that the wires are output, each socket for which is signed.
- DIM sockets are used to provide power on and off. Adjust brightness by changing PWM controllers.
- After that, a field effect transistor with an N channel is taken. Then, the negative wires are soldered from the LED strip to the Drain terminal of the field worker. Carry out the connection of a common wire from the LEDs to the input element Source. The circuit involves the use of a resistor with a nominal value of 100 to 2000 ohms. It is through it that the Gate transistor is connected to any DIM socket.
- Then solder the wires with the "plus" from the LED backlight. For this purpose, they are output to a 12 V power microcircuit, then soldered.
- After completing all the above steps, install the backlight in the mounting points, and then start assembling the display in the reverse order. Be sure to remember about careful actions with the matrix, filters. After thisitem display can be used.
The second method is the following procedure for using tapes with LED backlight inverters in monitors built into them. Carry it out in this way.
- To connect the circuit of this method, again you need to find a plastic connector with a DIM socket and an on/of output. The easiest way to determine this is with a pinout.
- Using a multimeter, call the sockets from the control unit that was responsible for the display backlight lamps. The required DIM signal comes from them, as well as on/of.
- The next step is to solder the wires from the LED inverters to the detected sockets. To adjust the backlight with inverters, remove the wires that powered the previous lamps.
- Fix them where there is free space using double-sided tape.
- To complete the conversion of the monitor backlight to LED finally, check the new lighting in action.
Using this method leads to good performance of new lamps. Converting an LCD monitor to LED backlighting will please anyone with the fact that the equipment will work much longer.
Reason for replacement
At the moment, liquid crystal displays with a built-in backlight have become very popular. This technology has come to replace outdated models that were of poorer quality. However, even with high quality, such devices are sometimes equipped with backlighting with lamps of an outdated format. They have never had a long service life,often broke down. It is because of this that lighting often breaks in modern technology. This is not a very serious problem, and not in all cases you need to contact a specialist. Converting the monitor backlight to LED helps save money.
Why LEDs?
Although at the moment there are a great many manufacturers of displays, all equipment has approximately the same principle of operation. Therefore, it is very convenient to replace the monitor lamps with LED backlight. It doesn't matter what manufacturer the device has. If even when following the instructions, the desired part was not found at the indicated place, then in any case it is hidden nearby. Looking closely, it will be easy to spot.

LEDs are a modern and advanced light source. The most commonly used LED strip. When it is necessary to repair the monitor, LED backlight is chosen for the following reasons.
First, it lasts a long time. If you connect it correctly, then it is able to work without deteriorating quality for as long as 10 years. No other light bulbs used for the same purpose can boast a similar characteristic. They fail much earlier than this.
Secondly, it is very convenient that the tapes are made on a self-adhesive basis. Therefore, mounting is carried out without any difficulty on any surface, including the back of the display.
Thirdly, LED bulbs have a bright luminous flux. They illuminate the screen quite intensely. If you take into account a number of recommendations, then after converting the LCD monitor to LED backlighting, your eyes will hardly get tired after prolonged contact with the display.
Fourthly, you can choose any lighting to your taste.
It is necessary to pay attention to one point. Although the choice of tapes by type of lighting is always very large - there is a wide range of them on the shelves, it is best to give preference to calm, pastel shades. For example, the best choice would be yellow or white ribbon. By choosing such colors, a person in the future will thank himself for this. It will be easier for the eyes to perceive information from the screen with such light bulbs.
About Ribbons
LED strips are sold in coils of 5 m. This length is always enough to create an effective and high-quality display backlight.
The product is very easy to connect to the device board. It is enough to follow simple instructions.
Also, the tapes are characterized by low power consumption, despite the fact that the power of the light source is large enough. Most often, LEDs require a voltage of only 12-24 V.
Diodes never get too hot during operation. This is extremely important, as overheating of the bulbs is the reason for the breakdown of the lamps built into the display structures.
Old-style light bulbs can also break due to the fact that the device is often turned on or off. But diodes are not afraid.
LED strips are very resistant to all kinds of external influences. This also contributes to their durability. Using them, you can be sure that the risks of damage to them are minimized.
Thus, replacing outdated or broken display lighting leads to many positive consequences. However, before you make the monitor backlight on the LED strip, you should carefully read the instructions, and when performing the task, you should carefully follow all the recommendations. Then the new backlight will last a long time and will please the owner.
LED myths
If you ask each user of technology with monitors a question, would he replace the LCD with the same one, but with LED backlighting, in 90% of cases the answer will be yes. However, to explain why it will be better than traditional CCFL technologies, most will not be able to. At best, it will retell one of the myths that are widespread today, which have overgrown with LED backlighting.
However, there is no particular difficulty in understanding LED technology. A little knowledge is enough, and the myths about her will be debunked.
Myth 1: LED is better than LCD.
LED displays are a separate type of technology that has nothing to do with conventional computer monitors. So, they are information, advertising monitors that are mounted on the streets in cities. On these monitors, visualization takes place using LED lamps - both one and many, for this reason they are called so. They are quite bright, but their resolution is low.

But LCD computer monitors with LED backlighting are considered a completely separate phenomenon. Pixels are formed in them still with the assistance of the matrix. In its cells, liquid crystals are controlled by a signal voltage, they contribute to turning the plane of polarization of light to the desired angles. This regulates the degree of its penetration.
When LEDs are installed in the display, the light source changes. The matrix is still responsible for passing it. Typically, displays are pre-installed with CCFL lamps. They are set on fire by inverters. However, LEDs shine at exactly the same intensity, but consume less electricity. For this reason, they came to computer monitors.
