Additional Internet Smart or how to add traffic to MTS subscribers?

Additional Internet Smart or how to add traffic to MTS subscribers?
Additional Internet Smart or how to add traffic to MTS subscribers?

Not all unlimited Internet users who are MTS subscribers fit into the tariff plan limit. As a rule, traffic ends some time before the new billing period. At the same time, some subscribers simply stop using the Internet until a new volume of traffic is provided. But most use the optional Internet Smart and a number of turbo buttons that allow you to extend the use of the Internet at a good speed. What are the conditions for connecting additional traffic provided for on some tariff plans of the "Smart" line? Is it possible to refuse automatic increase in its volume?

additional internet smart
additional internet smart

Additional Internet Smart - what is it?

MTS operator provided for the possibility of exhausting the Internet traffic limitsubscribers before the start of a new billing period and developed the auto-renewal functionality. An additional Internet package is connected automatically as soon as the main amount of megabytes according to the tariff plan ends. It is impossible to force connection of such a service. Automatic activation will occur in the event that the number does not have an appropriate prohibition and the traffic included in the subscription fee has been completely spent by the client. The option is controlled directly by the subscriber. If desired, he can simply refuse it.

Additional terms

If an additional package was spent, and the amount of gigabytes at the main rate was not added (ie, a new billing period did not come), then the second such package is activated. At the same time, no more than fifteen such options can be connected per month. Automatic connection occurs only if the client's balance has the amount required for connection.

Also, potential users of this option and those who already use it should be aware that you should not save on additional Internet traffic. In particular, this applies to cases when it connects one or two days before the next billing period and the provision of the next volume of traffic. This is due to the fact that the balance of the additional package is not carried over to the next month and all balances are canceled.

internet package
internet package

Cost of additional internet

Additional Internet Smart is not connected free of charge. On a numbertariff plans, its cost is 150 rubles. The size of the package is one gigabyte. Tariff plans that use these terms include:

  • TP "Smart Non-stop";
  • TP "Smart Plus";
  • TP "Smart 092016";
  • TP "Smart Top".

On all other tariffs of the "Smart" line, an additionally connected Internet package has a volume of 500 megabytes. Its cost is 75 rubles. How to connect additional Internet Smart on the MTS number?

As mentioned earlier, on the tariff plans of the "Smart" line, additional traffic is activated automatically after the end of the main package according to the tariff plan. The subscriber may refuse such a prolongation and establish an appropriate prohibition. You can also monitor the status of an additional Internet package, namely the balance of megabytes, via the Internet. To do this, it is enough to register on the official resource on the page of your personal web account. For ease of viewing, it is recommended to use a mobile application. The additional Internet Smart will be displayed in the list of activated options and the balance will be displayed for it.

mts additional internet smart
mts additional internet smart

Is it possible to disable automatic activation of additional Internet?

To disable automatic traffic renewal and, as a result, unplanned write-offs of funds from the balance, just dial the request on your mobile device: 111936. In response to it fromoperator, the subscriber will receive a notification. After setting the ban, it will be possible to access the Internet after the traffic is exhausted only when the turbo buttons are activated. You can cancel the ban and restore automatic traffic renewal by typing the same request.

service additional internet smart on mts
service additional internet smart on mts


Additional Internet service Smart on "MTS" is available on the tariff plans of the "Smart" line. Whether to use it or not - the subscriber decides. At any time, you can opt out of its automatic activation whenever the base rate limit comes to an end. You can also increase the number of gigabytes by connecting turbo buttons of various denominations. Unlike additional Internet, they can be connected not only when the balance of the main traffic is zero, but also combined with each other (for example, activate a 1 GB turbo button together with a 5 GB package). By the way, the traffic that remains on the connected turbo button is also not transferred to the new month. When a new period begins, all megabytes for additional Internet and turbo buttons burn out.
