How to locate by phone number

How to locate by phone number
How to locate by phone number

Often there are situations when you need to find a person whose coordinates are unknown. This action is not necessarily related to surveillance, perhaps a child with a cell phone in his pocket just got lost.

locate by phone number
locate by phone number

What to do? Then the operator will help you locate by phone number.

When you need to know the location of the subscriber

There are different situations in life. Very often people want, but cannot find each other. Then determining the location by phone number is the only possible way out. For example, they agreed to meet in an unfamiliar area or city, but it is impossible to navigate the area. Or a child after school went to a friend, forgot to call, and parents need to find out where he is. In this case, the help of the coordinator is needed.

locate a person on the phone
locate a person on the phone

As mentioned above, it is possible to find out the location by numbercellular device. A very common case is the search for your own missing or stolen phone. Here it is already possible to use special pre-installed programs. There are situations when there is a search for a missing person or a search for a criminal who is hiding from justice - and in this case, the special services also resort to the help of mobile operators. If you determine the location of the phone lying in your pocket, then the person can no longer hide. "Spy games" are also not excluded, when the bearing is not entirely legal.

Who can request information

Information about the position of the phone can be requested by anyone. Locating by phone number is sometimes necessary for various reasons, so the applicants may be different.

how to locate mobile phone
how to locate mobile phone

The most important condition is that the one who made the request for the service must have the right to do so. If the search is conducted through an operator using its SMS services, then the consent and confirmation of the “lost” party is required. If a special direction finder program is used that uses GPS or GLONASS technology, then the person again knows that he has such a beacon. Without the consent of the subscriber, it is possible to find him only with the authorization of the special services.

When is it impossible to know and why?

It is not always possible to determine where the subscriber or phone is located. How to determine the location of a person if, for example, he turned off his cell phone? In this case, the system does not work. You will not be able to find out where he is during this period of time. In case ofIf a thief steals a phone, it is enough to change the SIM card, and the search will become impossible. In addition, a person cannot be found unless they confirm their consent to the transfer of data.

Which operators support the service

Today, the largest Russian operators have the ability to determine the location on a mobile device. Giants such as MTS, for example, provide a service called "Locator". Its use is reduced to simple actions: you need to send a message to the short service number 6677 containing the phone number of the lost person. Next, he will receive a text notification asking him to confirm his location and consent to the transfer of such information. This is the main condition. If the subscriber agrees, then his location will be reported, and if he refuses, then no one will know where he is currently located.

how to locate by mobile
how to locate by mobile

The Beeline operator also has a similar service: a message is sent to number 684, then the actions of the representative of the cellular company are identical to the description of the MTS rules.

Megafon does not offer this service on all tariff plans. You need to send a USSD request: 148 No. of the missing, and if the subscriber agrees, his location will be known to you.

What should not be done?

The Internet is full of sites that offer programs that supposedly report the location of the phone, bypassing the operator. Are they worthy of your attention? As practice shows, such programs turn out to be ordinary games. Or,if not at all lucky - dangerous viruses. It is better to use beacon programs created by trusted developers. It is recommended to download them from official sites. Many programmers claim that with the help of their developments it is certainly possible to determine the location of a person by phone. But this is not always the case in reality. The cellular communication system has been developed for a long time and is considered one of the most reliable in terms of secrecy, so you should not unconditionally trust such statements.

How location is calculated

Operators use their radio towers to search for the capabilities, for beacon programs it is necessary that both cellular devices are connected to the Internet. The operator takes the bearing of a mobile phone with an accuracy of 100-200 meters according to the layout of its base stations. For ordinary users, it is impossible to determine the location by phone number with greater accuracy.

how to locate a person
how to locate a person

Navigation programs send a request to the server, from there to the satellite. He searches for a phone with the specified parameters and sends the information to his subscriber. The accuracy is usually higher (plus or minus 50 meters). To use navigation systems, access to the network is required, as interactive maps are used: "Yandex Locator" or "Google Maps".

Modern technologies

Special services or the Ministry of Internal Affairs use other technologies to search for missing people. When the phone is turned on, it searches for the closest tower to it. That's the way his job is. Since the towers are located on the ground more often than the basestation, and their range is about 50m, then by determining which tower a particular subscriber is connected to, you can find out its location with high accuracy. But this is the radius in which a person may be located, that is, the search zone in this case is 8.5 sq. km.

If special equipment and software are connected, then tracking is carried out from several points. In this case, it is possible to determine the exact coordinates on the ground, and the search area narrows to 1 sq.m. Since the target, as a rule, is constantly moving, the points from which the bearing is taken are also constantly changing. Therefore, it takes a few seconds to update the live data. Despite the complexity and high cost of such search operations, they are very effective and are used by "specialists" to detect and eliminate dangerous criminals.

Because locating a mobile phone is quite expensive, bearing technology is constantly changing and improving. If earlier only the special services could afford such means of tracking, then today it is available to a wider circle of people. Groups of programmers with fairly good training and a strong technical base are able to create a tracking system for a particular area, simply by entering the frequencies of the stations and bringing them into the base.

locate the phone
locate the phone

They develop algorithms to calculate target coordinates with high accuracy. In addition, some manufacturers of mobile phones provide them with bearings thatat certain intervals, a signal is sent to the navigation satellite that does not depend on the SIM card. So you can track the phone until it turns off.

How much does it cost

For ordinary people, the phone search service is available for a purely nominal fee. This allows a wider range of people to use this service, if the search is carried out using the operator's capabilities. Services such as "Locator" and analogues cost from 2 to 12 rubles per request. The software used as a beacon is not much more expensive. Thus, legitimate search methods are quite accessible to any subscriber of the cellular network.