Therefore, LED displays cannot compete with LCDs, as they are inherently different types of devices.
Myth number 2: LED lighting is the same everywhere as CCFL.
There are a huge number of varieties of CCFL lamps. They can affect the most important features of the device. So, if they have improved phosphor, the monitor has a wider color range.
When it comes to LEDs, the situation becomes more complicated. The thing is that there are several main types of them. Their characteristics are very different.
The most important difference between them is the color. So, there are two main ways to implement LED backlighting. First, a cheap and easy way is to purchase white lamps. But for this you need to carefully select the brightness and hue of the glow.
Secondly, there is a much more promising way. There are strips with colored LEDs, and it is their special combination that results in white light. Usually use RGB triads, butthere are other options. To form the colors of the pixels, the entire available bit depth of the matrix is used. The display covers a large color gamut, and color reproduction becomes more accurate. Usually these characteristics are very important in professional engineering, where this knowledge is applied especially actively.
However, the implementation of the second path leads to a collision with a lot of difficulties. So, you need to carefully select triads of diodes. In addition, you need to learn how to control the lighting in such a way that when the brightness of the monitor changes, the white point remains in place.
There is also a difference in the design of the backlight blocks: they can be front and back.
Most LCD monitors use edge lighting. The lamps are located at the ends of the panels. Their radiation is redirected to light guides. Light rays are refracted and directed towards the LCD matrix, polarizer and diffusers. The main advantage of such a device is that the display is thin. But to ensure that the backlight was uniform in it, it is more difficult. They use edge LED-backlight with white LEDs.
In the rear design, the use of groups of LED lamps is supposed. When choosing this type of design, it becomes possible to control the brightness of the backlight by zones. This is great for TVs. But this way is only applicable in monitors with significant thickness.
Myth 3: LED backlighting has the best color gamut.
From the very beginning, LED backlighting was used only in professional equipment due to the special qualities of RGB. She andhas a wide color gamut that exceeds the standards. But for the use of these properties in everyday life, such a backlight will be unreasonably expensive.
White LEDs do not have the same color rendering. They quite compete with conventional CCFL. The final characteristics of the color gamut depend on the characteristics of the matrix itself.
Myth 4: LED lighting is more uniform.
Unevenness in the panel can be caused by uneven radiation of light sources, features of the light guide, polarizer, matrix, violations in light transmission, light filters. Therefore highlighting is not the only aspect of this issue.
But there is a solution. Monitor unevenness can be compensated for. However, this is costly. The uniformity of LED-backlit displays is not too different from that of CCFL monitors.
Myth 5: LED lighting does not flicker, unlike CCFL.
Any LCD monitor flickers despite the common misconception that it doesn't. It's just that the process occurs with such frequency that it is not noticed.
This trouble is not solved in any way. Working with modern displays at maximum brightness levels in daylight indoors is ruining the eyes.
Although the brightness range of LEDs is wide, in theory it would be possible to control the brightness without using PWM. It is he who is the cause of the flicker.
But in fact, this pleasure is not cheap, moreover, it adds a number of technological difficulties, the solution of which will not be easy.
Thereforeany display, even those with LEDs, will flicker.
Myth 6: LED lighting is more economical than CCFL.
It really is. The statement is completely fair, such glory of LEDs is well deserved by them. When using white LED backlighting, electricity is spent almost two times less than when using standard CCFLs. So this myth is confirmed in practice.
Myth 7: LED-backlit displays are greener than CCFL.
It is known that the environment always suffers greatly during the production of equipment in the IT industry. This has led to the fact that environmental standards have appeared everywhere. They are carefully observed.
But the recycling process is different. So, everyone knows that ordinary light bulbs contain poisonous mercury. But everyone witnessed how people threw them away, often broken, along with other garbage. Subsequently, the garbage was burned, and the entire population of the country breathed mercury vapor.
CCF lamps also contain mercury. But the LEDs are deprived of such a dangerous element. Therefore, their use really affects the environment in a positive way. The myth is also confirmed in practice.
Myth 9: LED lighting is more expensive than CCFL.
Not so long ago, this statement was true. The RGB LED system was expensive. The price tag on it is still high.
But the situation is quite different with white LEDs. The emergence of these new types of light bulbs has caused a real marketing war between the manufacturers of LEDs and traditional CCFLs. Often the price of displays withLEDs is higher. The thing is that these technologies are still very young, and consumers have not had time to get to know them so closely. The excitement around them is quite large.
Myth 10: LED backlighting has more contrast.
Meaning dynamic contrast, since its static variety does not depend on light sources: it can be both CCFL and LED, the indicator will not change in any way.
Dynamic contrast is a variable. It depends on the algorithms of the corresponding backlight settings, on the content that is played on the monitor. But when using LED-backlight, the backlight with zone control also affects the final result - local dimming.
When an image has both a light and a dark area at the same time, the contrast will match the static value. But local dimming technologies dim the backlight in the dark area, and increase it in the light area. This leads to increased contrast.
In order for local dimming to work correctly, separate blocks are needed that will allow control of separate groups of LEDs. But this design is expensive.
Regular white LEDs turn off and on very quickly, which makes them different from CCFL.
Therefore, in practice, the myth is confirmed. But if we are talking about a computer monitor, then this indicator is not important to him. Much more important is static contrast.
With proper installation of LEDs in the monitor, you can achieve savings, improveindicators of the existing device. Replacement is a fairly simple process. The main thing is to follow the instructions carefully.