Pamm Trade company: feedback on the work. Why is this a scam

Pamm Trade company: feedback on the work. Why is this a scam
Pamm Trade company: feedback on the work. Why is this a scam

Financial brokers claim that everyone can make money easily. But why then are there only a few such lucky ones? It is believed that the Internet will help in finding the answer, and allegedly on the Web it will be possible to find a lot of information about people who are well versed in such issues. Often they even give the names and surnames of successful traders, in particular, those who have large incomes on the binary options exchange. Is this information true? And what is called binary options?

pammtrade reviews
pammtrade reviews

Pamm Trade: company and owner reviews

One of the well-known binary options sites is, its director and author is Viktor Samoilov. It is often presented that this is one of the most successful financiers in the post-Soviet space, and his company Pamm Trade (reviews of which look suspiciously the same) guarantees high profits for everyone.

What is known about the director of this project really? It is easy to verify that this person does not receive the kind of money that he reports everywhere. He does not receive the highest income by participating in affiliate programs. It's not hard to see that his website was made entirely for this purpose.

The worker who receivesmoney from the exchange, it will not be so persistent to impose on you the services of any broker. Another indicator of false information from Viktor Samoilov is false invoices and photo invoices. The amounts of money written on them cannot be obtained on binary options, and it can be said with great certainty that such money is difficult to earn even with the best brokers such as Ducascopy, SaxoBank and others.

pamm trade com reviews
pamm trade com reviews

Why is this a scam

To understand this, you must remember that binary options are a parody of the casino, and there are no such brokers that will support you monthly for 20-30 thousand dollars. However, Viktor Samoilov continues to claim the opposite and actively advertises his company Pamm Trade, reviews of which are also mostly paid.

All these accounts are designed to have a lot of customers. Many managers of such broker programs have long been talking about what they can do to everyone with such an account in order to increase the status of their company on the exchange.

http pamm trade com reviews
http pamm trade com reviews

What's wrong with Pamm

Reviews about this project say that it provides a profit of tens of thousands of US dollars. But at the same time, one important fact concerns people who have deposits and accounts of ten thousand dollars and more. They generally leave the Forex market and, of course, the binary options market, because it is dangerous with high risks. This means that there is a risk of losing money due to broker fraud or account closure, which happens very often, evenwith large brokers.

Market participants with large deposits trade on world exchanges, of which the most famous is, of course, the NYSE, also CME. On the territory of Russia, the basis of everything can be called the Moscow Exchange, where you can trade with huge deposits without fear of losing your money due to brokers.

Site Features

The site http\\, which reviews can be questioned, also looks very ridiculous. It is easy to guess from it that Viktor Samoilov has very little knowledge of trading on the stock exchange, does not understand elementary things about the stock exchange and binary options at all.

pamm trade investor reviews
pamm trade investor reviews

The entire site is filled with unnecessary and ridiculous advertisements that are designed to lure new users into their programs. In "Yandex. Direct" regularly appears an ad on the topic "How to make money on the options exchange - 5 steps to success!". It very often comes across a photo of a laptop full of money, palm trees outside the windows and strong drinks in the frame.

Another ad posted on the same network offers binary options and free trading training as earnings. When you click on the link, a page opens containing completely the same type of reviews about Pamm Trade. There is no doubt that they are bought or made personally, since they are all written in the same style and contain similar pictures of money and luxury goods to create an impression of success!


In any advertisement, Viktor Samoilov tells everyone that he is more than well off and does not chargemoney for training traders. And at the same time, he is so successful that he gathers people, and for some reason makes them a lot of advertising and other unnecessary things. It is worth noting that he advertises a lot of brokers and does a lot of things that rich people don't do. Not so long ago, he was seen buying advertising on the federal channel Vesti, and there he advertised binary options. All this only confirms that he regularly deceives millions of people with his actions.

pamm trade company reviews
pamm trade company reviews

What conclusions can be drawn

The Pamm Trade project, reviews of which are so monotonous, is a typical site of a million of the same resources that are launched with only one purpose, namely to advertise and attract new members to the affiliate program. In this case, various methods are used, from unequivocally impudent to quite good ones. However, all these projects deceive people, giving them hope for a good future.

The studies that Samoilov shows on his website do not coincide with his words about the scheme of earning money and methods of analysis, because he himself uses completely different ways of working. The conclusion is simple: he does not understand trading on the stock exchange, and the recorded video is made rather ridiculously, and its only purpose is to advertise Pamm Trade. Investor reviews of this company look like clones of each other, which is beyond doubt.

If you really want to become a better trader and change your life for the better, then you will have to work very hard, and binary options may well be your startingstep towards your goal! Earning on any resale is a very serious work, experience and terrible stress. However, later you will be guaranteed freedom from bosses, crises and economic difficulties.