The first LP was made in 1931. RCA engineers achieved a playback speed of 33.33 rpm. The system was equipped with a chrome-plated steel needle. In the USSR, two types of pickups were produced: electromagnetic and piezoelectric. The first ones stood out for their undeniable quality, but the second ones were mass-produced, as they were cheaper. The following pickup needles were produced:
- GZK-661 (in modern industry - GPZ-311);
- GZKU-631 (now - GPZ-301S).

Theoretical introduction
The cartridge is designed to transform the mechanics of vibration into electricity. Sound quality is determined by how good the stylus is. When completing the system, the head is mounted on a tonearm, whose characteristics and features are combined with the properties of the GZS.
With low-end technology, it makes no sense to upgrade the device yourself by installing a high-precision head. If the cartridge stylus and arm are balanced, the record will sound rich, preserving the nuances of the sound.
The cartridge works as follows: the stylus vibrates whenpassing over the plate, the device transforms the movements into electrical vibrations transmitted to the amplifier and acoustic system. In addition to the types listed above, they invented:
- photovoltaic;
- capacitive.
Each design has positive properties and weaknesses. Electromagnetic sound transducers are leading the way these days. Their design includes:
- magnet;
- voice coil.

The stylus is characterized by the following parameters:
- pressure force;
- frequency range;
- weight.
It depends on the detail how channels can be played separately without penetration.
Noise and signal
Magnetic heads are divided into:
- moving magnet (MM);
- moving coil (MC).
Budget models and the average level of technology are equipped with a moving magnet when the holder contacts it during the transmission of vibrations. Since the magnet is moving, but a stable inductor is present, an alternating magnetic field is created, initiating an electromotive force. Design Benefits:
- easy to manufacture;
- Output voltage reaches 0.8mV.

The larger the pickup needle, the larger the head as a whole, the higher the inertia of the system, that is, the playback dynamics decreases. High-frequency playback suffers, quality deteriorateschannel separation. The mechanism perceives loads, which obliges the installation of capacitive phono stages.
MC - the head of a vinyl player, in which the magnet initiates a constant field. The electromotive force is generated by the movement of the coil. Since the magnet does not move, installing a larger component does not degrade playback performance. The magnetic field remains uniform, minimizing sound distortion. Miniature vinyl pickup needles provide better signal transmission.
The disadvantage of the system is the reduced output voltage. It is not possible to connect a pickup to a phono stage, first you have to add a transformer to the circuit. The player works well if it is shielded from stray interference.
Another difference between MC and MM heads is the technology for replacing components. The MM-system allows a change together with a magnet. You can do it at home without much experience. The MC head will have to be taken to a repair shop or even sent to the manufacturer.
But the sharpening of the pickup needle is usually elliptical in both types of cartridges. This design detail helps reduce sound distortion by half. Expands the range of frequencies available to the player.
Needle in detail
Physical wear is calculated by examining the part under a microscope. To understand that it's time to change the radial needle, you can see the cut strips in places where the part comes into contact with the plate. If the product is worn, it becomes triangular. A worn stylus can easily ruin expensive vinyls.

Records accumulate dirt in the grooves, which increases the abrasiveness of the product. The higher the initial abrasive properties and the longer the plate is used, the faster the system wears out. When choosing a product, make sure that the manufacturer has indicated the service life of the part. They mainly produce equipment for 500-1000 hours of playing melodies.
Degree of wear does not always correspond to passport data. After the claimed thousand operating hours, the system does not lose the ability to reproduce sound, but its quality deteriorates. You can visually assess the degree of wear using microscopes:
- interference;
- electronic.
When replacing, make a reference recording by setting the bit depth to 96kHz/24bit. This will help you compare the sound quality after a period of use.
One of the modern representatives of the budget class is the MF 100 pickup needle. The cost is about one and a half thousand rubles. The manufacturing company is the Japanese Stylus Co. The part is compatible with Soviet players.
The Unitra stylus is made in Poland. The maximum popularity of the part is the 80s of the XX century. Suitable for installation on Polish, Soviet players. The price varies from one and a half to two thousand per unit. Copied from the Dutch "Tonorel".

Modern needles
Increased sensitivity is characteristic of the Denon DL 110 model. At the input, the resistance is 30 kOhm. Weight with head - 6.2 g, clampingstrength at maximum - 2.4 g. Reinforced screw fastening on the lever. The damper is piezoelectric. Model Benefits:
- can be put into radiolu;
- Careful use of the record.
Price - about 33,000 rubles.
Demand needle Denon DL 115. Product parameters:
- height - 15 mm;
- resistance - 38 kOhm;
- downforce - 2.3 g;
- unbalance by 2.3 dB.
Metal stylus, plastic pickup body. The average cost is 24,000 rubles.
Joint development of Japanese and New Zealand manufacturers - Te Kaitora. The price of the product is 25,000 rubles. Features:
- titanium head;
- downforce - 1.8-2.2g;
- head radius - 7 x 30 microns.
A replacement stylus Audio-Technica AT92ECD costs about 1500 rubles. It weighs only 0.3 ounces and measures 816 inches. The product is made in the USA. Suitable for elliptical cartridges.

GZM Reviews
GZM-105 - products appreciated by professionals. The objects are conical, which eliminates the wear of the plates. Powerful magnetic damper, screw fastening, piezoelectric element. According to user reviews, such products are reliable and durable.
Note the reliability of the needles installed in the GZM-133 heads. The pickups are equipped with a capacitive damper and a compact piezoelectric element. Even with frequent use of the record, if such an element is installed in the player, they wear out slowly.
Summing up
When choosing a needle, pay attention to how much it damages the record, whether replacement is acceptable at home, what pickups and players the product is compatible with. Goods are not cheap, the price of some copies is tens of thousands of rubles. If the average level, the price varies around 2-4 thousand per copy. There are very cheap ones - for 500-800 rubles. Saving or taking a used needle is not recommended. Remember that a bad detail irreparably damages the record.

The best pickups are currently made in Japan. Many are suitable for Soviet players. Do not forget to check the compatibility of the product when buying.